Vansh left to his office , but was constantly thinking about riddima , he doesn’t know what is her past , and he was curious to know it

Vansh ‘s POV

What I should do to know her past ,
She is continuously sweating while confessing her past , I can’t force her into saying , but how could I know her past rather than from her,
Hmm , did anyone of her family members knew about her past ?? , I doesn’t think so , I know well that she is too close to her brothers more than her parents , so let me ask them whether they knew . I called them in a video call . They both answered the call .

Riddima’s first elder brother : abhi ram

Riddima’s second elder brother : angre

He called the duo and they answered the call

In call :

Abhi ram : what happened vansh ??

Angre : do you need anything

Vansh : nothing much like that , just I want to talk to you both , could I come to your house to talk ??

Abhi Ram : I hope everything is fine ??

Vansh : nothing is bad , everything is alright yaar .

Abhi Ram : ok , we will wait

They end the call

I don’t know well that if I will get the answers , I doesn’t even know if I will knew then they will be ok or horrible , I am just hoping , I will listen the truth from their mouth .

I left to their mansion , where my sister’s saw me and got emotional.
They instantly hugged me .

Vansh : you both stop getting emotional , and make me emotional.

Siya : we missed you a lot bhai

Ishani : I will not talk with you

Vansh : what happened ??

Siya : as you doesn’t visit us on brothers day

Vansh : hmm , its ok , now I came right , now stop being upset .

Siya(teasing) : vaise bhai , how was your first night ??

Ishani : does it was romantic

Abhi ram : stop pulling his legs na yaar , vansh you come , we will talk

They leave to study room

Angre : so tell what’s the matter

Vansh : do you both know riddima’s past ??

Both abhi and angre hold their fists tight , which is observed by vansh .

Vansh : I think you both knew it , riddima wanted a happy married life so she wanted to tell me about her complete past , but she just said me that she loved someone and our conversation then got interrupted.

Abhi : what ??

Angre : thank God she just revealed till there .

Vansh : what happened next ?

Angre : no , we doesn’t want to reveal you

Abhi : yes , there is no need to reveal .

Vansh : yaar don’t be stubborn like this , I am her husband , I have a right to know it

Abhi : ok let me continue ,

After she loved that person , she started to be in a relationship , and he was none other than your …….

Vansh (interrupting) : KABIR ??

Angre : how could you think so vansh ?? He is not !!

Vansh : then who was it ??

Abhi : it’s harshit , your cousin

Vansh : but (he remembers harshit wearing the red color shirt as kabir on that day )


And then , one day , he called her to his farmhouse , saying he want to spend some quality time with her

Abhi : and then he showed his true colors

Both abhi and angre hold their fists tight .

Vansh : what happened ? , I can’t hold my nerves , better you say fast.

Abhi ram :

He asked for a dance , and he touched her differently , with his filthy hands , she is feeling uncomfortable by his presence , she doesn’t know what the feeling is , but she is feeling uneasy . She tried to move , but he held her even more tight , resulting riddima to push him .

Flashback :

Harshit saw riddima with full anger in his eyes

Harshit : what you have done ? , Why you pushed me ??

Riddima : I am feeling uncomfortable , I am leaving harshit .

She leaves from there , but the next day , he kidnaps her

Riddima : why you kidnapped me ??

Harshit : as I want you riddima

Riddima : look , we break up yesterday right ??

Harshit : hmm , so what my plans gone in vain

Riddima : what do you mean ??

Harshit : I mean that I want you on my bed , but you break up with me

Riddima is flabbergasted , and was left in shock , she doesn’t believe his words , she again reminsced all the moments with him , tears rolled down from her cheeks , she felt wet and saw droplets from her eyes flowing like a waterfall

Riddima to herself : no , I should stay strong , I should not give any advantage to this blo*dy bastard , to this f**king idiot to even touch me .

Just then he forcefully made her come with him to a room .

He made her harshly lay on the bed.

He then slightly came on her and started touching her skin with his
Filthy hands , she tried to move but he can’t , at the same time , he took off her sleeves , she tried to push him but he is not even moving an inch , just then she felt unconscious at the same time someone came…..Oops……Barged into the room and they are the brothers of riddima

Abhi ram : don’t you think we can’t find out about your deeds

Angre : she will inform us everything , she even informed us about her relationship with you , and being protective brothers , we got all info about you , we waited for the correct time , till you could show your true colors yourself .

They took her off to police station and made him arrested , but harshit’s mother anupriya and father anand , doesn’t know anything about their son’s deeds , so made him come out from prison by a bail .

Flashback ends

Angre : after that incident , it took 6 months to riddu , to come out of that trauma , she used to get panic attacks , she even tried to commit a suicide , but nah , we tried to keep her safe .

Then the trio heard a sound , and it’s of ishani and sia , they are listening their conversation .

Ishani : why didn’t you say this to me to angre ??

Siya : as best friends , we could support her right ??

Abhi : yes , but riddima took a promise that we should not inform you both .

Ishani : she thought us dead or what ??

Siya : if she said , we could understand her situation .

Angre : yaar , now stop this , and forget this situation right now .

Vansh left from their after listening riddima’s past

That’s all for today , I am not better in writing about domestic violence towards women , like vaishu di , but still , I tried my best . Hope , these monsters get the punishment they deserve for harassing the women and thinking them as dolls , I heard a lot of rape and assaulting cases .
These monsters doesn’t even left a year old child too . How cruel this society became , women doesn’t get even one chance to speak , there is no soul who could understand her situation . Many of suicides of women are caused by these only .


Hai all , I am a lover of serials . I am an artist

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