Episode starts with :

Riddima : now it’s time to execute step 2

Abhi : yeah

Angre : she will be scared !!

Abhi and angre leave to execute step 2

And even riddima leaves

At anupriya’s house :

Anupriya is sitting in her room and was thinking about the messages she is getting.

Anupriya then heard a sound , which is of her phone , she got message from the same number . It is written ,

                         Hey ! , Mrs Anupriya , I wanna say that , a bomb is planted , where you are living , so be careful , and if you think I am lying, then go to your garden , you will get a sound .

At VR enterprises :

Vansh is talking with his client , when he completed talking , he took his car and left to his house , he got out of his car , to talk a phone call .

He suddenly saw a girl in a full shoulder and tip to toe dress with dupatta , she is looking astonishing with less makeup , as he saw her foot , they were of anklets , she is crossing the muddy pits , which came of raining , her rosy pink lips , her cute smile , her innocent soarkle eyes , her red blushing cheeks , her sweet voice .

He is mesmerised by her beauty , she is like beauty from heaven

But a car came and disturbed his gaze after car went off , she disappeared .

He too left to his mansion .

Riddima gone to her house , and she entered a secret room , where abhi and angre are present .

Riddima : hmm , is there any information ??

Angre : actually , I’m waiting for the reply from that anupriya , but till now I didn’t get it off.

Abhi : and I’m waiting for the call from , my men , as I kept them for spying on riddima

Riddima : good boys .

Abhi got a call from his men .

Abhi :yes you have known anything ?? Ok

He cuts the call

Riddima : what info you got ??

Abhi : my men said that , she is totally scared and was just sitting inside her house , she is sweating completely .

Angre : great !! Our plan worked well .

Angre again checks again about the reply

Angre : guys , she blocked my contact , I think she is scared of us !!

Abhi : hmm ,and now ??

Riddima : step 3

At that moment someone  knocked on the door .

Riddima opened it .

Riddima : you ?? You scared me papa .

Abhi : yes , want to say something ??

Karan : come down , as raisinghania’s came

Riddima (teasing) : even my ish bhabhi came ??

Angre : riddima !! , Why are you pulling my legs??

Riddima : I have to , and I want to .

Karan : now stop your fighting , and trio come down fast .

They all come down and all greet ridima as she came after years

Ishani : hey , actually you didn’t met my brother , let me introduce you to him .

At the same time , vansh after attending his call , comes back and sees riddima , he feels a connection towards her .

Ishani : bhai , I forgot to introduce you , she is riddima , my best friend

Siya : even mine yaar

Riddima (forwarding her hand) : hai , this is riddima khanna , RK .

Vansh : hai , this is VR , Vansh raisinghania

Rajdheer : now come fast , we have to have lunch , isn’t it

Adah : yes , come fast

They all sit at the dining table and while chit chatting they complete eating

At that moment siya suddenly collapses and abhi takes her to their room .

Riddima checks her pulse and smiles

Vansh : seriously riddima , you are smiling , when your bhabhi is dizzy ?? Too bad

Riddima : oh yaar , come on , it was indeed a good news .She is pregnant bhai , you both are becoming parents to a baby , congrats bhai and bhabhi .

Everyone are overwhelmed and gave their blessings to abhi and siya and then riddima and angBhi gone to secret room .

Riddima : congrats bhai , and yah there is triple happiness now .

Angre : yes

Karan calls them down

All sit at the hale of the house

Riddima remembers something and she gets up .

All : what happened ??

Riddima : bhai !! Abhi bhai !!

Abhi : what happened ?? Wanna say something ??

Riddima :

                        Kya hua tera waada

             Woh kasam ? Woh iraada ??

(What happened to your promise ?
That swear and that thought ??)

Abhi : yaar , say clearly .

Riddima : accha ok , 2 years back you said that you want to get married to siya bhabhi , and you asked my help and for it you made a deal with me that you will give whatever I want
Am I right ? Or Am I right ??

Abhi :yes , now say me what you want

              Bolo Bolo Bolo Rani kya chahiye ??
           Pyaar chahiye , ya phir paise chahiye ??

(Tell me my queen ,what you want ??
Love or money? ,what you want? , say me?)

Riddima : bhai , actually , I funded all orphanages in india , but one more is lefted , can you help me in it ?

Abhi : of course yaar !!

He gives her the check , and she smiles and they continue watching the movie .

Precap : your chapter got to an end !!

Guys if it small or not written well pl forgive me as I will write it in notes and I will copy paste , so that it will be better , and when I completed it , I clicked paste buton indeed of copy , so I have to write this once again . So sorry guys 😥😥😥😥😓😓😓😢😢😢


Hai all , I am a lover of serials . I am an artist

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