#RIANSH – A CUTE LOVE STORY – Episode – 89 – VAngre!!!

Episode starts with…

Taking a long breath, he steadily opened the door and reached the room with baby steps, and before he could totally enter; he was welcomed by a cushion which hit him right on his left shoulder followed by many cushions hitting him on various parts of his body. It was as if he was experiencing Cushion Rain; he didn’t even get a chance to understand what was happening but what he saw as a glimpse was its Angre who’s hitting him. He was running around the room trying to escape those cushions but Angre who was hellbent on killing him was picking the cushions and hitting him running behind Vansh.

Vansh: Arrey Angre, why are…. (running) you hitting me?

The girls were laughing hard seeing the bromance turned into brohitting. Angre was picking the fallen cushions and running behind Vansh hitting his head & face.

Angre (anger): You idiot….

Vansh: Angre, yaar… let me breathe!!!!

Angre: Hell with your breath…. I have been waiting to kill you for days now, I won’t back out

Riddhima too was laughing hard along with the trio girls but seeing Vansh being tired but still running and so was with Angre, he was behind Vansh though he himself was panting. She decided to interrupt and instantly reached between them with Vansh behind her and Angre in front of her

Riddhima: Bhai… bhai relax, look he is tired. Poor he didn’t even eat anything

Vansh (sighing): Thank you, sweetheart

Angre: Riddhu, move from my way… (eying Vansh) am not going to leave this idiot

Riddhima: Bhai, but what happened, why are you behind him… look even you are panting. Sit and talk na

Vansh: Sweetheart I love you… thanks for saving me from your this monster bhai

Riddhima shot him angry glare making him zip his mouth while Angre was glaring at both RiAnsh. Assuming Angre to have cooled down; he collapsed on the couch breathing heavily. But to his dismay, Ishani pulled Riddhima

Riddhima (shock): Ishani!!!

Ishani (sarcasm): Oh, hi sweetheart!!!

Riddhima (confused): Ishani!!!

Ishani (stern): Look Riddhima, let your brother do what he’s doing

Taking the opportunity, Angre pounced on Vansh and was hitting him with a cushion while Vansh was trying to defend but in vain

Vansh (panting): Ishani…. are you even my sister? Look at Riddhima, she’s supporting me against her brother and you are hellbent … in getting your own brother kicked

Ishani: Let me remind you bhai, she’s supporting her love and so am I

Making a face Vansh turned to find help from his other sisters, but

Siya: Bhai don’t expect any help from us…

Sejal: Because we aren’t going to help you…

Ishani: If got a chance then even we’d have hit you. But you being elder we are respecting you (rolling eyes)

Vansh (shock): Respecting me my foot!!! Respecting me by…. letting this idiot hit me?

Angre: You have no dialogues in this scene Vansh; better let me kill you

Riddhima after a lot of struggle separated VAngre and stood between them once again

Riddhima: Bhai, now can you both breathe; so that we can sit and talk

Angre: Today there aren’t going to be any talks; only one thing will take place and his murder

Angre was trying to pounce on him but Riddhima once again held him and made him sit on the bed and gave him water while Vansh sighed relief and Riddhima sat beside him giving him water

Riddhima: Bhai now tell me what happened? Why are you all behind his life?

Angre (getting up): I just want to kick him

Riddhima (stern): Bhai sit down!!!

Ishani: Riddhima, today our anger is on high, and nothing can stop us

Vansh (shock): But what did I do that you are hunger for my blood like vampires (making face)

Sejal: Bhai, that’s the issue you didn’t do anything

Riddhima: Yaar Sejal, don’t beat around the bush

Siya: Bhabhi, our issue is he didn’t meet you for 3 days and then he came suddenly …

Riddhima and Vansh stared at each other; Vansh with guilty and happiness that his sisters care for Riddhima more than him. Riddhima was smiling at their care and concern for her

Riddhima: Guys relax, he had his reasons for not being here

Ishani (rolling eyes): Yes (sarcasm) the reason for avoiding his love to save his love

Riddhima: Ishani!!! You know your bhai; then why are you hellbent on making him more guilty

Ishani: I know him isliye am angry on him; how can he think such Riddhima!

