Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response. Please, do keep supporting me like this. 

Episode begins with… 

The doctors treats both vansh and sejal. Meanwhile, riddhima goes to the hospital temple. Riddhima thinks about kabir’s words.. 

RIDDHIMA: This is not my wish. All this happened because of me. But, what Kabir told was right.. All are suffering because of me. What will I do now? Actually, even if I want to cry, I couldn’t cry. There is not even a drop of tear left in my eyes. In this ten days I have cried much. Now, my only prayer is both vansh and sejal should get well.. I don’t want anything other than this. If something happens to them then, I can’t forgive myself. Please, help me. Nothing should happen to both.. 

She closes her eyes and prays.. 

Meanwhile at the hospital, the doctor comes and informs all that sejal is out of danger. 

ANGRE: What about vansh, doctor? 

DOCTOR: Operation is successful. He is out of danger. But, he is still unconscious. You can’t see him now.

KABIR: Can we see sejal?

DOCTOR: Yes.. But, don’t disturb her..

Kabir and others goes to see sejal. Kabir looks at sejal and cries.. 

ANGRE: Now, why do you want to cry? She is fine. You were crying continuously. At least now you should smile.. 

KABIR: You are right.. 

Sejal just then, opens her eyes… 

KABIR: Sejal, you have grown up. But, can’t you even cross the road properly. Should I even teach you to cross the road? Why do you always behave strange? 

SEJAL: Because, I’m one piece.

KABIR: Even I’m saying this. You are one piece. I can’t get another sejal even if I search in this whole world. Then, what will I do?

SEJAL: If you worry so much. Then, you should have been with me and taken care of me, right? Why did you go? You won’t be there when I need you..

KABIR: Hereafter, I’ll be there with you. I won’t leave you alone. I’ll be always with you and teach you to take care of yourself. I’m going to torture you with my love..

Saying so, he cries.. 

SEJAL: If you are going to be with me and take care of me, then nothing will happen to me. In that case, why are you crying? And what did you say? You’ll torture me with your love? Just wait and watch. Once I get well, I’ll torture you with my love. I won’t even give a chance for you. I’ll make you do all my works and even put a condition that if you want to live with me then, you have to do those works..

KABIR: Why should I do it?

Meanwhile ishani, sia and angre looks at each other seeing their conversation and fight.. 

ANGRE: Wait.. Wait.. 

ISHANI: What happened to you both?

SIA: You both could have said I Love you instead of saying all this..

KABIR&SEJAL: I love you..

They both look at each other.. 

ANGRE: Actually, the truth is you both are one piece. There can’t be another sejal as well as another Kabir..

ISHANI: Finally, sejal you have got your life partner. I have thought many times as, who will be that unlucky person?

SEJAL: Unlucky person?

KABIR: Thank God! At least you understood my problem..

SEJAL: Kabir, once I get well I’ll kill you..

KABIR: I’m waiting..

Sejal and other laughs.. 

SEJAL: Bhai, what happened to riddhima? Where is vansh bhai? What happend to aryan?

Angre tells her everything about that happened. 

SEJAL: Is bhai fine now? 

ANGRE: Don’t worry. He is fine..

SEJAL: But bhai, where is riddhima? I thought that she’ll be the first person to come and see me. She must have totally broken after hearing about me. Where did she go?

ANGRE: She has went to the temple?

Saying so, he signs Kabir not to say anything. 

Angre, ishani and sia comes out.. 

Just then, the doctor comes there.. 

DOCTOR: Vansh has regained conscious. You all can see him. But, don’t disturb him.. 

SIA: You both go in. I’ll inform riddhima and comes..

Angre and ishani goes in. Sia calls riddhima and informs her about sejal and vansh. Riddhima gets happy and leaves the temple.. 

ANGRE: Vansh, are you fine? 

VANSH: Is riddhima fine? Where is she?

ISHANI: Bhai she is coming. Are you Okay?

VANSH: Don’t worry. I’m fine. Nothing will happen to me.

Just then, riddhima comes there. Vansh gets happy seeing her fine. Riddhima sees vansh and smiles. Just then, Kabir comes there. Riddhima sees him and thinks of his words.. 

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, lot of things have happened in these ten days. I need some break. So, I’m going to our house. Please, I don’t want any of you to disturb me for two days. Please understand me. 

VANSH: Riddhima..

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, please understand me.. I need some time..

VANSH: Angre, is everything fine? Why is she speaking like this?

Riddhima signs him not to tell anything.. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, there is no need for you to worry about me all the time. Take care of your health. Please.. 

KABIR: Riddhima..

RIDDHIMA: I told that I don’t want any of you to disturb me. And this includes you too. Please.. How is sejal?

KABIR: She is fine. Take care of her.

Saying so, riddhima goes. Vansh sees her going without even looking at him.. 

ANGRE: You all go and take rest. I’ll be with vansh and sejal. You all come by morning. 

Everyone leaves. Two days pass. Riddhima hasn’t even come once to see either sejal nor vansh. 

VANSH: Angre, when will mom come? 

ANGRE: I’ve called her. She has some special puja there, it seems. So, she’ll be coming by tomorrow..

VANSH: Okay.. Fine. Have you spoken to the doctor? Shall we leave?

ANGRE: All the formalities got over. We shall leave now. Doctor has even discharged sejal. Ishani has gone to help her. So, we shall leave now..

Angre and vansh leaves the hospital along with sejal and ishani.. 

VANSH: Angre, go to your house? 


VANSH: Just go..

SEJAL: Bhai, even I have to see riddhima. Take me there..

Angre and others reach AR Mansion.. 

Vansh sees riddhima sitting alone.. 

VANSH: Riddhima..

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, I know that you’ll be coming. Actually, on this two days I thought a lot. I have done a biggest mistake. It was my mistake. I, myself will make it right. I thought a lot and finally took this decision. Take this. This is the only way tk rectify my mistakes. This is good for your life. Please take this..

Saying so, she gives a envelope to him. Vansh takes it and opens it. He finds a paper inside it. He opens it and gets shocked.. 

PRECAP: I accept her decision. Even I want her to be like that. But, there is a small change in my part. He tears the papers. Riddhima and others gets shocked.. 

What do you think as riddhima’s decision would be? and what do you think as that paper is? Please, do also give your suggestions if any to be made.. 

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