Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response. Sorry for the delay guys. Actually, my internal exams have started. Today, was the first exam. Still, there are 5 exams remaining. So, I don’t know whether I would be able to post regularly. But, still I’ll try my level best to post regularly.. 

The episode starts with.. 

VANSH: Idiot, We both are slapping your for what you have did with riddhima and ishani..

KABIR: Riddhima and Ishani?

ANGRE: Of course donkey.. Why did you tell that to ishani? Thank God, I have escaped from they devil just in a nick of time. Otherwise, I couldn’t even imagine about what would have happened..

KABIR: But, I can.. You would have literally died by her hands..

Saying so, he laughs loudly and immediately Kabir knocks continuously on his head. 

KABIR: Ouch! It’s paining…

VANSH: Let it be..

KABIR: But vansh, what did I do with you? In fact, I have helped you. You must actually thank me.

VANSH: Thank you??

Saying so he comes and was about to hit kabir.. Just then, 

KABIR: First tell me the reason at least…

VANSH: You said that she was not fine and she needs treatment. But, when I go in ( tells everything)

KABIR: (Laughs uncontrollably) Seriously, vansh imagining you in that situation, I can’t control my laugh..

Vansh immediately punches him and knocks on his head..

KABIR: Guys, I’m sorry. But, I can’t control my laugh.. What will I do?

Saying so Kabir laughs.. Both, vansh and angre fumes in anger.. 

Just then, they both see sejal and ishani coming there.. 

ANGRE: Vansh, I have an idea..

VANSH: I understood your plans. Let us take our revenge..

VANSH: Kabir, laugh as much as you can.. Because, next 10 minutes is going to be ours.. And you’ll be the sufferer..

KABIR: What do you mean?

ANGRE: Just wait and watch…

Saying so, both vansh and angre goes to sejal, while Kabir followed them.. 

VANSH: Sejal, even though you are my sister Kabir is my best friend. I must definitely ask this.. Why are you doing this to him..

SEJAL: Bhai, what did I do? And, what have this idiot told to you?

ANGRE: Sejal, why did you do that? Why are you always disturbing him?


VANSH: Why are you torturing him? He is our friend. It’s our duty to protect him from you.

SEJAL: Protection?

ANGRE: Of course. He is always afraid of you? Why are you behaving like this to him? Please, don’t do that..


Before he could speak further.. 

VANSH: Kabir, I know what you want to say? She won’t repeat those mistakes but please don’t call her as devil..

SEJAL: Devil?

ANGRE: Being her brothers, we can’t hear those words.. Please don’t scold her..

Hearing all those words sejal fumes in anger.. 

KABIR: Sejal, I didn’t say anything. But, now you are actually looking like a devil to me now.

Hearing this, sejal goes is fuming in extreme anger.. 

ANGRE:( whispering) Actually, what we did is nothing in front the words which you spoke now..

VANSH: ( whispering) Actually, your biggest enemy is your mouth. Now, just see it’s outcome.. Now, the countdown starts..

ANGRE: Three…

VANSH: two…


Just then,

SEJAL: Kabirrrrr!! I’m not going to leave you..

Kabir without even wasting time runs from there. And, sejal chases him. All the other three laughs. Just then, vansh’s phone alarm rings..

VANSH: Guys, one second.. When we all are here then, who is staying with riddhima..

SIA: Bhai, ishani is with her..


Vansh recieves aryan’s call..

ANGRE: Vansh, why are you getting tensed? Whose that? 

VANSH: aryan…

ANGRE: Attend the call and put it on speaker..

Vansh attends the call…

ARYAN: Vansh, how can you enjoy leaving your riddhima alone? Sorry, leaving your sister and your riddhima alone. 

VANSH: I know you are somewhere around us. I even know, that you are constantly watching us. But, let me remind you, You can’t harm anyone of us until I’m with them..

ARYAN: This is called as over confidence. Of course, even I accept that when you are around them I can’t harm anyone. But, let me remind you,  you are not with her now..

Saying so, he cuts the call.. 

Vansh, angre and sia immediately runs to see riddhima… 

Vansh opens the door and gets shocked..

VANSH: Riddhimaaaaa!!

ANGRE: Riddhimaaaa!!

PRECAP: How dare you to do all this. Saying so, slaps aryan.. 

Sorry guys, due to my exams I couldn’t post longer episode. Please forgive me. Now, guess who slapped aryan.. 

Please do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made… 

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