Scene 1

Riddima opens her eyes in an unknown place and suddenly a man comes there wearing a hoodie , you guys are right , he is the serial killer , who kills girls .

Riddima is terrified to see him , she understood , it was the same killer who kills girls .

Unknown : hmm , hi RK

He takes the plaster on her mouth

Unknown : you know , it took a long time to kidnap you , and finally , you are in my clutches .

Riddima : leave me

Unknown : ok , after killing you I will leave you , and tomorrow is your death date.

Suddenly the unknown’s partner comes . Wearing a hoodie and mask .

Partner : you go , I will check on her .

Unknown leaves and then the partner opens the mask on her / him

Riddima gets shocked

Scene 2
At khanna Mansion :

Karan : it is 10:30 pm , still she doesn’t come

Siya : I called the hospital , they said , she doesn’t there in the hospital

Sanam : I’m worried , what happened to my baby doll ??

Siya : don’t worry maa , she will be back

Scene 3

Abhi & angre are in the car :

Abhi : where she could be ??

Suddenly a thought comes to their mind

Abhi & angre : did she got kidnapped by that serial killer ??

Angre : I will call vansh for help .

In the call :

Vansh : what happened ?? Is everything fine?? , you called me at this time ??

Angre: actually , riddima is missing from morning , don’t know where she is ??

Vansh : don’t worry , I am coming

Vansh informs this to the family and says not to worry

He leaves

Scene 4

At unknown place :

Riddima : you !!!!!!??????

(Guys keep your heart at the place where it is , as you are going to get a grave shock and there are chances for heart attack too )

Partner : yes it’s me

Riddima : how could you “RAGINI” ???!!!!!!!!!!

Who remember ragini ?? Let me remember everyone she is , riddhima’s lover kabir’s best friend

Ragini : and the person who kidnaps and kills the girls is KABIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laga laga shock laga ??

Riddima : no , I don’t believe , say that , you are lying !!

Ragini : no riddima , I am saying the truth , and I need your help

Riddima : for what ?

Ragini : let me explain

Scene 5

Vansh goes to abhi & angre and sits with them in the car

Vansh : hmm , do you guys got any information ????

Abhi : no

Angre : I am contacted my resources , they are trying their best . Soon they will find out .

Scene 6

Flashback by Ragini :

1 year back :

Kabir loved a girl named anitha , but she used his money and flied with her boyfriend , this enraged kabir , for which , he started believing all girls will be the same , ragini tried to make him understand that his thinking is wrong , but all in vain , he thought of a plan , he started trapping girls in his love , later killing them , when ragini consulted a doctor , the doctor said that it was a disorder , and because of it , he is behaving like this , the disorder makes him psycho day by day , ragini then to save her love , acted like she joined hands with him , as she was his only best friend , he only believed her . And from them they started planning together .

*Flashback ends*

Laga laga jhatka laga ??

Riddima : (crying)so the love is fake ??

Ragini(bowing down her head) : yes , and yah , I will free you , you leave , as you are my best friend , I can’t see you being killed .

Riddima : no , I will not leave , just listen to me , I have a plan ********************

Ragini : ok , take it (giving her *****)

Scene 7

Angre gets a call

Angre : yes ??

Unknown : bhai , it’s me

Angre : shona , are you fine ??

Riddima : yes bhai , my phone got switched of , because of the heavy rain , I am in my friend’s house , don’t worry about me .

Angre : thank God , bye

Riddima : bye

She declines the call


Hai all , I am a lover of serials . I am an artist

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