Fan Fiction

The Revengeful Ghost (Thapki Pyaar Ki, Swaragini, Vishkanya and Tei) Episode 5

After some hours Kunj,Bihaan and Malay leaves from hospital and goes home.

Thapki and Swara see them coming back home and asks

Swara:What you all are doing here?

Bihaan tells the whole thing them and they are shocked.Twinkle and Apu also listens this and are shocked.

Swara:How can Kunj try to kill Malay?

Kunj:Swara I also don’t know.I was not having control in myself.

Apu:I think a evil spirit is doing this.

Malay:Apu it’s all nonsense.

Thapki:No Ma……….Ma……….Malay it is true.

Bihaan:But where is Sanskar?

Swara:Yeah from morning I have not seen him.


Everyone starts finding Sanskar and Kunj is sitting on sofa.Everyone goes in different room.When Sanskar comes there and Kunj also gets up and sees him Angrily.

Sanskar:You can’t harm them.

Kunj:I can

Kunj takes the lamp and forcefully throws it towards Sanskar.But Sanskar with his hand stops it.

Kunj takes chair and throws on Sanskar and this time Sanskar fails to stop the chair and he gets hurt on his head and he gets unconscious.Listening the sound everyone comes out and are shocked to see Sanskar unconscious and Kunj laughing evily.Then a spirit comes out from Sanskar’s body and it is Laksh’s spirit.The another spirit also comes out from Kunj’s body and its Kalpana’s spirit.

Kalpana:You can’t stop me from taking revenge of my death.

Laksh:I can’t but I and Ragini together can stop you.Ragini comes there.

Ragini:We will not let you harm them.

Precap:Sanskar,Swara,Malay,Apu,Bihaan,Thapki,Kunj and Twinkle and Laksh and Ragini plans to destroy Kalpana.


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