Fan Fiction

The Revengeful Ghost (Thapki Pyaar Ki, Swaragini, Vishkanya and Tei) Episode 2

Bihaan:I think Kunj is right it’s your imagination.

Kunj: Yeah it was your imagination.

Sanskar:No I am telling know it’s not imagination.

Swara:Okay okay Sanskar but we will take decision when Malay will come.

At night Malay is going home by car when his car get stop.He comes out to see the car.He seeing what happen to car when from his back a man comes whose face is not visible with knife and he comes near Malay and is about to stab when Malay turns and the man dissappears.

Malay thinks

Malay:I thought someone was there.Let it be.

Malay repairs the car when he sees a man and he says

Malay:What are out doing here in this road?

Man doesn’t answered the question.

Malay goes towards the whose back is facing him.He is going when he gets a call from Apu and he picks up.

Malay:Hello Apu

Apu:Malay where are you everyone are waiting for you.

Malay:Yeah I am coming in few minutes.

Apu:Okay but come fast.Bye


Malay cuts the call and when he lifts his face to see the man the man already got disappear.

Malay:Where did he go?Let it be he would be gone to his home.

Malay sits inside his car and goes from there.Malay reaches home and sees everyone sitting together.

Malay:What happen guys why you all look serious?

Kunj tells whole thing to Malay.

Malay:Oh so that’s the matter.Sanskarea it’s your imagination only because I saw you yesterday reading ghost’s novel so because of that you are looking all this.

Sanskar:I think you are right.

Bihaan:Now you came to know na it’s your imagination?


Thapki:So now if problem is so…… so…….solve then let’s have dinner.

Apu:Yeah let’s have dinner.

All have there dinner and after dinner everyone go to there room to sleep.

Swara and Sanskar are in there room when Swara is about go out of room when Sanskar stops her and asks

Sanskar:Where are you going?

Swara:I am going to drink water because water is finished in jar.


Swara goes to kitchen and drinks water and is about to go when she listens the noise of someone is crying from storeroom.She goes to storeroom and when she opens the door


Precap:Kunj to talk rudely with everyone.


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