Episode starts with…
Its 9pm, RS Mansion,
Aryan: How dare you. You are just a woman and you did many mistakes from yesterday. Firstly, I was stalking you since yesterday so that I can catch you when you are alone, thought I could find you alone at your home but then you took this Sejal with you and I lost my chance, then today in the morning when you were alone in the lawn I thought to take a chance then but Angre snatched my chance, and when I dragged you into the store room Vansh bhai stopped me and then because of you, Ishani slapped me, Sejal warned me, Vansh and Angre locked me in my room, Vansh bhai punched me, Angre warned me and now.. now you dare hit me. You have committed these many mistakes and then everyone is blaming me. You are such a characterless girl. You first trapped me and then everyone is blaming me. And again, you called police now. Do you even know the cost you have to pay for this mistake of yours?
Riddhima who was hearing all that he has been doing since yesterday got shocked and frustrated and couldn’t handle herself anymore and then gave a tight slap on either of his cheeks and kept on giving him until the rage and fire in her calmed down. By that time Aryan fell on ground and was writhing in pain. He was unable to move. When he finally gained strength to stand, he was walking towards Riddhima but Vansh and Angre stood as pillar to protect Riddhima. They warned him dare he does this mistake once again. Dadi interrupted them and gave a tight slap on both his cheeks and warned him he dared commit the same mistake once again.
Dadi: Children but who called the police?
They heard a voice who accepted that they called the police. Everyone turned towards that side to see who it was…. It was Anupriya
(Few minutes back) (Flash Back)
Vansh and Angre were discussing something when Anupriya comes there to ask them a help.
Anupriya: Vansh I took a decision and to implement that I need your help.
Vansh: Yes chachi. I know what you want to speak about. Actually, we were also discussing about that but…
Anupriya: Vansh, I came here to ask you to can you please call police? I want Aryan to be punished. I can’t see that child bearing something which my son has committed. He doesn’t deserve to stay here. I know even after he committed many mistakes in past you let him stay because you used to think of us but after what he did today, I can’t see him in front of my eyes. I want to get justice for that poor child who’s going through this haunting experience. Can you please help me? Please….
(out of Flash back)
Anupriya: Yes, it’s me who called Police. Because today what all he did, doesn’t deserve to stay here. He’s right place is behind bars.
Everyone was shocked to know that its Anupriya who called Police. Riddhima stared at her in surprise, while Rudra and Chanchal were speechless.
Anupriya: Inspector, I think you got your confession of his crime. Now please take him away from here. And other necessary paper work or any other such things will be taken care of by my son Vansh.
Aryan: Mom, have you gone mad? You are sending me to jail for this girl whom you didn’t even know till yesterday. How could you do this!!!
Anupriya slapped him twice and
Anupriya: Enough Aryan. I have always forgiven you for all your mistakes thinking you’ll change but you never. And today you crossed all your limits. You touched a girl’s self-respect, and I am not going to bear this insult. May be for you she isn’t anything but for every individual of this family, she is a daughter, sister, grandchild and friend. You hurt the daughter of this house and this isn’t acceptable. And from today you don’t deserve to be called S/o Rai Singhania Family.
Aryan was shocked. Riddhima felt touched by this gesture. Everyone had a smile on their faces by Anupriya’s outburst.
As police were taking Aryan away, they heard a voice asking them to stop. As they turned, they saw Vansh who was asking them to stop. Aryan thought that Vansh is going to save him but what he said came as a shocker.
Vansh: I promised someone to give them a chance to take revenge of their friend cum sister by thrashing him. Vansh Rai Singhania never backs out of his words.
He looked as Sejal who was standing beside Riddhima and Riddhima was shocked to know that her friend wanted to trash her culprit. Sejal didn’t take a time to think and went straight towards Aryan who was already in fear and giving him a straight look, he could sense what’s going to come his way the next moment. Her eyes were burning with rage. She slapped him first, then attacked him on his chest, hands and then started kicking him with all her hatred visible in her actions. She was crying, she was taking the revenge of what happened with her friend, the trauma her friend would go through. She was taking revenge of all the pain he gave to her sister. She was inconsolable and Aryan was bleeding but that didn’t stop her from thrashing him. None came to stop her but then Vansh signalled Angre and so he went to control Sejal who was by now broken and as soon as Angre tried stopping her, she hugged him and continued crying. Angre consoled her while police took the severely injured Aryan away. Riddhima came running toward Sejal who was struck onto Angre and as soon as Riddhima touched Sejal on her shoulders, the latter turned towards her and murmured sorry continuously hugging her. Riddhima too couldn’t hold back her tears. Both the friends started weeping in each other’s arms. Rudra hugged both and consoled them.
Rudra: Today I am proud of both my daughters. They stood for truth. They conquered their fears.
Riddhima turns back towards where everyone stood and
Riddhima: Dad, after all that happened in the past, I had only you, mom and Sejal till yesterday but then I got another family yesterday and today this family stood for me against their son. I have no words to thank them for supporting me.
Dadi: Yesterday when I considered you as my Grandchild it was not namesake. It’s a relation we accepted from our heart and would always stand by you.
They hugged each other. She then went towards Anupriya
Riddhima: Aunty I am sorry. I know the pain you are going through. All this happened because of me. I am sorry for whatever happened.
Anupriya: Not at all beta. Whatever happened was because of Aryan and you are nowhere responsible for this and don’t have any guilt for what you haven’t did. I am proud of you. You stood against what’s wrong and you fought with your fear. You conquered your haunting memories. That needs guts and strength which you possess.
Riddhima: Aunty I got that guts, strength and confidence in me once again because of them (pointing towards Angre and Vansh)
She went to Vansh and Angre, and thanked them for standing for her respect. They smiled back. And Angre once again lost in thoughts, that there was something which was not new to him and this time even Riddhima felt like she knows that connection was not different. It felt familiar. They were lost in thoughts, they wanted to ask something but were waiting for the other to proceed. Vansh was observing all this and felt strange that how come their eyes spoke the same language and wanted to talk to Angre.
Rudra: Come on children we need to go home.
Riddhima: Dad I need to go home.
Rudra: Beta, even I am saying the same come let’s go home (trying to ignore something)
Riddhima: Dad… please. I need to
Rudra: Not at all beta. Not at least today. I can’t let you go alone and you are not going to stay alone there today.
Riddhima: Dad please understand. Its Diwali tomorrow and you know after all that happened, I need some time alone.
Chanchal: Rudra, let her go. She needs to
Sejal: Dad I know you are worried. I’ll also go with her and I assure you she’ll be safe. This time I won’t repeat my mistake.
Rudra: But… how can I allow you two to travel alone and stay alone there. (worried)
All were wondering what’s happening and Angre and Vansh understood the fear of a father but didn’t understand where was Riddhima referring to go.
Riddhima: Sejal will come with me and we’ll be safe. Don’t worry. I’ll come home tomorrow. After tomorrow’s event, I’ll stay back there. Okay!!!
Rudra was hesitant and Vansh wanted to say something but before he could…
Angre: Uncle if you don’t mind, I can drop them wherever they want to. So that you wont worry for their safety.
Vansh was surprised how Angre felt connected and concerned for Riddhima and was curious of the reason for his actions. While Rudra gave a thought and then said
Rudra: Angre I won’t mind but can you do me a favour. Can you stay back there for tonight!
Angre was puzzled while Riddhima and Sejal felt that it’d be good so that Rudra would be tension free. Angre looked and them while they both gave nod asking him to agree.
Ishani: What are you wondering Angre, uncle will be tension free if you stay there tonight. Agree
Angre agreed and so they bid bye to everyone and were leaving when Riddhima turned back towards Vansh and was about to say something when
Vansh: Ha I remember, I’ll go after you leave and will send you the images for confirmation if I have any doubt. Okay? And yea I have those designs so don’t worry.
Everyone’s eyes opened wide wondering what they were talking about while Riddhima stood shocked as to how come he knew what she wanted to say. She smiled back in approval and left in her vehicle towards her home in her car while Angre was driving, Riddhima sat in the passenger seat and was staring at the busy streets prepping for the festival. The public were busy shopping flowers, diya’s, idols etc. The city was ready to celebrate the festival of lights with full enthusiasm. Angre thought of speaking to Riddhima but seeing her lost in thoughts, he didn’t bother her. Sejal guided him through the way to reach Ridhima’s house.
Its 9:30pm, RS Mansion,
As soon as they left, Vansh too went to get necessary things that’s when Ishani and Siya started wondering if they were dreaming as Vansh’s behaviour from past 3 years and his behaviour today was totally different. They felt like their old brother is back. They were reminiscing the incidents occurred, how first Vansh hugged an unknown person, he helped her, he met an unknown person and was now friends with her, he cooked after 3 years, he ate from someone else’s hand, he smiled, he laughed, he joked, he helped her fight her fear, he helped her conquer her haunting memories, and finally he went to shop diya’s for his unknown friend. They were surprised and yet happy by his sudden change of behaviour towards Riddhima.
They didn’t know that this was the beginning of a new story!!!
Precap: Riddhima locks herself in her room leaving Angre worried
So that’s all for today. Hope you guys are enjoying and please do comment and let me know your views and suggestions if any needed.
Really interesting the story
Thank you
Interesting…very interesting…

