Hi guys,

Thank you all for your immense response.

Here the episode begins…

12.00am at the hospital

ANGRE: Vansh you leave. I will take care of riddhima. Doctor said that tomorrow morning he’ll discharge her.

SEJAL: Bhai, I too will stay with you. Even if I go home, I won’t sleep. Better, I’ll stay with you.


VANSH: Ok guys, I’ll inform riddhima and leave. Tomorrow morning I’ll come here and together we’ll go home.

ISHANI: Bhai, fast. Mom had already called me twice. We have to leave. Even she is eager to see her son after six months.

VANSH: Just two minutes. I’ll see riddhima and come.

Saying so vansh goes to see her.

As vansh enters the room he sees riddhima sleeping. He decides to leave without disturbing her. As he was about to leave he notices a drop of tear coming from her closed eyes. He gently wipes her tears and leaves the place. 

Vansh leaves the hospital along with sia and ishani. While driving he thinks of all the incidents that happened.

VANSH: ( thinking) I know riddhima that you have changed a lot in these six months.  My riddhima who enjoyed her life to the fullest is now even crying in her sleep. What must be the reason? Why was she crying? What happened? Some how I must find answers for all my questions. I can’t see you in pain.


As soon as vansh, ishani and sia reaches home, uma comes out and hugs vansh.

UMA: Vansh, How are you?

VANSH: Mom, I’m fine. How are you?

UMA: I’m fine. Ishani told me everything. Is riddhima fine now?

VANSH: she is fine mom.

ISHANI: Sia, I think mom forgot that she even has two girls and they are right in front of her.

SIA: Even I think so. For her eyes only vansh bhai is visible now.

UMA: Shut up idiots. For me, you all three are same.

The all four hug together. 

ISHANI: Mom, I’m so tired. I’m going to my room. Good night!!

SIA: Mom even I’m tired. I’m going to my room. Good night!!

UMA: Good night!!

Just then she notices vansh. 

UMA: Vansh, what happened? Are you ok?

VANSH: Nothing mom.

UMA: Go and take rest. We’ll talk in the morning. Good night!!

VANSH: Good night mom.


MORNING 8.00 am: 

VANSH: I think I should first talk with ishani and sia. May be I’ll get to know something from them.

Vansh calls ishani and asks her to come to his room along with sia.

ISHANI: Bhai, why did you call us.

VANSH: Actually, ishani I want to know the reason behind riddhima’s changed behaviour.

ISHANI: Bhai, we don’t know what exactly happened. But before six months after you went to london, one night riddhima came running to home. She was very much afraid and her whole body was shivering. We tried to ask the reason but she had been continuously crying and she locked herself in her room. For almost one week she didn’t speak to anyone. After that constantly she used to remember that day and used to cry often. We tried a lot to bring her back to normal, but couldn’t.

VANSH: What happened to uncle and aunt? Even they didn’t come to the hospital yesterday?

SIA: Bhai, are you asking about riddhima’s mom and dad?

VANSH: Yes..

SIA: Bhai actually following that incident after one week riddhima’s mom and dad died in an accident. After that riddhima was totally broken. We don’t know how to bring her back to normal.

VANSH: What!! Why didn’t angre or riddhima inform about all these to me?

SIA: Because bhai, angre knows that if you came to know about all these then you’ll come here. He don’t want to disturb you.

VANSH: Ok. Why didn’t you  both tell me?

ISHANI: Bhai,  actually angre asked us not to reveal anything to you. Because, he don’t want you to lose your project.

Just then uma calls ishani and she leaves.

SIA: Bhai I forgot to tell, even two days back something happened it seems.

VANSH: What are you saying?

SIA: Bhai, actually two days back Kabir saved riddhima from an accident. He said that she was running on the road without even noticing the vehicles crossing.

VANSH: what!! Has she gone mad. Did she anything about what happened?

SIA: No bhai, she didn’t say anything. But later when I asked sejal, she said that she was upset because a project which was earlier given to riddhima was cancelled and the client gave the project to another company.

SIA: Sorry bhai. Even I didn’t inform you about these things to you, because we all thought not to disturb you. But bhai I’m sure that there is someone who is behind all these happenings.

VANSH: What!! Who is that? How do you know?

SIA: Bhai, one day sejal told me that he will not leave riddhima. But I don’t know anything about that person. Even I forgot to ask about that person. Only now I remembered about him.

Saying so she leaves the place.

VANSH: ( thinking) So, finally what I thought was right. But, still I didn’t get my answer. What happened that took my riddhima’s happiness from her. Who is the reason behind her tears. I’m sure that once I get to know about him I’ll not spare him. I’ll show him the real hell. But how will I get to know about him.

Suddenly he thought of someone.

VANSH: So that person can answer all my questions.

Sorry guys, for the late update. 

Do comment your views and Suggestion if any to be made.

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