Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response and wishes. Finally, my exams got over. Sorry, I tried. But, I couldn’t post the episodes all these while. Hope you all will understand me. Please, do keep supporting me like this.. 

Episode starts with… 

Riddhima enters the house and searches for that hooded man. Just then, she sees her photo frame there. She searches for that person and enters a room. She finds the same jacket which she saw in that cctv footage hanging there. She gets shocked and comes out of the room. Just then, vansh and angre comes there. 

ANGRE: Riddhu, what happened?

Just then, the trio hears.. 

VOICE: Riddhima, what a surprise!! When did you come here?

Riddhima turns and finds vicky     (riddhima’s school friend).

VICKY: Riddhima, how are you?

RIDDHIMA: Vicky, I have many questions running in my mind now. Only you can answer all those..

VICKY: Riddhu, just sit down first…

Vansh gets angry hearing vicky calling riddhima as riddhu. Angre notices his anger.. 

ANGRE: (thinking)This idiot is now burning in jealous. 

Breaking his thought.. 

RIDDHIMA: No.. I need my answers right now.. 

VICKY: Okay. Tell me..

RIDDHIMA: Did you come to my house, yesterday?

Vicky gets shocked. 

RIDDHIMA: Vicky, answer me..


RIDDHIMA: Vicky, don’t lie. I know the truth. I just need the reason for your betrayal. I know that you came to my house and kept that bomb there. I saw it in the cctv.

Vicky gets shocked. 

RIDDHIMA: I couldn’t see your face. But, I know that it was you. Why did you do that? 

Just then, Vicky heaves a sigh of relief. 

VICKY: ( thinking) Thank God!! She didn’t see my face.

ANGRE: Vicky, you said that you consider riddhima as your best friend. Will anyone try to kill his own friend? Who asked you to do that?

VICKY: No, I didn’t do that.

RIDDHIMA: I’m warning you for the last time. Don’t lie to me. I know the truth. I want the reason.

VICKY: Riddhu, you are mistaken. I haven’t even come to your house. And, which bomb are you all speaking about? Will I try to kill you?

Riddhima gets angry. She drags him to the room and takes the jacket hanging there and throws it on his face. 

VICKY:  Riddhima, many can have this type of jacket. It is common.. 

Riddhima takes a keychain from a table and shows him. 

RIDDHIMA: Then, what about this? I gave this keychain to you. I have seen this too in that footage. 

VICKY: Riddhu, even this keychain is common. Nowadays, many people have this type of keychains. It was all coincidence. I’m not that person. How can I do that to you?

Riddhima gets angry.. 

RIDDHIMA: Then, what about your tattoo? I have seen this too in that footage. Will you even tell this too as a coincidence? 

Vicky gets shocked.. 

VICKY: Riddhima, I don’t know about all this. That person is not me. I didn’t do this. I didn’t come to your house yesterday morning. I didn’t keep that bomb in your house. What should I do to make you believe me?

VANSH: You don’t have to do anything.

VICKY: Thank you vansh. At least you understood me..

Vansh goes near him and slaps him. Vicky falls on the floor. 

ANGRE: Vansh..

VANSH: Don’t stop me angre. How dare he to do all this?

VICKY: But, what did I do?

VANSH: Don’t try to act. Idiot, just now you yourself have told the truth.

VICKY: What!!

VANSH: Just now, you said that you didn’t come to riddhima’s house yesterday morning. How do you know that it was morning?

Vicky gets shocked. 

RIDDHIMA: Vicky, I didn’t expect this from you.  Why did you do all this? Why did you tried to kill me? What did I do? You did that, right? (Shouts)

VICKY: Yes, it was me. I did it. But, my target was not you. I don’t know that you were inside the house. I can’t kill you.

RIDDHIMA: Don’t lie.

VICKY: No.. I’m not lying. I’ll prove it to you.

Saying so, he holds her hand and takes her to a room. 

Vansh in anger goes behind them. Angre too follows them. 

VICKY: See.. This is my world. This is my life. This is my everything. Everyday my life starts here and ends here. 

