Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response. Please do keep supporting me like this… 

Here the episode begins… 

ISHANI: Angre, I’m sorry. Please don’t get angry. Come..

( thinking) Today, I’m very happy to see your anger. Because, those resembles your care for me. I don’t know whether you’ll accept my love. But, today I’m going to confess my love…

ANGRE: Now, where do you want to go?

ISHANI: Just drop me at xyz park..

ANGRE: Fine, come…

They both leave.. 

VR Mansion:

Vansh comes home..

RIDDHIMA: Thank God, you came.. 

VANSH: Is anything important?

RIDDHIMA: Actually, I need to go out.

VANSH: Ok, you wait here. I’ll come back within 5 minutes..

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, I can go alone. You just take rest. I’ll go and come.

VANSH: I just told you to wait for 5 minutes. Just do what I say..


After 10 minutes… . 

VANSH: Where do you want to go?

RIDDHIMA: I need to buy some designing materials from bazaar. So, please drop me at bazaar.


RIDDHIMA: Thank you..

VANSH: Idiot, How many times will I say?



RIDDHIMA: Vansh, you be here. I’ll come within 15 minutes..

VANSH: Alone?

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, I’m not a child..

VANSH: I know, but still I won’t let you go alone. I’ll come with you..

RIDDHIMA: Ok, then..

They both get down from the car and enters the bazaar road. Riddhima was looking at every shop, while vansh was admiring her eyes.

Just then vansh recieves a call from aryan.. 

ARYAN: Vansh, do you remember? It’s the 4th day of our challenege.

VANSH: How will I forget?

ARYAN: Good!! I’m sure, you won’t forget this day. Even if you are with her you can’t save her today. Because, today my attack is going to be an unthinkable one. Actually, I’ve already done my job. I’m just waiting for the result..

VANSH: What have you done?

ARYAN: Do you really think that I’ll tell you?

VANSH: ( thinking) He won’t tell me. I’m sure, he has done something. What has he done?

ARYAN: Stop thinking.. Don’t worry.. Just a second, you’ll get all your answers..

Just then, vansh hears riddhima shouting.. 

RIDDHIMA: Vanshhhh!!

ARYAN: I’ve got my answers. Run!! Run!!

Vansh runs to riddhima.. 

VANSH: Riddhu, what happened?

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, someone has injected a syringe on my hand.

Saying so, she shows her hand. 

VANSH: How did this happened?

RIDDHIMA: I don’t know. While walking, I felt a sudden pain as if though some thorn pricked my hand. Just then, I saw my hand.

Vansh takes the syringe out of her hand. Slowly, riddhima feels dizzy.

VANSH: Riddhu, what happened?

RIDDHIMA: Don’t know vansh. I’m feeling dizzy.

VANSH: Don’t worry. I’ll take you to the hospital..

Saying so, vansh lifts her in his arms and takes her to the car. He makes her sit in the car and drives the car to the hospital. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, I couldn’t breathe..

VANSH: Riddhima, just 2minutes. We’ll reach the hospital..


Vansh carries riddhima..

VANSH: Doctor!!! Doctor!! 

DOCTOR: What happened?

VANSH: Doctor, it’s an emergency. ( tells everything)

DOCTOR: Don’t worry.. You inform the police.. We’ll start her treatment.

VANSH: Doctor, I’ve already informed the police. You please start her treatment..

Doctor asks the nurse to take her to the operation theatre and do the necessary tests..

Meanwhile vansh informs angre and others regarding riddhima.. 


ANGRE: Vansh, what happened?

ISHANI: Bhai, is riddhima fine?

SEJAL: Where is she?

SIA: What did the doctor say?

KABIR: Vansh, please answer..

VANSH: Actually, ( tells everything)

Till now doctor didn’t say anything. Her treatment is going on. She is in OT..

Just then doctor comes out.. 

VANSH: Doctor what happened? Is she ok?

DOCTOR: Vansh, someone has injected potassium cyanide to her. We have just given first aid to her and it will just stop the poison without spreading further. But it’s of no use. Actually, the poison has already spread to half of her body.

The chances for her survival is very less. 

ANGRE: Doctor please don’t say like that.

VANSH: I’m ready to spend lakhs and even crores. But, I want her to become normal.

DOCTOR: Sorry vansh. We won’t give that assurance. Because, the chances for her survival are very less. We are trying our level best. But nothing is in our hands.

VANSH: Doctor, please do something.

DOCTOR: Vansh, please try to understand.

Just then, a nurse comes out.. 

NURSE: Doctor, please come in. The patient is in very critical state..

Immediately, the doctor rushes in.. 

Vansh was totally broken down..

Meanwhile, kabir and others were trying to console angre who was totally broken down. 

KABIR: Now, what will I do? How will I save my sister?

PRECAP:Sorry, it was my mistake.. 

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made.. 

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