Riansh (A pure love story) Part 8

Hello everyone.. I am back and thankyou for showing this much love to my fanfiction

so let’s start


Vansh – come with me in my room I will tell u everything

Vansh and riddhima took vyom to vansh room

Vyom – now say what is the suprise

Vansh – Riddhima proposed me and we love each other and we are getting remarried

Riddhima – yes and we are very happy

Vyom was shocked as he has obession for riddhima

Vyom POV

How is this possible they got married forcefully and now they love each other.. How can u do this to me riddhima.. no no I will not allow this.. Vansh I will snatch riddhima from u she is only mine.. Live some happy moments you can get married but after marriage see what I will do

Vyom POV ends

Vansh – what happened vyom why u are shocked aren’t you happy

Vyom – what are u talking vansh I am absolutely happy but vansh great job

Vansh and riddhima smiled and vyom was seeing them and begin jealous

Vansh – ok vyom so the marriage will start after 1 and half hour and alot of work is left you enjoy

Riddhima – yaa I am also going to get ready

Vansh – wait riddhima I have some gift for u

Vyom – ok u guys enjoy I am going to Aryan bye

Vansh bought a gift and said

Vansh – So this is the dress you have to wear in first night

Riddhima – okay vansh wait and watch I am going to blow your mind

Vansh – I am excited

Riddhima went to get ready and vansh was also getting ready

Precap – marriage

Episode ends


Sorry guys for a short update but I was kinda busy but next part is of marriage.. Ok bye

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