Riddhima gets shocked. She sees her photos hanging on the wall. The room was full of her photos. Riddhima notices a particular photo and sees a note written as” MY LOVE”. She gets shocked.. 

Vansh in anger tries to slap him, but Angre stops him. 

VICKY: Riddhu, you were my past. You are my present. You will be my future too. Now tell me. How will I kill you?

ANGRE: Then, why did you keep that bomb?

VICKY: My target was vansh..

Vansh, angre and riddhima gets shocked. 

VICKY: Two days back, I received a call from an unknown number. It was aryan. He asked me to meet him. First I refused. But, he again and again called me and asked me to meet him. Finally, I went to that place. He told me that vansh loves you. He even showed me some photos and told me about your confession in that godown. He gave that bomb to me and asked me to keep it near your house gate. He told me that vansh will come there. He told that if vansh dies then, you’ll love me. I thought for sometime. I agreed to his deal. When I came to your house. I found the gate open. I told aryan about that. But, he asked me to just keep that box there and lock the gate.

Vansh, riddhima and angre gets shocked hearing his confession. 

VICKY: Seriously riddhu, I don’t know that you were inside that house. I thought that if vansh dies then, you’ll understand my love. I can’t live without you. I don’t want vansh to interfere in our life. I did all that to kill vansh.

Riddhima slaps him repeatedly. 

RIDDHIMA: How dare you to do all this? I considered you as my friend. Now, there is nothing between you and me.

Saying so, she tries to go. But, Vicky holds her hand. Vansh immediately slaps him. 

RIDDHIMA: Vicky, I can’t love you. I don’t have any place for you in my heart. Please, understand. Better, you forget me. Don’t ever try to contact me.

Vansh who was hearing all this smiles. Angre notices him. 

ANGRE: (thinking)I think this idiot has gone mad. How is he able to smile in this serious situation?

Vansh sees angre seeing him. 

VANSH: (murmuring) Idiot, why are you looking at me? Is there anything on my face. 

ANGRE: (murmuring) Your smile.

VANSH: (murmuring) Shut up.

VICKY: Riddhima, I can’t forget you. I won’t leave you. I’ll find some way to reach you. If vansh is the only obstacle in that way. Then, I won’t even think a second to kill him.. 

Just then, riddhima slaps him. 

RIDDHIMA: Don’t try to harm him even in your dream.

Saying so, she goes. While vansh and angre follows him. 

The trio reaches the VR Mansion.. 

DAY 9, 7.00pm..

Angre was standing in the garden. Vansh comes there and sees him being upset. 

VANSH: Angre, what happened? What are you thinking? 

ANGRE: Vansh, today nothing wrong happened. It means aryan is planning something big. Tomorrow is the last day of your challenge. I’m worried..

VANSH: Whether I’ll win or lose?

ANGRE: No.. Vansh won’t lose. I know you will win.

VANSH: Then, why were you worried?

ANGRE: Tomorrow you have planned to go abroad. I don’t want to lose my friend.

VANSH: Nothing wrong will happen until I’m here. Cheer up..

Just then, ishani calls angre. So, he goes.. 

VANSH: (thinking) Tomorrow is the last day of this challenge. Only god knows, what will happen? I know that aryan won’t easily accept his defeat. I have to be alert. Tomorrow will be the hard day in my life. I won’t lose my riddhima.

On the other hand riddhima thinks.. 

RIDDHIMA: Tomorrow will be a bad day in my life. I’m going to lose Vansh.. I don’t want this to happen. But, only god knows..

ANGRE: (thinking) I won’t allow vansh to leave. Tomorrow, I need both my friend and my sister at the end of the day. I want their love to win..

Meanwhile aryan was standing in a tall building.

ARYAN: Tomorrow is the last day of my challenge. I won’t lose. I’ll kill riddhima. I want to see the pain of defeat in vansh’s eyes. Tomorrow will be my day.. I’m going to play in many lives. None will be there to save riddhima. I’ll trap evryone in such a way that they can’t help her.. Tomorrow, I’m going to shake the VR Mansion..

Saying so, he laughs… 

PRECAP: Uma leaves the house…  

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