#RIANSH – A CUTE LOVE STORY – Episode – 29 – Feelings and Dilemma

Episode starts with…

Riddhima: What are you doing here? What if bhai sees you here at this hour!!!

Vansh: I wanted a clarity of something and I can’t delay anymore

Riddhima: What the heck!!! What do you want to clarify!!!

Vansh: You pretty well know what am talking about

Riddhima (trying eye contact): I don’t

Vansh: Then you better know now. From past many weeks I have been having some unusual feelings. Since the day I met you my life seemed to have changed like forever. I started smiling, I started laughing, I started living, I started enjoying life, I started being myself once again, I became that old jovial, naughty, funny Vansh, I started adoring you, I started liking you, I felt a mystical connection with you, there was something that attracted me towards you, I started cherishing the moments. You know when did all this happen last? 3 years back. After 3 long years I want to live once again, your arrival in my life brought many changes in my life. I want to live once again. Whenever I see you my heart skips a beat, a hope arises in me asking the time to stop, I want you to be close to me all the while, I feel like fulfilling all your wishes, one smile on your face fades all my tiredness of the day away, I never felt the same with anyone. Why do I feel like this only with you??? Please Riddhima clarify my confusion. I am unable to live with this distance between us.

Riddhima was speechless, she had tears rolling down her eyes. She gathered strength and then

Riddhima: Before I clear your confusion can you clear my dilemma – why do I feel attached you, why do I feel butterflies in my stomach whenever you are beside me, why do I feel secure with you, why do I feel that no problem can dare touch me if you are by my side, why does your one touch send vibration down my spine, why do I lose the track of time when with you, why do I miss your brown eyes not staring me, why do I miss your this hand not adjusting my hair behind my ears, why do I miss spending time with you, why does your presence or absence affect me, why does my heart beat increase its pace whenever you are close to me, what are these feelings??? Do you have any idea the pain I have gone through these 4 weeks without seeing you or speaking to you! It was no less than a hell to me. What are these feelings Vansh??? Why are we effected with these???

Vansh was just staring those innocent eyes which now had tears and her red cheeks were more red due to weeping and her small nose was now reddish. He couldn’t help but hugged her tight, she too reciprocated. They closed their eyes to enjoy that moment of theirs. That moment was like something they both have cherished for since long. They were so engrossed in that hug of them that they forgot the world, even air had no space to move in between them. None spoke, they just wanted that moment to last forever in each other’s embrace. They heard something ringing breaking their embrace. They were unable to ignore and suddenly woke up in a startle to see that it was their alarm and that’s when they realised that they were dreaming (both got the same dream).

They were in their respective rooms and time was 6am. They checked their room to make sure it was indeed dream or reality. But to their displeasure it was indeed a dream and nothing else. They both recollected what all they dreamt and were thinking

Vansh: Does she also feel the same as I do?

Riddhima: Does he also feels something for me?

Vansh & Riddhima: But first of all, what are these feelings???

They both held their heads and were thinking why is it happening with them

Vansh: Why am I being pulled towards her even when I am trying hard not to

Riddhima: Why is he not leaving my heart and brain even after not meeting him since all these days.

Vansh & Riddhima: How do I get rid of this!!! I am unable to decode these feelings and are these feelings indeed love???!!!!

Vansh: How can I love her being aware of the risk I’d put her life at stake. I can’t take that risk

Riddhima: If it’s love then that’s wrong. How can I love bhai’s best friend!! My one wrong step and their friendship would be at stake. I can’t take that drastic step.



I know you all want to hit me for making such a romantic scene into a dream sequence. Sorry!!! It was needed. If you want to hit me then can send your weapons in the comments, I’ll accept them….😜


So that’s all for today. Hope you guys are enjoying and please do comment and let me know your views and suggestions if any needed.

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