Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response. Please, do keep supporting me like this.. 

Episode starts with… . 

ANGRE: Vansh, stop panicking. Don’t get upset.. We still have 12 minutes.. Just think over it.. 

VANSH: Angre, I’m blank. I can’t understand anything.. What will I do now? It’s my fault.. If I had been little careful, this wouldn’t have happened. I lost everything. 

ANGRE: Vansh, stop all your nonsense. We still have time… 

VANSH: What’s the use? All got over.. I have lost.. 

ANGRE: Vansh, seriously you are making me angry. Just hear me once. Stop blaming yourself.. Think wisely.. You can.. You can’t lose.. 

VANSH: That’s not true. My overconfidence is the reason for my lose. I couldn’t keep up the promise. I’m sorry angre.. I’m sorry riddhu.. 

Angre tries a lot to console vansh. But, vansh didn’t pay any heed to his words.. Finally, angre to bring him back to normal slaps him.. 

ANGRE: Have you gone mad? This is not you vansh. From past two days, I’ve been watching you. What happened to you? Where is that vansh, who promised me that he’ll save riddhima. Where is your confidence? There is something that is bothering you. Vansh is a person who thinks everything from his heart. Vansh is a person who follows his heart. But now, what happened to that vansh? This is not you? Just remember one thing, until you accept your defeat, none can make you lose. Try till the last second of your life.. This is what you used to say always. Do you remember? Now, just think from the bottom of your heart.. Just reminisce all what Aryan spoke to you.. 

VANSH: You are right.. I’ll try.. 

Saying so, he reminisces everything that Aryan spoke.. 

VANSH: Angre, he said that the place where he had kept riddhima is neither house nor is inside the house.. Which means, it must be outside the house. 

ANGRE: But, you said that you are feeling that she is here.. 

VANSH: Yes, she is here.. She must be here around this compound.. 

ANGRE: But, vansh even outside the house we have parking area, garden area, swimming area. We can’t search everywhere. We don’t have much time. 

VANSH: He also said that the place can also be called as thing and it also has mirror, doors and windows.. 

ANGRE: Vansh, just think outside the house which place has all these.. 

just then, vansh turns and sees a car.. 

VANSH: Angre, I got it.. It’s a car. 

ANGRE: Thank God.. Finally.. But, vansh now we have totally 150 cars in our compound. We can’t check all those cars now.. And, we have only 4 minutes left now.. 

VANSH: Angre, that idiot said that the thing belong to someone inside the house.. 

ANGRE: Who it can be? 

VANSH: I don’t know angre. 

ANGRE: Vansh,  don’t give up.. Just think.. 

VANSH: Oh God!! Please, help me.. I have only three minutes left. I have not invited any outsiders. But, he said that the person is neither my relative nor my neighbour.. Who is that person? Whose car is that? 

ANGRE: Vansh, what did you say now? 

VANSH: Who is that person? Whose car is that? 

ANGRE: Even I know that. Idiot, what did you say before that. I mean, what did Aryan say? 

VANSH: He said that the car belongs to a person inside the house. But, he is neither my relative nor my neighbour.. 

Angre after hearing this, thinks for a while…  just then, something strikes his mind.. Immediately.. 

ANGRE: Vansh, I’ve got it. 

VANSH: What!! Whose car is that.. 

ANGRE: Vihaan’s.. 

Saying so, he runs, while vansh follows him.. 

VANSH: Angre, this is vihaan’s car.. 

Saying so, he looks through the window and finds riddhima in unconscious state… The car was filled with some smoke gas.. 

ANGRE: Vansh, we have only two minutes left.. It can be any poisonous gas. We have only one option… 

Saying so, he breaks the door.. Vansh takes riddhima out… 

VANSH: Riddhima.. Open your eyes. What happened to you? Open your eyes.. Nothing will happen to you.. Riddhima!! Riddhima! 

Just then, angre brings water.. Vansh sprinkles the water on her face.. 

Meanwhile both sejal and sia comes out searching riddhima. 

SIA: Bhai, what happened to riddhima? 

SEJAL: Why is she like this? 

ANGRE: Nothing.. Don’t panic.. Everything is fine.. 

Just then, riddhima opens her eyes.. 

ANGRE: Riddhima, are you ok? What happened to you? How did you come here? Who kidnapped you? 

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, I’m fine. I was searching vansh. When I stepped out of the house, some goons came and kidnapped me. That’s all I remember.. Don’t worry bhai.. Nothing will happen to me until vansh is there.. 

VANSH: Sejal, take her inside. Don’t tell this to anyone.. Let her take some rest.. Give something for her to eat.. 

SIA: Bhai, don’t worry.. We’ll take care of her.. 

Saying so, the two takes her.. Riddhima looks at vansh and he ignores her.. 

VANSH: I’m sorry riddhu. I can’t break my promise.. 

Just then, he recieves a call.. 

VANSH: Angre, you be here. I’ll be back in two minutes.. 

ANGRE: I’ll wait.. 

Vansh moves aside and attends the call.. 

VANSH: Just do what I say.. This is my first play. Get those parcels first. Tomorrow I’ll tell, where you have to handle those parcels. But, be careful.. There shouldn’t be any change in the plan. One wrong step will ruin all my plan.. So, be very careful.. Just, wait for my call..

Saying so, he cuts the call.. 

I have started my game. I know that I’m taking a risk. But, this is important.. 


ARYAN: Partner.. I have a good news.. We’ve got a new deal.. 

PARTNER: Really.. 

ARYAN: Partner.. If this deal gets successful then, we’ll get millions… 

PRECAP: None should speak like this to him. Whoever you may be, just say sorry. You have no rights to hurt him. I can’t see him like this.. 

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made.. Also comment your ideas about precap… 

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