Hi guys,

Thank you all for your immense response. Please do keep supporting me like this.

Here the episode begins… .

Meanwhile inside the house riddhima informs angre, sejal and Kabir about vansh’s challenge. Now angre and sejal understood the reason behing vansh anger.

ANGRE: Riddhu, please try to understand. Just tell him about everything that happened six months back.

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, how will I?

SEJAL: Riddhima, even I think bhai is right. You must tell everything to vansh bhai.

ANGRE: Riddhu, till today I have not seen vansh in this state. Till today he haven’t failed in his business or in any challenge. But today if you don’t open up then he’ll surely lose and it’s not only about the challenge, it is you riddhu. And I’m sure that vansh will never talk to you until you open up.

KABIR: Guys which truth are you all speaking about? I can’t understand anything.

ANGRE: Actually Kabir…

SEJAL: Bhai, you don’t have to explain anything to him. That’s not important now. Now you please take riddhima and try to convince vansh bhai.

KABIR: ( thinking) I don’t know what this girl is thinking about me.

SEJAL: Idiot..

KABIR: What!! Do you have any power like hearing others mind voice.

SEJAL: No. Even if I have any such power, I don’t have any interest in hearing your mind voice. Because, according to me you are such a idiot and I will never listen to an idiot’s mind voice like you.

KABIR: I became an idiot because of you.

SEJAL: What!!

KABIR: Nothing.. Come let’s go.

Meanwhile in the lawn…

ISHANI: Bhai, are you in your sense?

VANSH: What?

SIA: Bhai, do you remember what you said just now.

Vansh just then remembers calling riddhima as my riddhima.

ISHANI: Bhai, I think you are hiding something from us. But now you can’t..

SIA: Bhai, when did she become your riddhima?

VANSH: ( thinking) God, please save me from these stupids..

Just then vansh sees riddhima and others coming.

VANSH: Guys, don’t say anything to her.

ISHANI: Bhai, we won’t tell her but on one condition.

VANSH: Condition?

ISHANI: Bhai, there’s no other option for you now. See your riddhima is coming..

VANSH: Oh God!! Ok tell me, What’s the condition?

SIA: Bhai, you should answer all our questions after reaching home.

VANSH: Ok. But don’t tell anything to riddhima.

ISHANI: Don’t worry bhai. We won’t tell anything to your riddhima.

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, please talk with me.

VANSH: I’ve already told my decision. I’m not worried about this challenge but I’m worried about you. If you can’t see me losing then tell me. If it doesn’t matter to you then you don’t want to share your personal to me. After all I’m your just friend. Till today I thought that I’m your best friend and you can’t hide anything from me. But it’s not like that and I understood it today.

RIDDHIMA: Vansh you are hurting me by your words.

VANSH: Today even you hurted me. I’ll never forget this day in my life. Today my trust on friendship is totally broken because of you.

Saying so vansh turns and wipes his tears which was rolling down from his eyes and controls himself and acts to be angry.

Angre and Ishani notices vansh wiping his tears.

ANGRE: ( thinking) Sorry vansh, I know it’s hurting you but I can’t help you right now. Because only your words has the power to bring the truth out and only if you come to know about the truth then we will get our riddhima back.

ISHANI: ( thinking) Bhai, till today I’ve not seen your tears. For the first time I’m seeing you like this. I understood that these tears are for riddhima.

Breaking both their thoughts…

RIDDHIMA: Stop it vansh.. You want me to tell you. Ok I’ll tell you. But please vansh don’t doubt on my friendship. From the moment you told me that you’ll not speak with me I’m begging you. I’m behind you, it’s because I considered you as my best friend. I can’t see you losing vansh. I always want you to win. Please vansh don’t doubt my friendship.

VANSH: ( thinking) I know riddhima, you don’t have to tell me all this. I can’t doubt you or your friendship, it is mere equal to doubting myself. My words not only hurted you, even I’m hurted by those words. This is the only way to bring the truth from you.

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, do you remember six months back I and sejal were working in aryan’s event management company.

VANSH: Yes..

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made.

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