#RIANSH – A CUTE LOVE STORY – Episode – 58 – What the Heck!!!!

Episode starts with…

Riddhima was running towards her room when everyone here shouts her name

Angre: Riddhimaaaa….

Vansh: Riddhimaaaaaaaaaaa

Ishani & Sejal: Riddhimaaaa….

Siya: Bhabhiiiiii

She doesn’t pay heed to anyone and is sobbing and is just running towards her room when a different sought of reaction stops her track and with shock and confusion, she turns around to see……



Angre laughing hard. He is unable to control his laughter and his this behaviour shocked everyone and Riddhima couldn’t understand what happened and what’s happening!!! Not only Riddhima, all the girls were literally shell-shocked wondering if Angre indeed lose his senses! Riddhima started walking towards them with confusion in her looks and once she reached near him

Riddhima: Bhai!!! What happened? Why …. Why are you behaving weird!!!

Angre (trying not to laugh): I’ll tell…. But…. Please, please forgive me. Am sorryyy!!! Am sorryyy Ishani

Ishani and Riddhima stared him in utter confusion

Angre: I understood your looks. I have an explanation too…. but before that I want you all to please sit and listen to me carefully. Pleasee

Riddhima: Bhai am not going to sit anywhere just tell me what happened and why are you laughing and behaving odd

Ishani: Exactly!!! So, do I….

Angre: Fine!!! I’ll tell you why I was laughing hard but before that I need to tell you something too

He went towards Riddhima and holding her face he kissed her forehead and

Angre: Am sorry Riddhu!!! I hurt you a lot right!!! Please forgive me….

He then went towards Ishani and hugging her and kissing her, he spoke

Angre: Sorry Ishu, I hurt you too…. sorry for everything.

Both the girls stared him utter shock and didn’t react

Angre: Ok now I’ll start my part of the story and it all began this evening when I was with Vansh in his study and we were discussing an important issue and then ……

(Flashback – Episode 52)

Vansh: Angre….

Angre: Ha

Vansh: Actually, I wanted to inform you something, I mean we wanted to inform you something but then Riddhima spoke about the trust issue and then she left so this discussion totally skipped my mind. I think I need to tell you now itself as it can’t be delayed and I don’t want anyone else to reveal it to you or you get to know in a wrong manner

Angre (confused): Vansh what are you speaking of!!! I didn’t get you

Vansh: Angre whatever I am going to tell now please do listen to it before you come to any conclusion …. Actually……

He stood from his place and walking towards his window and looking in the open sky he spoke

Vansh: Angre you have known me for years now and you know me, my family, my life and my bitter past. You know what all my family went through and what I went through in past 3 years. You always stood by me in my thick and thin. I know that you always desired for the happiness of this family and most importantly mine. Today I can say that I got all my happiness and now I have no other wishes in my life. You wanted to know the change in me right! It’s only because of ……….

Because of her presence in my life. She came into my life as a thunder and created a rainbow in my life. My life without her presence is a dark stormy night with many chaos. But with her presence it’s a happy, cheerful garden with many flowers blooming and life in it. She turned the rock personality Vansh into his old form with many changes in him. This Vansh can’t even expect a moment without her being around.

That Vansh who started being a not so social person has now faded and he has been conquered by this new form of Vansh who is full of life, the same naughty Vansh who wants to spend his life until his last breath with her by his side. I want to live once again.

I want to make memories with her. I want to fight, I want to laugh, I want to smile, I want to wake up by her side and she should be the first & last thought that would pass my mind every day. I have lost many memories and days in the past 3 years and now I want to live all those days with her by my side.

These feelings erupted in me the moment I first met her but then I wasn’t prepared to accept them and so I have been denying those feelings for a month now. Her condition wasn’t any different even she didn’t dare to accept these feelings and in the past month we both went through the pain of separation.

I didn’t accept those feelings because I was worried for her safety as danger is around me all the time and I can’t risk losing her not at any cost. Losing her is losing myself, losing my soul, losing my life. Even she didn’t dare accepting those feelings as she is innocent and she is kiddish and she felt that her feelings would be a barrier between me and her brother’s friendship. She was suffering alone.

But…. But yesterday we opened our hearts to each other and we confessed our feelings. We confessed our love for each other. We proposed each other for love till eternity. Last night 2 souls became one soul. 2 hearts combined into one eternal heart. 2 lives became one. We became one!!!

He turned around to see Angre shocked, puzzled, amazed and full of mixed emotions. Angre didn’t react as he was unable to. Angre couldn’t believe his eyes and ears. He felt it to be one of his beautiful dreams which has crossed it beauty limits and is now amazing even to believe. He pinched himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming and yes it wasn’t any dream but is a heavenly reality.

Angre (stammering due to shock and happiness): v…Vansh…. am blank. I have no … have no idea what am supposed to say!!! Am soooo, soooo, soo happy for you. And my happiness has no bounds. Finally, you got your life back and nothing matters to me than this. I don’t know who that girl is who swiped right into your heart in your very first meet but if at all I meet her someday then I’d shower her with many well wishes.

Vansh (smiling): I know Angre but won’t you like to know who that girl is?

