RIANSH: Becoming Mrs. Raisinghania – Episode 12

Hi, y’all! Here are the responses to the comments from the previous episode:

Hi Nivisha, there wouldn’t be a flashback in specific, but I’ll detail the reason within the next few updates via conversations. Hope that helps. Thank you reading!

Hi Seanna, and you know I’ve been thankful to you since the beginning! “Hum aapke hain kaun” will take a while, so hold on for that.

Hi Sahada, I don’t believe in fairy-tales. They’re good reads, but I like reading what’s more relatable with respect to real life. Thank you so much, that honestly means a lot. So happy you liked the previous update. As for Riddhima’s whole past, that’s a very significant fraction of the story which would be revealed later in the story. Sorry for not being able to tell now. And (late but) happy new year!

Hi Naira_u_Singh, thank you so, so much! Your words mean the world to me.

Hi Riansh Lover, thank you! I’m so happy it gave you a warm and nice feeling, although so sorry for the late update.

Hi Vasu, thank you so, so much!

Hi Lavanya, thank you so, so much! It honestly means a lot to me. Thank you for taking out the time to read my FFs. Wish you a happy new year too.

Hi Diha, thank you so much Girl! I’m so glad you’re liking the story.

Hi Rishiiiiiii, thank you so much! I’m so glad you’re liking the story. As for Vansh wanting to marry Riddhima, that’s because he wants to save Ishani’s love life from being ruined. He doesn’t love Riddhima YET. Oh and also, get ready for a slightly jealous Vansh here. 🙂

Hi Anu, thank you so much! I’m honestly not a believer of having antagonists in my stories, but some stories make more sense with some amount of negativity. And I will always try and respond to y’all, because you guys invest more time to read the updates and then comment your opinions. I really appreciate that!

Hi KV2711, thank you! Happy new year to you too!

Hi Ridhityagi, thank you! Again, sorry for the late update. 🙁

Hi Jayashree, thank you so much! Happy new year to you too.

Hi Shivangi, thank you so, so much!

Hi Anhi, thank you!

Hi G, thank you so much! I’m glad you’re liking the FF. Wishes for the new year to you too.

Hi Aafrin, happy new year!



By the time the evening rolled in, Riddhima had almost determined herself to not attend the party downstairs. In another hour, she was convinced that she could enact a bad headache. Yet, when the clock struck the announced time, she stood in front of the mirror, checking herself several times.

She was nervous. She felt the nerves in her stomach knotting and tightening with each passing second, but she didn’t want to be a coward. She wasn’t one, after all. She’d effortlessly avoided him after returning to the mansion in the morning and she could avoid him for the next few hours, too.

Moreover, he’d ignored her too. She wasn’t the only one who was ignoring him.

She stood at a corner in the hall and looked at the others talking and mingling with each other. She knew a few people in the party as acquaintances, but no one with whom she could spend an entire evening. She exhaled a deep sigh and shook her head, wishing she’d never agreed to attend this party.


Riddhima turned around at the voice and a small smile stretched the corners of her lips. Over time, she’d begun realizing that the Raisinghanias weren’t as bad as she’d supposed them to be.

Riddhima: Hi, Sia! How’re you?

Sia: I’m good. What about you? Where have you been? I haven’t seen much of you in the past 2-3 days.

Riddhima (smiling): You were looking for me? I thought I’d scared you away with my anger and frustration. I’d been thinking I’d come meet you one of these days and like, apologise for my behaviour, but I wasn’t sure which room you’re staying in.

Sia: You’ve nothing to apologise for. In fact, none of us really asked your opinion for the marriage, so Badi Maa was anyway thinking of talking to you before we return. (holding Riddhima’s hands and squeezing them gently) But if you ever want to come to my room, you’re always welcome. I’m in the room next to Badi Maa’s.

Riddhima: Alright. If I go to Aunty’s room, then I’ll be sure to drop by.

Aryan (jokingly): Haa, otherwise she wouldn’t come. After all, you’ve irritated her so much, Sia.

Sia: Aryan!

Riddhima (laughing): For how long have the two of you been friends?

