Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response. Please do keep supporting me like this… 

Here the episode begins… 

Amusement park, 6.10pm, 

ANGRE: Where are the others? It’s already 6.15. They have not yet reached.

ISHANI:No idea. Wait, I’ll call riddhima.

ANGRE: Ok. I’ll call kabir..

Just as they was about to call, vansh, riddhima and Vicky comes there.. 

ISHANI: How was your day?

RIDDHIMA: Seriously, after a long time, I’ve enjoyed a lot.

ANGRE: ( whispering) By the way, what is this Vicky doing with you both?

VANSH: ( whispering) You better ask your sister..

ANGRE: ( whispering) I think, even you must have enjoyed a lot..

VANSH: ( whispering) Don’t make me angry..

VICKY: Guys, what you both are talking about…

ANGRE: Actually..

RIDDHIMA: Often, they both used to talk like this…

ISHANI: Even, if you ask they won’t tell you…

VICKY: I’ve not seen such friends ever before..

Just then…

KABIR: That’s why, I often used to say.. ( just then remembers vansh and angre’s slap)

Meanwhile, both vansh and kabir waits for him to complete his sentence.. And, kabir notices this..

KABIR: I used t.. to say that they are very good friends.

SEJAL: Great escape!!

Everyone laughs.. 

ANGRE : Guys, let’s leave. It’s already late. 

VICKY: Guys, you all leave. I have an important work. So, I’ll catch you all later..

RIDDHIMA: Ok, then Bye!!

VICKY: Bye..

Saying so, he hugs riddhima. 

Vansh in anger was about to stamp angre. Angre understood vansh and moved a little bit.

ANGRE: ( whispering) Thank God!!

VANSH: ( whispering) Shut your mouth..

Vicky then hugs ishani and sejal.. 

Now, kabir in jealous stamps angre’s feet..

ANGRE: Ouch!!

Angre and vansh turns and to their surprise it was kabir.. 

ANGRE: Now what happened to you idiot?

KABIR: ( whispering) Why is this idiot Vicky now hugging everyone as if though he will never see them for 20 years.

Both angre and vansh see each other.

ANGRE: ( thinking) I know the reason for vansh’s anger. But why is this kabir getting angry on seering Vicky hugging sejal. Is he in love with her? If yes, then what will be my state? Oh my god! Help me. Already, I’m managing an idiot..

VANSH: What are you thinking?

ANGRE: Nothing, I’ll tell you later..

Day 4, 9.00am: VR Mansion… 

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, where is vansh? I didn’t see him from morning.

ANGRE: Actually, he has a client meeting. So, he went to the office.

RIDDHIMA: When will he come?

ANGRE: It’s just a one hour meeting. By now, the meeting must have got over. So, he’ll come within 1 hour. Any problem?

RIDDHIMA: No.. Actually, I need to go out. He has warned me not to go out alone. So, I thought if he comes I’ll go out with him.

ANGRE: Ok, no problem. Just wait for one hour. He’ll be here..

Just then…

ISHANI : Angre, are you going to the office?

ANGRE: Yes, why?

ISHANI: Actually, I have to meet my friend by 10.00am. So,..

ANGRE: Don’t worry, I’ll drop you. Come..

ISHANI: Even now, how did you found that I was about to say this?

ANGRE: I’ll tell you while going. Now, come..


While driving… 

ISHANI: Angre, I need to buy a gift for my friend. So, can you stop here.

ANGRE: Sure…

ISHANI: It will take some time. So, if you want you may go..

ANGRE: No problem, I’ll wait. You go and come..

ISHANI: OK, then.. Just 10 minutes.


Ishani crossess the road and enters a gift shop. 

After 10 minutes… 

Ishani buys a gift and comes out. Just then, she recieves a call from vansh..

ISHANI: Haa bhai.

VANSH: Ishani, where are you?

ISHANI: Bhai, I’m outside.. Why bhai? Anything important..

Talking with him, she crossess the road. Just then, a speeding car comes there… Angre notices it… 

ANGRE: Ishaniiii!!

Angre comes running calling her… 

The car was about to hit her. Angre comes and pulls her. 

ANGRE:( angry) Are you blind? Can’t you see a car coming in front of you. Who asked you to cross the road while talking in mobile phone. Are you mad?

ISHANI: Sorry, I thought I was late. Moreover I thought that because of me you are getting late. That’s why…

ANGRE: Seriously, you have grown up, but still you behave like a child. I told you I’ll wait. Just think, if I have not come then what would have happened?

All these while, vansh was hearing the converstion… 

VANSH: ( thinking) I have not seen angre getting this much angry. What happened to him. And, even I haven’t noticed ishani being silent when others scold her.

ISHANI: Sorry!! I won’t repeat this mistake. Please don’t get angry..

ANGRE: Just come…

PRECAP: I’m going to confess my love… 

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made… 

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