Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response. Please, do keep supporting me like this. Guys, I have also posted my another ff’s character sketch. Title is RIANSH- ENEMITY TO LOVE( A beautiful journey) . You all please, do read that and comment your views. I need all your support… 

Episode begins with…

DAY 6: 8.00am..

Everyone was assembled in the dining area. Ishani was dull and upset. She was continuously weeping and she didn’t even sleep last night. Her face looked pale and dull. Beside her was riddhima who was upset and worried seeing ishani. Even her face looked pale and dull because she had been continuously consoling the broken ishani. Even she didn’t sleep last night. Angre comes there and looks at ishani. From her face he understood that she had been crying last night and didn’t sleep. Ishani sees angre and gets upset. She was about to leave. Seeing her leaving angre was about to stop her, but before that..

RIDDHIMA: Ishani, please have your breakfast. Just think about your health…

ISHANI: Riddhima, I don’t want anything..

RIDDHIMA: I know, but please. Atleast for my sake just have the breakfast..

Ishani sits..

ANGRE: ( thinking) I’m so sorry ishani. Today for the first time, I’m seeing you like this…  I’m missing the charm which you usually have in you.. But, I know that I’m the reason for it. I’m so sorry ishani. Wait, angre what happened to you? Why are you feeling sad? She is actually getting married and you should be happy. Because, this is what you had been waiting for…

Breaking his thought…

VANSH: Hi guys… Guys, today morning within one hour my friend will come. Before that, ishani you go and get ready. I think you didn’t sleep last night.


VANSH: I know why you didn’t sleep.. Of course, you must have been happy thinking about your future husband.. Then, how will you be able to sleep?

Ishani gets upset. Ignoring his talks, she runs to her room..

VANSH: See, even she is blushing and running…

RIDDHIMA:( thinking) Blushing? Seriously, he has become mad..

Riddhima looks angrily at vansh.. 

VANSH: Now, what happened to you? Why are you looking at me like this, as if you are going to kill me..

RIDDHIMA: Definitely, I’m sure that one day or the other that will happen…

VANSH: What?

RIDDHIMA: Of course, that will happen. Day by day your madness is crossing the limit. One day I’m going to lose my control and..

VANSH: I’m waiting for that day to see your actions…

RIDDHIMA: Idiot… get lost..

Saying so, she goes..

KABIR: Vansh, usually you’ll call me idiot. But, today you have become an idiot. .

VANSH: Because of being with you, I’ve become idiot..

KABIR: Anyhow, I’m very happy to hear this…  Now, even you have become an idiot…

VANSH: If you are going to continue your nonsense talks, then I’m sure that I’m gonna kill you.

KABIR: Actually, I have to make an important call. So, you guys carry on..

SEJAL: Great escape…

KABIR: From your idiot brother…

VANSH: Kabiiiirrrrrr…

Kabir runs from there… 

Everyone laughs except angre. Angre, didn’t even listen what happened there. His thoughts were fully focused on ishani’s marriage. His brain wants this marriage to happen. But, his heart couldn’t accept that. He is stuck between his heart and brain.

VANSH: Angre!! Angre!! Angre!!

ANGRE: Haa…  vansh.. Tell me..

VANSH: Angre, what happened to you? You are restless.. Is everything ok..

ANGRE: ( thinking) Don’t know vansh. Even, I’m asking the same question to my heart. But, I’m not getting the answer. I’m having a feel that I’m doing something wrong. I know that I’m hurting ishani. But, it’s just for her good health. Am I doing anything wrong?

VANSH: Angre!! What are you thinking?

ANGRE: Nothing vansh..

Saying so, he goes… 


Vansh calls everyone. 

VANSH: Ishani, my friend has come.. He is here… 

Pointing towards the door… There enters a handsome guy…

VANSH: He is my friend, vihaan…

VIHAAN: Hi guys..…

VANSH: Vihaan, this is ishani..

VIHAAN: Good!! Hi…

Forwards his hand… . Ishani looks at angre… 

VANSH: Ishani..

With hesitation she shakes her hand. Angre sees them and gets upset.

VANSH: Ishani, did you like my surprise..

ISHANI: ( remains silent)

VANSH: Ishani, I have another surprise for you.

RIDDHIMA: ( thinking) Now what this idiot is going to do?

VANSH: Today night is your engagement..

Riddhima, ishani and angre is shocked. 

ISHANI: What??

VANSH: Actually, vihaan needs to go to U.S. immediately within 4 days. So, before that his family want you both to get married. Once this marriage happens then, even you’ll go abroad along with him.

Hearing this the trio gets shocked. 

VANSH: So, now today you’ll have engagement followed by mehendi, sangeet, haldi and roka ceremony and then marriage.. Even, I have informed our mom and vihan’s parents. They’ll be coming by today evening. So, get ready for your marriage… 

ISHANI: But, bhai..

VANSH: Do you like my surprise?

RIDDHIMA: ( thinking) This is not a surprise.. It is a shock…

Ishani runs to her room… 

VIHAAN: What happened?

VANSH: Actually, she is shy type…

VIHAAN: I understand.. Don’t worry.. After marriage, I’ll take care of her…

ANGRE:( thinking) How dare he? None can understand her.. And, what happened to vansh?

Angre gets upset and goes… 

PRECAP: Where is she? 

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made… 

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