Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response. Please do keep supporting me like this… 

Here the episode begins… . 

At the hospital, 8.00am…

Vansh and riddhima stands in the hospital corridor and just the  angre comes there… 

ANGRE: Vansh, When did you come?

VANSH: Half an hour before. Where were you?

ANGRE: Vansh actually I was talking with the doctor about riddhima’s discharge.

VANSH: What did the doctor say?

ANGRE: All the formalities got over. Now we can take her home.

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, Why did you accept his challenge?

ANGRE: What challenge?

RIDDHIMA: Actually bhai..

VANSH: Just shut up. I’ll answer my friend. You don’t interfere in our matter.

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, even I’m your friend. Why are you talking to me like this?

VANSH: Oh! Really..  Do you know the meaning of friendship? There must be no lies in true friendship. A friend must understand other friend’s feeling. There should be no secret in friendship. I’m like that. Till today I didn’t hide anything from you. I understand you and always stand by you. Whatever you do, I always accept it. But can you say that you are true in our friendship? Didn’t you hide anything from me?

RIDDHIMA: ( Now understood his anger and reason for all his questions) Vansh…  actually..

VANSH: Please riddhima, don’t say anything. Just answer yes or no. 

Are you hiding anything from me? 

ANGRE: Vansh, what happened? Why are you so angry? Till today I have not seen you speaking like this to riddhima.

VANSH: Wait, angre. First I need riddhima to answer my question. Riddhima I’m asking you. Just say yes or no.

RIDDHIMA: ( Cries) Vansh please, don’t talk like this. It’s hurting me.

VANSH: Even your secret and lies are hurting me. Just answer me, are you hiding anything from me? I know the answer, but still I want to hear it from your mouth..

RIDDHIMA: Yes vansh. But my intention is not to hurt you or to decieve you. I just want you to be happy and safe.

VANSH: I know riddhima, but you didn’t understand me. How can I be happy when you are crying? Ok. Now atleast tell me who is that person? What happened six months back?

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, please understand me. I don’t want you to fall in danger because of me.

VANSH: So you want me to stay away from you and see your tears. Until you tell me, I’m not going to talk with you.

Saying so vansh leaves in anger. Riddhima and angre follows him. All the three sits in the car and vansh drives the car.

RIDDHIMA: ( thinking) Vansh, till today you haven’t spoke to me like this. Your anger is hurting me. Today you have risked your own life by accepting this challenge. If something happens to you, then I can’t forgive myself. How will I convince you now? 

VANSH: ( thinking) Sorry riddhima, I know I have hurted you but my intention was not that. I want you to open up and tell me about the incident. I can’t ask angre and sejal because they won’t tell me the truth. I can’t fail in this challenge. If I lose in this challenge, then I will lose you, I will lose my love, I will lose my life. No riddhima, I won’t lose. I know you don’t love me but I love you riddhima. My love is alone enough for our life. 

ANGRE: ( thinking) I know vansh, by now you must be undergoing a tough battle in your heart. I understood you are just faking your anger, because you want riddhima to tell about that incident. I know vansh, you can’t be angry with riddhu. I must talk to riddhima. 

All the three reaches the AR Mansion. 

At AR Mansion… 

Ishani, sia, sejal and Kabir we’re already present there for welcoming riddhima. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh please, don’t be like this. Talk with me.

VANSH: just shut up. I’m not going to talk with you until you answer me.

Saying so vansh goes to the lawn. Ishani and sia follows him. While sejal, Kabir and angre tries to convince the crying riddhima.

ISHANI: Bhai, what happened? Why are you angry? Why is riddhima crying?

SIA: Bhai, please tell us..

Vansh tells them about the mask person and his challenge.

SIA: Bhai, who is that mask person?

VANSH: I don’t know sia. Only riddhima, sejal and angre knows about it.

ISHANI: Then bhai, why didn’t you ask angre? 

VANSH: No ishani, riddhima asked angre not to reveal about anything. So I think even sejal will not say anything about that incident.

SIA: Bhai, when you don’t know anything about that person how come you accepted his challenge? Why did you accept it?

VANSH: After coming from London, within two hours I found about riddhima’s changed behaviour. So I’ve asked a person to keep an eye on riddhima and to collect details regarding that particular day incident. Through that person I got to know that there was someone who want to hurt riddhima. Do you remember that you told me that a day before my arrival riddhima was supposed to be hit by a car and Kabir saved her. 

SIA: Yes bhai.. 

VANSH: That’s because of this unknown person. After hearing that I understood that riddhima is afraid of that unknown person. Even yesterday during our new year celebration this unknown person was there and today when I saw him I came to a conclusion that this unknown person must be that masked person. I just thought to bring an end to riddhima’s fear and worries. So forgetting everything I accepted that challenge. Now within these ten days this six months game will come to an end. 

ISHANI: Bhai, but why did you spoke like that to riddhima?

VANSH: Ishani, I know very well that riddhima must have got hurt by my anger. But I want her to open up about that person. Only then I’ll be able to defeat him. 

SIA: But bhai….

VANSH: Don’t worry sia, just wait and watch.. Within ten minutes riddhima will come and speak to me.. Once she tells me everything, I’ll get my riddhima back. I won’t lose my riddhima… .

ISHANI& SIA: ( unison) My riddhima!! 

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made…

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