Hi guys,
Thank you all for your immense response? Please, do keep supporting me like this…A special mention to aarush. As per your request I tried to post it yesterday, but I couldn’t . Actually, I’ve planned to post the other ff. But, after seeing your comment I’ve decided to post it.. Sorry, I couldn’t post yesterday. Sorry for dissappointing you!!
Episode begins with..
Vansh sees a box near the gate and opens it. He finds a bomb in it. He looks at the timer.. .
VANSH: My God!! We have only 15 seconds,
Saying so, he grabs riddhima’s hand and runs as much fast as he could. The bomb blasts. Luckily, both escapes from the blast.
VANSH: Are you fine?
RIDDHIMA: I’m fine…
VANSH: Who asked you to come here? Why did you come here? I’ve told you many times not to go out alone. Won’t you pay any heed to my words. How many times, will I tell you this? Does it seems to a joke to you? Answer ke first, why did you come here? For God sake, answer me riddhima..
RIDDHIMA:Actually, ishani got hurt only because of me. I was the reason for her state. I’m no way lucky to you guys. From the day you came here, you are facing many problems only because of me. You were continuously supporting me. I’m so happy about it. But, even you all have your own life. I don’t want to spoil your llife. Moreover, even bhai did many things for me. Since past six months he has been continuously caring for me. I don’t want him to be happy throughout her life. I don’t want to bring any danger to them. So, I’ve decided to distance myself from you all. I don’t want to hurt you guys. Even my parents died because of me. I was the reason for her death. I just thought about all this and have decided to stay away from you all guys. So, don’t follow me. Let anything happen to me. You don’t have to save me or protect me. Live your life…
Saying so, she walks away on the road..
VANSH: Riddhima….
But, she doesn’t even turn… He runs behind her and stops her..
VANSH: Have you gone mad? Enough!! I heard everything. No more!! Just come with me. It’s not safe for you to go out alone.
RIDDHIMA: No, I don’t want you all to suffer because of me. My decision is final.. I just want you all to be happy.
Saying so, she was about to go, but vansh holds her hand tightly. She still tries to go. Vansh finally lost all his patience…
Vansh slaps riddhima..
VANSH: How many times will I tell you this? Nothing lies in our hand.. You are not the reason for everything that happened. First answer me, how did you think that staying away from you will fetch good for us? How will we be happy? Can’t you see that you are hurting us by your words and actions? I told you to trust me.. I told that I’ll make everything fine. But, don’t you know the meaning of trust? Everytime you take this decision. Tell me, how will we be happy, if we stay away from you? Answer me…
Just then, riddhima slaps him….
RIDDHIMA: Even, I want to ask the same to you? How will I be happy, if I stay away from you. Does this have any meaning? I trusted you.. But, you broke my trust. You just throwed me out of your life. You were the reason for my smile. You were the reason for my happiness. Today, you are the reason for my tears.
VANSH: Riddhima..
RIDDHIMA: I don’t need any explanation. I know everything. I heard evrything you spoke with bhai last night.
Flashback: Riddhima returns and hears vansh’s talk. She cried and goes..
RIDDHIMA: I did all this, I’ve said all this to just make you realize, how I felt when I heard that. You asked me many questions, right. Now, I’ll ask you the same questions.. How will I be happy? You told that you sacrificed your love. Does this have any meaning? Do you know the meaning of love? After hearing all that, I really felt bad.. I didn’t feel happy that you love me. Because, you stole that happiness from me. How could you say that? If you love me truly then, you should stand by me.. You should not leave me till my death. That’s the true love. But, you have decided to go abroad. Is this your love? Does this have any meaning? How could you say that I’ll be happy if I stay away from you? You told that you promised god. You sacrificed your love for my life? Is this your love? If God didn’t wish, you wouldn’t have even come into my life. I’ve heard many saying that Iove will even fight with death.. When you love someone then, you can even fight against the whole world. You can go to any extent for your loved ones. I’ve heard all these. But, for the first time I’ve heard that one can sacrifice his love. Love is not a thing that you can sacrifice it to get another thing. You thought that you saved me today but, the truth is you killed me yesterday by your words.. Did I ask you to save me? Did I ask you to protect me? Did I ask you to love me? Did I ask you to make me smile? You did everything and today you have even decided to leave me. I thought vansh can do anything for me. Vansh will never leave me. None in this world can love me as vansh do. But, you just decided to leave me.. You showed me a new world. Now, you yourself have breaked that world. Let it be. You decided to go abroad. You go.. But, don’t think about my happiness. Don’t ever return into my life. You have only 2 days for your challenge to get complete. I don’t want any explanation from you in this 2 days.. After this 2 days, you may go as per your wish. I won’t disturb you.. You don’t disturb me. Vansh chapter in my life will end in 2 day. . .
Saying so, she cries badly..
VANSH: Riddhu…
RIDDHIMA: No, it’s just riddhima… Don’t call me like that. You had this right when you cared for me. But now, you have decided to leave me. This vansh doesn’t have that right. I’ve told you already.. I don’t need any explanation. Now, you want me to come with you to your house. I’ll come. But, just for two days.. After this two days, I don’t want you to return in my life at any point. Finally, I love you vansh.. . But, at the same time I hate you..
Saying so, she wipes her tears and goes….
Vansh stands there in tears.. .
Vansh wipes his tears and goes behind her..
He gets a taxi and riddhima sits in it. Followed by her, vansh sits in it. Vansh looks at riddhima. But, riddhima sits without any emotion. They both reach VR Mansion. To, vansh’s surprise, ishani was there…
VANSH: Ishani, when did you come?
ISHANI: Bhai, I didn’t like hospital atmosphere.. So, I requested angre to get me home.. He spoke with the doctor and finally he made doctor to agree..
ANGRE: Vansh, don’t worry.. I spoke with the doctor. He has just asked us to visit him 2 days once for a general check up.. . Dont worry..
Just then, he notices riddhima standing there emotionless.
ANGRE: Riddhu, what happened to you?
RIDDHIMA: I’m fine.
Saying so, she goes in.
ANGRE: Vansh, what happened to her?
VANSH: Nothing. you don’t worry… I’ll take care.
ANGRE: Ok, I’m taking ishani for a walk. So, I’ll go and come..
VANSH: You don’t worry about riddhima.. I’ll take care… You first go and come…
Saying so, he goes in.. .
PRECAP: Angre, sees riddhima crying.. ..
Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made..
Awesome……..Update soon..
post more soon 
Amazing episode….

waiting for next episode…
Arre, it’s totally ok.. I just wanted the episode fast.. that’s it.. and I got it.. thank u soooo much for fulfilling my wish… Amazing episode… Now I think Vansh’s gonna pacify Riddhu. Post soon.. both ur ffs
Amazing dear post soon
Amazing episode plz post asap
Nice episode
Amazing episode dear
Amazing episode dear eagerly waiting for next update
Awesome episode
…. Loved it
Wow amazing

. It’s really super 

especially riddhima confessions. Thanks for updates 

. keep rocking dear you and your updates 

. iam waiting for your next updates 

So nice and super

Thanks for updates
It’s really good and awesome

Waiting for next one
Wow fabulous

It’s really fantastic
Thanks for updates
Keep rocking
Amazing.. Update asap
YAR! Agli kb aegi

It was sooooo amzing!! Plz post soon na

Great episode!! Cant wait for what happens next’….