Hi guys,

Thank you all for your immense response. Do keep supporting me please.

Here the episode begins…

( The man who saved riddhima is kabir)

KABIR: Riddhima have you gone mad? What are you doing here that too in this state?

RIDDHIMA: sorry ka.. Kabir.

KABIR: ( kabir understood that she cannot speak anything) Ok, come let’s go.

Kabir and riddhima reaches AR ( Angre & Riddhima) Mansion . Immediately riddhima runs and locks herself into her room.

Kabir calls and informs angre about the happenings. Angre reaches AR Mansion.

ANGRE: Riddhu please open the door.

RIDDHIMA: Please bhai, I don’t want to see anybody.

ANGRE & KABIR: (unison) Riddhima please open the door.

RIDDHIMA: Please bhai, Leave me alone for some time.

KABIR: Angre please calm down. Let her be alone for some time.

Just then sia, ishani and sejal comes there

SIA, ISHANI, SEJAL: Bhai, what happened to Riddhima?

ANGRE: How do you guys know?

KABIR: Angre, actually after informing you I informed them. I thought they might know something regarding today’s incident.

ISHANI & SEJAL: No Kabir. Today we didn’t meet her. Yesterday when we met her, she was normal

SEJAL: Actually, Even today morning, when I called her to inform that I was not well,(before sejal completes)

KABIR: What? Have you gone to the hospital? Did doctor prescribe you any medicine? Are you ok now?

SEJAL: Kabir!! Kabir!! Please stop, first allow me to answer.

( Meanwhile all the other three were looking at Kabir)

KABIR: How can you expect me to be quiet even after knowing that my…( just then realised what he was about to say) my friend is not well?

SEJAL: But don’t you feel that you are over reacting.

KABIR: Me, over reacting!! How can you say that?

SEJAL: Of course, you are over reacting.

KABIR: you…

SEJAL : What?

ANGRE, ISHANI, SIA: (unison) Guys please will you stop your nonsense fight.

SEJAL: Sorry guys. Actually even today morning when she spoke to me she was normal.

ANGRE: Kabir, just tell me where did you see her?

KABIR: Near her office.

ISHANI: Angre, Don’t worry. Let her be alone for some time.

SEJAL: I have an idea, Until riddhima comes we all shall prepare the dinner. After she comes, we all together shall have dinner.

( All together prepares the dinner)

9.00 pm At AR Mansion

Riddhima comes out of her room and looks at everyone.

RIDDHIMA : Guys, please don’t ask me anything.

ANGRE: Fine. We won’t ask you anything. Come, the dinner is ready. We all shall together have it.

After completing the dinner, Riddhima silently left the place bidding everyone good night.

ANGRE: I think even you all four can stay here.

ISHANI : Sorry Angre. Actually, Mom asked us to come home today.

KABIR: Sorry kabir, even I have an important work.

ANGRE: No problem, you guys can leave. but next time, you must stay here.

ISHANI, SIA & KABIR: Sure, next time. ( All 3 leaves AR Mansion)

ANGRE: Sejal, what about you?

SEJAL: Bhai, I will stay here.

Next Morning,

ANGRE: Good morning Riddhu.

RIDDHIMA: Good morning bhai.

Later sejal too joins them.

SEJAL: Good morning.

ANGRE & RIDDHIMA: (unison) Good morning Sejal.

The trio had their coffee.

SEJAL: Meanwhile riddhima, What about our project. Did you meet the client yesteray.

RIDDHIMA: The project got cancelled.

SEJAL & ANGRE: Why? Is there any problem?

RIDDHIMA: The client gave the order to aryan’s company.

(Saying so she left the place)

SEJAL: Bhai, I think aryan must have done it. He always waits for a chance to break her and hurt her.

ANGRE: I won’t spare him this time.

(Riddhima just then comes there and hears what ANGRE said)

RIDDHIMA : Bhai, you are not going anywhere. Did you forgot what happened six months back.

I don’t want to lose you. She cries.

ANGRE: Do you want me to sit quietly and see you getting hurt every time?

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, I don’t know what my fate has for me. But whatever it may be, I don’t want to lose you. She hugs him tightly and cries. Please bhai, don’t go anywhere.

ANGRE: Riddhu, I will not do anything. You please stop crying.

SEJAL: Bhai, even I think riddhima is right. We all can support her but only if she is ready to face aryan. She lost all her confidence six months back.

ANGRE: Even I am waiting for it.

I want my old riddhima back. But I don’t know how will I get her back.

Do please comment your views and suggestions if any to be made.

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