Fan Fiction

Revenge and live together (Part 3)

Hi all thank you all For commenting silent readers pls comment

so here we go
Life is to never to small for accepting your mistake and ask sorry


Mishra enterprises

All four were sitting on the stage so the reporters started asking question

Journalist 1 ” so sirs and mams why did you not come in front for so many years ” ?

Radhika said ” personal next pls ”

Journalist 2 ” all 4 of you married and for how many years ”

Neil ” yeah we are married this samira neil mehra and that is radhika arjun mehera ”

Sam ” we are married ago 5 years and arjumand radhika did before 8 years ”

Journalist 3 ” do you have kids ”

Arjun “no ”

Journalist 4 ” mam my question is to rasam how did you know each other and arneul how did you know your partners and yourself to ”

Radhika ” I and sam are nest friends and neil I meet him in my school so he became my best friend cum bro and arjun was neil ‘ s bro so we knew each other like this ”

Journalist 5 ” can you just say about your business and sir you to ”

Radhika ” i am tr legal hair of mishra enterprises which my father found and I am taking it to next level and I and my husband together found ar group and he and my brother in law look after it and I have a event management company on the name rans . ”

Arjun “,I have at company as radhika said and I have am I own branch of restaurant hotels villas beach restort called the friends .”

Anushuk came up and said so let’s close the press meet and many a said thank you for coming on a such a short notice

All four said thank you photographer asked a family pic arniel and rasam were standing

Radhika ” jai ankush many a niti come here all eight stood now take the family pic . ” he took the photo

All four walked outside each were having a bright smile on their face .

Radhika said” so now tomorrow we will start our real life and now time for grand wedding .”

Precap Marrige The real ardhika and nesam

Guys sorry I will post daily don’t worry felling sad our cm passed away may her soul rest in peace to a true leader

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