Angre: Of course, I’d love to…

Vansh: Its…. It’s none other than (taking a long breath) she is Riddhima… your Riddhu and my lifeline…. My Riddhima

Angre’s eyes widened of shock. He felt like he got some electric shock. He couldn’t believe what he heard. His face was articulating all the expressions a person has in his whole life time.

Angre (stammering): Ri… Riddhu!!! Yo… you… and ri.. ridddhu!!!!!

Vansh: Angre if you aren’t ok with our love then….

Angre: Have you gone mad!!! Why will I not be ok with this good news!! I am super-duper happyyyyyy (excited almost shouting). Am just unable to express my happiness. My Little Riddhu and my best friend love each other!!! OMG!!!! What else can I expect in my life!!! This is the best thing that can ever happen!!!!

He pounced on Vansh and almost squeezed him in happiness while Vansh was laughing on his friends happiness. After a long bro hug, they both backed off and

Angre: So, this is the reason of you both behaving weird since morning and being happy

Vansh nodded with a smile

Angre: Oh god!!!! One second who else is aware of this? (raising eyebrows)

Vansh told him everything all that happened in last 24 hours.

Angre: Oh Godd!!! So, am the last one to know this good news!!! Man, isliye Siya was using the word bhabhi and now I get it she was referring Riddhu as bhabhi!!! Now everything is clear to me

Vansh: Riddhima was worried if you’ll accept or not! Actually, we both were supposed to reveal it to you but then she left and we couldn’t so I revealed it.

Angre: I can understand she was trying to tell me in many occasions since afternoon but her confession couldn’t be completed all the time

Vansh nodded. For a while they both sat and discussed why they didn’t confess whole month and how they were going through pain

Angre: I should have understood your pain as I regularly witnessed it but I was such a fool that I didn’t even understand the reason behind you both being upset .

Vansh: It’s not your mistake Angre because it was, we who were denying our feelings. So, don’t blame yourself. Am eager to see the reaction of Riddhima when she gets to know that you are happy.

Angre: Once she’s back I’ll speak to her.

And then after a while Vansh went for Riddhima and Angre was reminiscing the recent incidents and understood that he never observed their love which was clearly visible.

Some naughty idea struck Angre and so he called Vansh. Vansh who was in driving now put the phone on speaker

Vansh: Ha Angre

Angre: Vansh where are you now?

Vansh: Am driving. Am going to Riddhima. Why what happened?

Angre: Vansh I want to play a prank on Riddhima and I need your help in this

Vansh (stopping his car aside): One second!!! Why do I feel that you are up to something naughty!

Angre: Absolutely

Vansh: And may I know what are you up to!

Angre: So, listen. We shall pretend that you didn’t reveal anything to me. And now I’ll confront the three girls and check if they’ll reveal anything and if they didn’t then I’ll propose a marriage proposal to Riddhu and let’s see how and what would be her reaction and I want you to play along

Vansh (shock): Have you gone mad!!! You know she is sensitive. If she takes it seriously and if at all she takes any wrong step then!!! OMG!!! No, I can’t take this risk

Angre: Vansh if at all there is something such then I’ll myself stop this act but till then please play along

Vansh: Angre you aren’t understanding… you are involving Ishani too and this may risk your relationship too

Angre: I know Ishani will not react in such way which could affect our relationship

Vansh: Angre you are risking your and my relationship with your sister and my sister. If at all this goes to such extent which would break them and hurt them then mark my words, they are going to kill you and me too for playing along. And the punishment they’d give for your this prank is unexpected

Angre: Vansh we can handle them and they deserve this prank as neither of them has involved me nor did they inform me so this prank is must

Vansh: Seriously Angre!! They don’t deserve anything such. You are doing something which would hurt both of them and they are going to break when they get to know the truth.

Angre: Trust me if at all such is happening then I’ll stop the act then and there

After a lot of persuasion Vansh agreed to play along with displeasure.

And then Angre went towards Ishani and started his play and as per his plan everything was going as per his plot. He was posting Vansh of all that was happening. When Vansh received Sejal’s message to reach AR house he understood that Angre started his prank.

And when Vansh & Riddhima reached AR House Angre started his act and Vansh was feeling uncomfortable seeing his love’s state and when she ran towards her room Vansh gestured Angre to stop all this but Angre asked him to wait but Vansh couldn’t control himself and ran towards her room worried for her safety.

And when they were back and when Riddhima revealed everything Angre was happy to listen to her confession about her love. But he was being naughty self and so prolonged the act even when Vansh was gesturing him to stop. But when Ishani broke, it came as a shocker to both Vansh and Angre and before they could react Riddhima reacted and was running towards her room making them freak out and to stop her Angre reacted weirdly by laughing when he was supposed to be reacting total opposite.

(Flashback ends)




I decided to hide in my safe place to avoid the attacks am going to receive for all the suspense I created in my past few episodes because of Angre and after reading this episode am definitely going to receive your gifts so am well prepared and have already chose a perfect place to hide. So, please do excuse me!!!!! If you still want to send the gifts then my comment section is open to receive them 😝😜

Precap: Vansh: Angre didn’t I tell you that you’ll hurt both but you were eager to play a prank. Ab bhugto (now suffer). In fact, even am suffering!!!

So that’s all for today. Hope you guys are enjoying and please do comment and let me know your views and suggestions if any needed.

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