RIAANSH : LOVE AND BETRAYAL . Episode 34 . Vansh Chases Ragini


Hey guys,  hello . Thanks for the support you have shown . So your comments have inspired me to write next episode. I wish you will  all enjoy.

Episode  33– Read Here

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Episode 34  :

Vansh and Ragini’s chase

The episode starts

Scene – 1 .

Vansh  : Thanks Angre for telling me about ragini’s deal…i will stop her and take my gold bricks/ rifles she stole from me.

Angre : Boss i will make arrangements for you….

Scene  – 2

Vansh enters his room ….

Riddhima was mending the bed 🛌

Vansh catches riddhima…

Riddhima  : Vansh..leave me…i have to do work

Vansh  : Your work is to happy your husband 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 .

Riddhima  : Common vansh…i have to mend this bed 🤣🤣 that you have scrummbled yesterday…

Vansh  : Ok 👌.

Vansh kisses on riddhima…

Vansh gets to choose his clothes….

Riddhima  : Are you going somewhere….. ?

Vansh  : Yes , i am going….I have come to know the location of ragini hideout….so i am going to catch her .

Riddhima  : Why are you opening ragini’s chapter again…She is not part of our new beginning…

Vansh  : I know it….but unless and until i don’t divorce with her…she will be my wife officially..So before we marry i want to divorce ragini and take my rifles and gold bricks and your revenge of noor’s death…

Riddhima  : Ok …. but I don’t understand…why did you married her …

Vansh  : Marrying her was not my choice …it was necessary  . At that time in order to save her …i have to marry her …The circumstances made me to marry her .

Riddhima  : But from whom do you wanted to save ragini….?

Vansh  : It’s another story…but now I have to catch her ….

Angre came there ….knocking the door.

Angre : Everything has been done .

Vansh  : Ok i am coming…

Vansh sit in his car and went from there

Scene  – 3

Vansh is driving his car 🚗 very fast  …he reaches to  a hideout near viridian forest…. vansh finds ragini .

Vansh break – open the door of hideout… but he found nothing

Vansh  : I think ragini has went from there ….

Vansh runs in the road …..After few distance he find ragini…

Vansh  : Ragini stop there….give me back my rifles and gold bricks..

Ragini  : Vansh  , i can’t give you….because i have finalised a deal with someone…with these rifles …

Vansh  :  I wish we could get our golden days back again….

Ragini  : Golden days  ! Huh ! And why are you after me….you have riddhima also .

Vansh  : I could leave riddhima for you …. I could deceive her  …

Ragini  : Like you did with me ….

Ragini threw a smoke bomb and the entire area is smoked ….nothing could be seen…Ragini use this opportunity and ran away ..

Scene  – 4

Ragini  : Vansh…i will complete my deal. .and then i will leave this city forever…

Ragini reaches deal location…

Ragini  : I have got this location for deal…but no one is here …

Just then Ragini saw a man standing there…. Ragini went near him….

Ragini  : Are you the one…who was ready for deal

That person  : Yes , i am the one…to whom you have to deliver this deal… and i will help you to run 🏃‍♂️away from here .

Ragini  : Password please…

Person  : Which Password… ?

Ragini  : You are not that person…who are you ?

That person removes his face cover …and reveals his true identity…

Ragini  : Who are you  ?

Person  : I am Vaaz….I am another enemy of vansh…where is the rifles and gold bricks..

Ragini  : They are in silver suitcase …

Vaaz : Believe me…i will help you to run from here…but please give me that suitcase…

Ragini was going to handover the suitcase to vaaz…when someone shoot them…

Vaaz : Who is it ?

Ragini  : I don’t know…but i think they are men of the men of person whom I have deal with .

Ragini in the meantime took her car and ran away …. vaaz also went away from there…

Ragini takes her car to the road in the middle of viridian forest 🙄….

Precap  : Vansh chases after ragini ….Ragini gets a message in her phone   ” There is bomb in your car which will blast in 5 seconds  ” . Someone shoot at one of ragini’s men….

Episode ends

So guys…how did you like this episode.. this is a new arc of our story….

1) What is the past of ragini ? .

2) How did they both each other ?

3) Vansh said that he married Ragini in order to save her ….but whom vansh want to save  ?

4) With whom ragini dealt with ?

5) Who put a bomb inside ragini’s car …..?

6) Who shoot at Ragini’s men ?

7) Are you feeling thrilled..?

And much mystery  more . Support me like this and give me your advice

Thanks,  bye and take care

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