Thank you all for your immense response. Please do keep supporting me.

Here the episode starts…

Sia calls riddhima.

SIA: Hello, riddhima.

RIDDHIMA: Tell me sia.

SIA: Actually riddhima, myself, ishani, sejal and kabir have planned to go out for lunch today, we all will be there within half an hour. Get ready soon.

RIDDHIMA: No sia, I can’t come. Sorry.

SIA: Riddhima, I am not asking you whether you are coming or not? I am just informing you. Get ready soon. We will reach your house within half an hour.


SIA: No ifs and buts just go and get ready.

RIDDHIMA: Ok. I’ll get ready.

SIA: That’s my riddhu. Ok bye!!


At restaurant:

All five  reach the restaurant. 

KABIR : So girls, what do you all want to have?

ISHANI: I want Chinese.

SIA: I want noodles and fried rice.

RIDDHIMA: I want veg fried rice.

KABIR: Even I want Chinese, and what about you sejal?

SEJAL: I want noodles and veg soup.

All the five ordered their dishes and were having fun. Meanwhile an unknown person from the opposite table was constantly having an eye on riddhima. All the five finished their lunch and was about to leave.

RIDDHIMA: Guys you all carry on, I have an important work.

KABIR: Where are you going ? We can’t leave you alone.

RIDDHIMA: Kabir, I am not a kid. I know you all are worried for me but I assure you that I’ll take care of myself. If there is any problem I’ll definitely let you guys know about it.

KABIR: ok, but be careful.

Riddhima reaches her office.


It’s 9.00 pm


 After completing her work she leaves the office. All these while the unknown person is following her. On her way back to her home, as she was driving she notices some children playing near the lake. seeing the children playing she gets stops the car and get down.She sits on a chair near the lake and begins to admire the cool night breeze and the full moon in the sky. 

RIDDHIMA: ( talking to herself)  I don’t know why my life changed like this. Still now I remember those days when  I, bhai, mom and dad used to enjoy. We never had any big dreams. We were just enjoying our life to the fullest. Suddenly one day changed my total life. It took all my happiness. Even my mom and dad left me alone.


UNKNOWN ( looking riddhima from far) : Riddhima, wherever you go I’ll come there to make your life hell. You shouldn’t have done that to me. Now it’s my turn. 

He punctures riddhima’s car. 


It’s 10.00 pm

RIDDHIMA: I think it’s too late. Now I should reach home before bhai comes.

Just then she notices the punctured car tyre.

RIDDHIMA: Oh my god!! What will I do now?

She begins to walk on the road. Just then she notices some goons following her. Seeing them she begins to run but the goons catch her.

RIDDHIMA: Why are you all chasing me? What do you want? Please, leave me.

just then the unknown person somes there.

UNKNOWN: Riddhima, the motive behind them for chasing you is me.


UNKNOWN: Then who else do you think to be? Remember one thing riddhima, whatever bad happens in your life it happens only because of me.

RIDDHIMA: You can’t do anything to me. If my bhai comes here then you’ll be the sufferer.

UNKNOWN : I think you are over confident. Let me check whether your over confidence wins.


RIDDHIMA: For you it may be over confidence. But for me, it is my faith in God. 


UNKNOWN: Riddhima I think you have amnesia problem. Ok let me help you. Did you forget, what happened six months back? Where have your god gone at that time. It’s been six months. But till now, I am happy. But you are suffering. 


RIDDHIMA: Don’t think that your happiness will last long. Soon your all this smile and happiness are going to fade. One day my faith will win and on that day, I am sure you will lose. 


UNKNOWN: Enough Riddhima!! Enough!! I think you have spoken too much. You have crossed all your limit. Now you are going to suffer for all that you have spoken. ( smirks) 

RIDDHIMA: What…  what  are you going to do?

UNKNOWN: What happened riddhima? All these while you were talking big big things. But now what happened? All of a sudden your confidence level dropped, why?

UNKNOWN: Don’t get afraid. I am not going to do anything to you. My goons are enough for you.

Saying so he leaves the place. 


The goons took a knife and were about to stab her. A flash comes from the opposite side. A man stands there but the goons and riddhima we’re unable to see his face because of the flash. 

MAN: I am warning you, just leave her.

GOON: Who are you? Just leave the place.

Saying so they were about to stab riddhima but the man came forward and holds his hand. The goons and saw the man but couldn’t identify who he is. Riddhima just then opened her eyes and saw the man. 


The man fights with the goons. Just then one of the goon holding riddhima slaps her. Riddhima faints on the road.

Sorry guys yesterday I was busy and so was unable to post the ff. But, today I’ll try to post another one.


Please comment your views and suggestions if any to be made. 


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