#RIANSH – A CUTE LOVE STORY – Episode – 57 – Will Angre accept?

Episode starts with…

After a silence of almost 15 minutes finally Angre spoke

Angre (firm): Riddhima, this isn’t love. You are just attracted towards Vansh. Love doesn’t happen this way.

Ishani: Angre have you lost your mind!! Are you even my Angre! Like seriously!

Angre: Ishani, you are over reacting

Sejal: Bhai!! How can you say this! We are reacting but you are behaving cold! You aren’t understanding Riddhima

Angre: Am understanding isliye toh am saying ki it can’t be love. Love doesn’t happen in such a short span of time. Take me and Ishani, we took almost a year to understand each other and to express our feelings.

Vansh (shock): Angre what the heck are you speaking of!!! You are dragging.

Ishani: Angre have you lost it!!! How can you talk so!! Love doesn’t need long time to happen! It just happens. It doesn’t need a specific time to happen!

Angre: Vansh you are a mature person how can you do this stupidity! Riddhu is a kid still! She couldn’t differentiate between love and infatuation. But you can right! How can you get involved in this rubbish!

Riddhima: Bhai!!!! You are insulting my love for Vansh as rubbish

Angre: Because it is Riddhima! You aren’t in this situation to differentiate between love and attraction.

Vansh: Angre you are having a misconception and it’s not a joke to drag. You better stop this!

Angre: You are having that Vansh! Am clear on my stand and am not dragging anything. If at all you feel like am dragging then I feel that’s needed

Sejal: You mean to say we all turned blind and aren’t understanding their love? No bhai it’s you who turned insensitive. You forgot what’s right and what’s not! You have turned cold towards that sister for whom you have waited long and today you are against her happiness (anger bursting)

Riddhima: Sejal!!!! No one has dare to talk to bhai in such way! None in the sense not even you!

She calmed herself and going towards Sejal

Riddhima: Sejal am sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to you such. I know you are trying to help me but you know I love bhai and I can’t hear a word against him. Am sorry

Sejal: No Riddhu you need not be. I can understand but its bhai who isn’t understanding us (eying Angre)

Angre: Enough of this discussion which is baseless.

Riddhima: No bhai it isn’t. I love Vansh and so does he. I can’t live without him. I can’t again go into that hell which I have experienced in the past month. My life without Vansh is nothing but a living hell bhai.

Ishani: Angre why are you hell bent in not accepting their love?

Angre: Ishani because it’s not love!!

Vansh: Angre may I know the reason for your this behaviour? Don’t you think you are pulling a small happy matter to an emotional one!

Angre: Vansh you better stay off this, it’s between me and my sister

Vansh and everyone were shell shocked by Angre’s behaviour.

Riddhima: Bhai you are hurting me, my feelings and now Vansh too

He turned around and seemed like he was in some thoughts………

Angre: Whatever am doing is for your wellbeing and now my decision is final! I don’t want any more if’s and but’s. So, Riddhima its decided, tomorrow the boy is coming to see you and from our side I have fixed everything and you’ll marry him and now I am not going to listen to any lame excuses

Vansh: Angre we love each other and you want to separate us. Why are you dragging something in such a way that it’ll break and that’s going to create a great impact on us.

Siya: Jeeju I never thought you’d do this sought of shit.

Ishani: No Siya, he can’t be your Jeeju. The one who always understood love is now hell bent in separating a couple purely in love. He can’t be your Jeeju, because he who loved me intensely and who always supported bhai and Riddhima is now being rude. He can never be your Jeeju because today after all this I don’t know if I can ever love him (crying)

This statement came as a shocker to every individual and Angre never expected that she’d say so

Riddhima: No Ishani don’t do this to yourself. I know you both love each other immensely and I can’t see you both separating because of me.

Riddhima (turning towards Angre): Bhai I can’t see you suffering without Ishani in your life at the same time I can’t see anyone in my life other than Vansh so…… it’d be better

Before completing the sentence, she started running towards her room leaving Vansh’s hand…………



Precap: Angre shouts Riddhima’s name

So that’s all for today. Hope you guys are enjoying and please do comment and let me know your views and suggestions if any needed.

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