Hi guys,

Thank you all for your immense response. Do please keep supporting me like this.

Here the episode begins… .

The unknown person reaches hospital and enters riddhima’s room like a doctor and sees riddhima sleeping.

UNKNOWN: Riddhima, last time you escaped from me easily, but now you can’t. Your vansh is also not here. None can save you from me now.

Just then riddhima wakes and sees the unknown person. Even though the unknown person is wearing mask riddhima identifies him.


UNKNOWN: of course, it’s me.

RIDDHIMA: Why did you come here?

UNKNOWN: Did you forgot? My revenge is not yet over..

RIDDHIMA: You can’t hurt me.

UNKNOWN: Dont be overconfident. None is here to save you from me.

Saying so he comes near riddhima and before riddhima could shout he shuts her mouth with cloth and ties her hands.

UNKNOWN: Now you can’t shout and call anyone to help you out. Now I’m going to kill you by injecting pavulon injection. Do you know, once I inject this into your body your respiratory muscles gets paralyze first and then it will lead you to your death. Actually you might be thinking that why I’ve chosen this way to kill you. Wait, I’ll tell you. Actually if I inject it, you won’t die immediately, it will take 4 to 8 hours for you to die. But these four hours will be a torture for you. You will realize your mistake.

Riddhima cries on hearing everything.

UNKNOWN: Cry as much as you can. If you haven’t came in my life then your life wouldn’t have changed this way. You have done a big mistake. That mistake is going to ruin your life now. Once you die, my revenge will get over. After killing you I’ll leave this country, and none can find me. I’ve arranged everything and the only thing left is your death. So get ready to die.

Riddhima cries and tries to shout and escape but she couldn’t. The unknown person tries to inject riddhima.. Just then…

VANSH: Stop it.. I know you will do this. You can’t harm my riddhima.

UNKNOWN: This time you can’t be her saviour.

Saying so, the unknown person tries to inject her. Vansh comes and beats the unknown person and snatches the injection from him. He throws the injection and releases riddhima. Riddhima hugs vansh tightly.

VANSH: I don’t know who you are. But if once I find you then I’ll make your life a living hell.

UNKNOWN: Already, riddhima has done the same mistake and she is suffering because of it. Don’t repeat the same mistake.

VANSH: You can’t harm her when I’m with her. Till today I don’t know anything about you. But today onwards you will be my enemy.

UNKNOWN: Just think and speak vansh. You can’t take back your words.

VANSH: You don’t know anything about me. Let me tell you, if I take any decision then I won’t change it for anyone. Please always remind this too.. Vansh always settles all his scores with his enemy.

UNKNOWN: Let me place a challenge in front of you. I’ll kill riddhima within ten days. Can you save her from me.

VANSH: Enough!! You can’t harm her until I’m with her.

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, please don’t accept his challenge. He is a devil. He’ll do anything to win this challenge. I’m not worried about me but, I can’t put you in danger. Please, don’t accept his challenge.

UNKNOWN: ( laughs) See your riddhima’s state. It’s all because of me. Because she knows me very well that I can go to any extent to win. Tell me vansh, Can you save riddhima from me for these ten days. These ten days there will be ten different danger for her. Can you be with her and save her from all these ten dangers. No vansh, you can’t.

VANSH: I’ll accept your challenge.

UNKNOWN: Don’t forget vansh. The danger can be in any form at any time in these ten days.

VANSH: Just now I said, vansh does not changes his decision. And you remember, these ten days countdown is not only for riddhima, but you too.

UNKNOWN: What do you mean?

VANSH: Within these ten days, I’ll destroy you. I’ll make your life zero. You will regret for coming into our lives. You ego and your smile will vanish. You life will become a hell. I won’t kill you but I’ll make you to choose your death.

UNKNOWN: Are you joking? You don’t even know who I am? You know nothing about me and how will you destroy me?

VANSH: Wait and watch. You don’t know about me. You don’t know about my way of treating my enemies. This side of vansh what your seeing now will be different from what you are going to see from tomorrow. When it comes to my enemies, vansh has no boundary.

UNKNOWN: Let’s see who wins.. From tomorrow the coundown begins.. Keep it in your mind.. Ten days.. Ten dangers..

VANSH: You be ready to accept your defeat..

Saying so vansh leaves the room holding riddhima’s hand.

This time the way vansh holding riddhima’s hand has brought a new strength in riddhima. She feels as if though the whole world is by her side. A new confidence arises in her, because still now in all these six months, none has spoken to this unknown person like this. This time she is not afraid of this challenge. Even she doesn’t know the reason behind this new confidence.

The unknown person on the other hand fumes in anger. Till today none had spoken to him in this way. None had the guts to challenge in front of him. But today vansh challenged him on not only saving riddhima but on destroying him. The unknown person leaves the hospital and reaches his house. He throws everything on the floor..

UNKNOWN: Vansh, you have made big mistake. You don’t know about me. The ten dangers which I’m going to create for riddhima in these ten days will hurt you and it’s pain will last till your death.

PRECAP: Everyone gets to know about vansh’s challenge. Angre and sejal worries..

VANSH: For God sake, now atleast tell me what happened six months back.. Who is that mask person..

So for now guys, just guess who is that unknown person. And please comment whether you all like this ten day ten danger track or not..

Do comment your views and suggestion if any to be made..

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