#RIANSH – A CUTE LOVE STORY – Episode – 43 – Who’s this unknown person?

Episode starts with…

Taking the phone, he walked out to speak to Ishani

Vansh: Acha listen, Angre was telling that as per his sources they are in loose and are in this city and his informer who was keeping us posted is missing too. This time their game is going to be much dangerous.

Ishani (jumped out of bed in shock): What the Heck Bhai!! Why are they doing this!!

Vansh: Ishani calm down. None should know about all this. Presently me, Angre, you and Sejal know about them so it should be among us. If anyone else gets to know then their life might be in risk.

Ishani: Yes Bhai

Vansh: So, Angre was struck there and Riddhima was alone so can’t risk her life isliye am going to stay back tonight. Have arranged extra security in our house and Sejal’s too. After Angre is back we shall arrange personal body guards too. Till then don’t worry.

Ishani: Bhai, I am not scared. At least not till you and Angre are with us to protect our families. Vaise bhai don’t you think Riddhima should know about this!

Vansh: Am not sure. Telling her all this now may put her in panic. So, waiting for right time.

Ishani: Ok bhai, as you wish.

Vansh: Acha chalo, good night. Take care

Ishani: Good Night bhai. Enjoy your privacy (giggling)

Vansh: Shut up Ishani.

They cut the call but Vansh was smiling at her foolishness and walked in where he saw Riddhima already to bed hugging his gifted teddy. He smiled at her innocent face while sleeping.

Vansh (whispering near her): How calm and peaceful your face is while sleeping or else always in your chirpy mode as if Rajdhani express. You know this innocence is your advantage. Anyone can fall for your kiddish behaviour and this rock personality too fell for you. You have no idea how important you are in my life. You make me complete. I assure you that no danger will ever dare touch you until am alive. I’ll always protect you even if that needs sacrifice of my life, I can do that too for you. I love you sweetheart.

Saying so he gave her a peck on her forehead and covering her with duvet and was about to go when he saw her diary and wondered if it the same diary about which Ishani was speaking in the evening. He picked it and sat on the chair opposite her and thought of reading it. He was amused to how she expressed her feelings for him. The pain she had gone through in this 1 month being away from him.

Vansh went towards her and caressing her

Vansh: You are a fool Riddhima. I had a reason for not letting my feelings out but you were dumb and were over thinking and were bearing all the pain alone for a whole month. You are an idiot; do you love me to that extent where you suppressed all the feelings inside you knowing that they were hurting you!!! Am sorry, you were forced to bear all this because of me. Only if I took the initiative and dared to confess much before then maybe you wouldn’t have been forced to go through so much pain. But now we are together so I won’t let any pain touch even your shadow. There is an issue Riddhima but trust me I’ll solve that too and then our lives would be free of any pain and sorrow. Need to bear all this for few more days until I catch them and sought everything out. Till then I am going to be your body guard. I can’t risk losing you. I can’t bear that heartbreak. Good Night Sweetheart.

He decided to go to guest room but something stopped him and so he decided and slept on the couch in her room.

Its 4am, Unknown Place,

The place is like a hideout, it’s a dark room. Suddenly someone switches the lights on, there are tables and a notice board which has many images of Dadi, Uma, Anupriya, Amar, Vansh, Ishani, Siya, Rudra, Chanchal, Sejal, Angre & Riddhima. In short there are images of Rai Singhania’s, Pants and Sharma’s. It’s as if the person is keeping eye on every individual’s every activity. Their time table is pinned on the board.

Unknown (volcanoes bursting) (speaking to a photo): How!!!!! How!!!!! How come that Vansh reaches to save you every time!!! How does he get to know that you are going to be in trouble, now this small, small plans are not going to work out! I need to plan something big. I’ll plan! This time my plan would be such that before he can realise what happened you’ll be in my hands. Today, I was near to achieve my goal but then this Vansh reached again spoiling my plan.


The unknown person has found a secluded place from where he can enter AR House from where none can see him neither the security nor the cameras. He almost jumped the wall and reached the backyard and was about to climb towards Riddhima’s balcony when he saw Vansh entering the house and cursing his timing, he left from there.

(Flashback ends)

Unknown: Only if he was few minutes late, then you’d have been in my clutches by now. His timing is always wrong. I have missed many chances to grab you because of him but this time I won’t let anyone come in between us. This time when I make a plan, then you’ll be in my clutches and none could reach you.

Its 7am, AR House,

Riddhima is sleeping when her phone rings disturbing her sleep. She wakes up to see that the caller is Angre.

Riddhima (sleepy): Haa Bhai

Angre: Riddhu, sorry am I disturbing your sleep!

Riddhima: It’s ok bhai. I know you won’t call unless it’s important

Angre: Actually, I need images of some papers. It’s important and they are in my room. So, can you just send me the pics.

Riddhima’s sight fell on Vansh who was sleeping on the couch. She could feel his care and affection towards her. She was lost in how he was sleeping as a calm baby. Last night memories made their way through her heart and she was smiling innocently of all that happened. She still felt everything to be a dream, she couldn’t believe that now she is in relationship with Vansh. She was lost in him that she totally forgot about her brother being on line.

Angre: Riddhu!!! Riddhu!!!

Riddhima (coming to senses): … haa… haa bhai. Am there. Give me a moment I’ll go to your room and then call you back

Angre: Yeah ok

Riddhima went towards Vansh and caressing his face, covered him in duvet and placing a small peck on his forehead, she whispered

Riddhima: I Love you my Love, you surprise me. You have many personalities of which I guess I have seen almost every personality but my favourite is this kid angle in you. You are calm yet naughty; you are lively & playful yet reserved; you are prankster yet composed. You amaze me every moment. That Vansh whom I have known for a month or that Vansh with whom I have been friends with for over 3 years is different and neither of them can never ever plan such a sweet surprise proposal. Seems like you have many such angles Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania. And I am well prepared to explore all your angles and personalities. Tiredness is clearly visible on your face. I better go and first do the work bhai gave and then shall prepare something for you to eat too. It’s going to be our first day after accepting our feelings so I’ll prepare all your favourite dishes, hope you’ll like it.

Saying so she left for Angre’s room and called him

Riddhima: Bhai am in your room, where do I find those papers!

Angre: Riddhima, go near the locker and enter the passcode. There you’ll find a brown cover, in that there are few numbers written on a paper.

Riddhima: hmm…. Bhai it looks like some passport, Aadhar and PAN Numbers, I guess. Right!!!

Angre: Yeah, yeah, the same. Can you just send me those numbers!

Riddhima: Ok bhai am sending. By the way when are you coming back?

Angre: I will start in an hour or so and may reach by afternoon

Riddhima: Acha ok

She sent those numbers and came down and after getting freshen up she went in to kitchen to prepare Vansh’s favourite breakfast. Meanwhile the unknown person has reached to a nearby place from where AR House is clearly visible and so he arranges his telescope in such a way that he can see the house and Riddhima.

Unknown: This time I won’t let that Vansh spoil my plans of hurting you. I’ll succeed and not fail like the previous time. You can’t get rid of my clutches Riddhima!!!! Get ready to face me!!!! (smirk)




Precap: Riddhima:  How can you Vansh!! You were invading my privacy!!! I never expected this from you Vansh! I thought you would give me space but you were not!!! I am much hurt Vansh (tears)

So that’s all for today. Hope you guys are enjoying and please do comment and let me know your views and suggestions if any needed.

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