Fan Fiction

Revenge Hate then Love (Kanchi) Intro

I’m kind of new to this whole fan fic writing so please bear with me. Like a lot of us I also ship Dr. Kabir and Dr. Sanchi. I’m going to be changing the plot of the show and some of the character’s personality. I know some may not like my version and some may like it. Still using the same characters, Dr. Kabir, Dr.Malhotra (and his family), the interns, and Sanchi’s family although I will only be focusing on the hospital and not the families.

Background Info: The interns are not interns they are doctors. Pragya is a pediatrician, Isha is a gynecologist, and Veer is a cardiologist. Sanchi, Pragya, Isha work in a different hospital that was Savitri Devi’s competition, but now it was part of SDCH’s chain. Veer and Riya are already doctors at Savitri since they are Dr. Malhotra’s kids. Dr. Kabir is still that strict arrogant man that had stolen every girls heart at SD but everyone was afraid of him as well, basically the same handsome Mr. Khadoos.

Sanchi had been waiting for an opportunity to work in SDCH. It was the best hospital in the country and she had to avenge her father’s death. She wants to get revenge from Dr. Malhotra for destroying her family’s lives and making the medical field a big business. Pragya and Isha also supported her but mainly came to work in India’s best hospital. Sanchi had lied about her mother’s name on the applications so Dr. Malhotra didn’t suspect her at all.

We start in Isha, Pragya, and Sanchi’s apartment

Pragya: I’m so excited!!! We all are going to be working at SDCH, kitna lamba naam hai yaar mera munh toot jaiya ek din yeh naam kehte kehte (such a long name my mouth will break one day)
Isha: I know right, the best hospital in India and we will get to see Dr. Kabir everyday now, he’s so hot!! Do you think he does anything related to gynecology??
Pragya: Abe yaar mujhe kya pata but Mr. Handsome toh voh hai (do you think i know but he is mr. handsome) .
Sanchi. Tum dono wahan kam karne ja rahan hai ya flirt karne. (Are you going there to work or to flirt?) I don’t get why every female doctor was fainting when he came in.
Pragya: Obviously you don’t find him smoking hot you weren’t even looking at him. You were looking at Dr. Malhotra the entire time.
Sanchi: Well you know I agreed to work at SD because I want to avenge my father’s death and fulfill his dream. And come on I’m working at the best hospital in India, I want to help people and not kill them with bills. Here, I ironed your coats, wanna go out to eat my treat.
Isha: Where do you wanna go?
Pragya: I don’t care as long as there is good food
Sanchi: How about Olive Garden??
Isha and Pragya: OMG yes, you are amazing, aaj to tumhare wallet hum khali karege (we are going to empty your wallet today)

Meanwhile at Savitri Devi College and Hospital

Veer: Dr. Kabir would you like me to help with the preparations for the incoming doctors?
Dr. Kabir: Do you really think I am going to let you help me?? I know you a bit too well. I’m warning you if you pull any pranks on the incoming doctors then I will give you medical record room along with your duties, or worse double shifts.
Veer: You are forgetting that I am not your intern anymore, I am a cardiologist so you can’t assign me any other assignments.
Dr. Kabir: Yes but I am still your senior and I can give you a double shift
Veer: You are two years older than me, so how are you my senior? **Watch beeps** Oh time for me to go…See you tomorrow *winks*
Dr.Kabir: Yeh kabhi bhi nahi sudhrega
***Dr. Malhotra comes in***
Dr.Malhotra: How are all the preparations going Kabir?
Dr. Kabir: Good sir, we have set a meeting, then a tour, lunch and then we will let them explore their departments. And yes sir I will give out the handbook which has the rules of our hospital.
Dr. Malhotra: Good, also please talk to Nurse Fernandez and tell her to have their badges ready by the end of the week.
Dr.Kabir: Yes sir, see you tomorrow
Dr.Malhotra: Yes see you tomorrow
Dr.Kabir: Hey carefully place that we don’t want to destroy the hospital just decorate it. Calls Nurse Fernandez on pager, Hey this is Kabir you have informed the other departments and interns about the meeting
Nurse: Yes sir, the heads of each department should be there and the interns as well.
Dr. Kabir: Ok, ab yeh veer ka panga hai baas, hopefully he doesn’t do something too stupid.

In Dr. Veer’s office with Garv and his other friends
Veer: We have to welcome them our way, that Hitler must have planned a fantastic day for those doctors.
Garv: I agree but I don’t want double duty, pichle baar to maar ne wale th (we were about to die last time)
Veer: I’m pretty sure that they will start with a boring meeting, so we can add a touch of veer and friends for them, vaise bhi kon Danger aur Hitler ko ek ganta ke liye sun na chahta hai (who actually wants to listen to Dr. Malhotra and Dr. Kabir lecture for one whole hour)
Lucky: definitely not me, count me in. what are you planning??

Veer shows multiple bags that he had hidden in his office with some party supplies and his mischievous plans.

After dinner all three of the girls are riding back home
Sanchi: Thanks for driving
Pragya: Np at all,
Sanchi: Tum dono ne toh sach me mera wallet khali kar diya ( you guys actually emptied my wallet)
Pragya: Well obviously we weren’t paying, wanna go to a club.
Isha: Ya let’s go to a club and party!!!
Sanchi: Honestly that sounds amazing but when we all wake up with massive headaches and when we get late to SD then …
Isha: True, how about this… if we have a good start at SD then we will go to the best club on Saturday night and if we have a bad start then we will booze at home. Deal
Pragya and Sanchi: DEAL
Sanchi: Saturday night booze is on.

So as you can tell, I changed a lot about Sanchi and her friends but they will be a good doctors. Sanchi will be somewhat sanskari … pragya and isha obviously have more dialogue. Sorry there wasn’t a lot of Kabir action. I hope you like this FF!! Also what type of doctor would you guys like Sanchi to be??
***New episodes once a week***
Leave any comments, bad, good, want something in the story, I want to continue this for a while

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