Riddhima: Guys everything is sorted now…

Angre: Riddhu, this is the 2nd time he did this and now I don’t know if I could trust him again with you

Vansh (guilty): Angre, I know you all are angry and hurt because of me but trust me I won’t commit the same mistake again

Riddhima (eying Vansh): Bhai, I trust him; he assured me that he… he’ll never do that stunt again and now I take the responsibility that he won’t do that and if at all he does then he won’t have any relation with me again.

Vansh: I agree!!! Yes, I love Riddhima more than my life and if at all I do this same mistake again then I swear I’d never meet her again.

Angre walked to him while RiAnsh were worrying what he’d do; he pulled Vansh into a brotherly hug making the girls go awe

Angre: I swear I’d kill you if at all you do such foolish tasks and hurt yourself and Riddhu

Vansh (holding ears): Promise!!!

Sejal: Arrey yaar… their bromance started once again

Siya: They once again forgot that they are in a relationship

Ishani: I can see my brother and love getting into a relationship leaving us

VAngre broke the hug instantly and

Vansh: Are you kidding me!! Me and Angre!!! NOOOO!!!

Angre: Absolutely am fine loving you

Vansh: And am happy with my sweetheart and we…

VAngre: We don’t want anyone not even my love’s brother

All burst into laughter; VAngre smiling all had a group hug. After a while when all settled in the room with the single girls occupying the ottoman and swing respectively; one of the couples opted for bed while the other was on the couch. RiAnsh were on the bed sitting supporting the headrest hugging each other

Vansh: Vaise Angre how did you know am here?

Ishani: I tho knew that you left last night as it was me who gave you some useful piece of information but when I went to your room in the morning I found it to be empty

Siya: We thought you went to the office early

Angre (smirking): But you forgot you came to my house and here guards aren’t going to stay quiet if you sneak into her room in the middle of the night

Sejal: And bhai how can you park your vehicle a few feet away from the main door and expect us to not identify?

Riddhima was trying not to laugh while Vansh’s jaws dropped thinking how they all got to know of his adventurous entry

Angre (laughing): Seriously Vansh!!! Climbing the balcony!!!! Poor that guard he was so afraid to see you doing such ki he thought you’d come down soon and leave but when you didn’t he was so freaked out…

Sejal (laughing): Freaked out ki he left to home in the morning after his shift but bichara was thinking only this incident it seems isliye called bhai a few minutes back to inform him your late-night adventures

Vansh: That guard… I swear I’d suffocate him to death (making face)

Ishani (laughing): Poor he thought you have hurt Riddhima isliye even she didn’t come out of the room it seems

Vansh: What the hell!!! He seems to be much interested in my personal matters and instead of guarding he is assuming theories…. guess he is a fan of CID or Crime Patrol (making faces)

Siya: Leave that bhai now; vaise bhi we got to know your presence by your vehicle also it’s your mistake. Now leave that first decide what we’d say to the elders who’d see you here suddenly?

Riddhima: Oh shit!!! Dad may come anytime

Ishani: Not only uncle; others may too come any moment as it’s her lunchtime

: Riddhima

RiAnsh: Dadi (shock) (whisper)

Angre: Here they come!!!! (Trying not to laugh)

Riddhima (afraid): Now, what to do???

Sejal: Bhai you hide once again

Siya: But where?

Angre: Guys, relax; let me handle and Vansh need not hide.

He went and opened the door to find dadi, Rudra, and Anupriya standing; they saw Vansh there and were shocked

Anupriya: Vansh?

Dadi: Beta when did you come?

Vansh: Vo…

Angre: Dadi he came a few minutes back;

Ishani: To check on Riddhima

Rudra: But I didn’t see him coming!!!

Sejal: Pa, you went into the kitchen na to cook for Riddhu, then he came isliye you didn’t notice him

RiAnsh sighed a relief

Anupriya: It’s ok; let them have some time bhai; I’ll send your lunch here

They walked out leaving them. After a while, all had lunch speaking random stuff when they heard a knock

Angre: Come in

They saw Gagan and his men entering followed by elders; making youngsters confused

Vansh (confused & suspicious): Officer… you here?


So that’s all for today. Hope you guys are enjoying and please docomment and let me know your views and suggestions if any needed.

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