Bina kuch bolae kithnae loag Dil Kae baath samjthae Bol…..
pls mere life Mae bee isi tharha Kae frnds Koo bhejo Kako Bol yaar. Koyi bee frnds Nahi muje
May you find such friends who would stick by you in your thick and thin.
Keep hiding! I know Angre is Riddhima’s brother! And don’t change it… It’s good … And this one was amazing…
Thank you :). You’ll get the answers for your excitement in the future ;). Hope you’ll love
of course I’ll love… I love all stories!
Thank you
Yay ….Aryan got trashed …thank you for making my wish come true dhi…really happy.
Vansh loves riddhima already
….im so missing him 

Your welcome :D.
Such a nice episode!!

You don’t need of our suggestions dear you’re doing a great job itself
Keep entertaining us
Thank you :).. means alot
Such a great episode

Buy why again Riddhima locked herself in room??
Will be waiting for next one
Thank you
Very nice episode
loved it….
Thank you
Thank you so muchhhh

it is very interesting… what a cutee bonding they havee…. CAN’T WAIT FOR THE NEXT EPISODE..

Thank you
kabir kab ayega….
His entry is gonna be a suspense filled so he’ll be seen in future episodes
Really nice episode..loved it..the FF is very intresting
.. waiting for the next episode..
Thank you
Excellent episode… Loved it

Very excited to know that what will happen next. Keep going
Thank you
No words to explain how good it was.Keep going..
Waiting for the next one
Thank you
Waiting for the moment when Riddhima reunites with her lost brother. The episode was amazing!!
Thank you
. It may happen in future
I know exactly the relation of angre and riddhima they siblings and lost in some accident.
Really loved this episode it’s awesome

Thank you
Amazing episode
….you don’t need any suggestions
…..you are too good…

Thank you
It’s just fab beautiful written update looking forward to your upcoming update good luck
Thank you
Awesome yr…. loved it…. R u writing stories in wattpad? If yes can u share ur id pls
Thank you
. No I am not writing amulyo stories in wattpad
Hurray……… Again my prediction comes true………

It was fully loaded with bang……….poor Aryan how many smashes he got
Fantastic episode

Sejal thrashing aryan was so good
Thank You