Aryan: Since her childhood. Can you imagine I haven’t been able to get rid of her ever since?

Sia: Aryan, I will kill you! Just shut up.

Aryan (mimicking Sia): Just shut up.

Riddhima laughed as the two of them continued bickering with each other. It was almost like how she and Van – she paused mid-way and berated herself for recalling about him continually. She needed to ignore him, and she was certain if she kept thinking of him, she wouldn’t be able to ignore him.

Sia: Acha, Choddho (Okay, Leave it.) Riddhima, come let’s grab ourselves a drink and then I’ll introduce you to some of my friends.

Riddhima: I- uh. I’ll join you in a bit.

Sia: You sure?

Riddhima nodded her head and Sia walked away toward the bar to grab herself a drink and to talk to her friends. She stared at her over the distance and admonished herself for being so judgemental. She still wasn’t sure why Vansh wanted to force her into this marriage, but over time, she’d begun realising that he had a strong alibi for his demand.

Aryan: Let me guess, You’re not a party person. (in an impressive tone) Did you come here because Vansh Bhai asked you to?

Riddhima (turning toward him): Because you asked me to. You were the only one who really asked me.

Aryan: I’m sure Bhai wanted you to come, too. Because look at him there, he can’t seem to see anywhere else.

Riddhima turned her gaze and looked across the hall, near the staircase, where Vansh was looking at her. She looked at him and felt the nerves in her stomach knotting, a feeling prickling at her conscience. She felt the heat on her cheeks and looked away, trying to ignore the way his gaze affected her. She tried avoiding the way he looked at her, like she a woman of beauty.

Riddhima (trying to cover-up): I doubt he’s looking at me. It must be something else.

Aryan (smiling): If that comforts you, but we both know what the fact is. (forwarding his hand) C’mon, let’s have a dance together. It’ll help you get over those jittery nerves.

Riddhima (placing her hand on his): How do you know my nerves are jittery?

Aryan (smiling): It’s written all over your face.

Riddhima smiled and the two of them walked over to the dance floor, together. He held her hand and wrapped a gentle arm around her waist while Riddhima placed her other hand on his shoulder.


Vansh sipped at his drink and stared at Aryan and Riddhima over the distance, a beat of uneasiness running within him. He knew they were nothing more than two acquaintances who were beginning to become friends, but he felt a pang of hurt inside him seeing how comfortable she was around him. Was she comfortable around him, in his company?

He shut his eyes and inhaled a deep breath, berating himself for the thoughts clouding his mind. It didn’t matter to him whether she was comfortable around him or no. He needed to marry her for saving his twin’s life and he’d do that by hook or crook. However, when he opened his eyes and saw them again, laughing and enjoying in each other’s company, he felt a wave of jealousy waver within himself.

Vansh (muttering under his breath): Dekho toh zara! Mere saath, she’s always arguing but with Aryan around, she’s so comfortable. Dekho, kaise khulke has rahi hai! Parwa bhi nahi hai, that someone here isn’t talking to her and is waiting for her to come and talk. (Just look at her! With me, she’s always arguing but with Aryan around, she’s so comfortable. Look, how she’s laughing so heartily! She doesn’t even care that someone here isn’t talking to her and is waiting for her to come and talk.)

He tried ignoring her for several moments, explaining to himself that he didn’t care about her. Although, he knew that was a lie he’d gotten well-accustomed to. He’d begun caring about her deeply over the last few days, despite not wanting to. It felt like she’d casted some spell on him.

Moments later, when he found it difficult within himself to see the two of them together anymore, he strode toward them. He berated himself several times while walking toward them, attempting to explain to himself that it didn’t matter to him. That, she didn’t matter to him.

Although, she did. And he knew it extremely well.

Vansh: May I have a dance with you?

Riddhima: No, I mean, I…

Aryan spun her around his finger and left her hand, allowing Vansh to hold her. His fingers wrapped around her arm instinctively, worrying if she’d gotten hurt. He held her gently and looked at Aryan, mentally abusing him for being so careless.

Aryan (while walking away; softly): All yours, Bhai.

Vansh (ignoring Aryan): Are you fine?

Riddhima nodded her head while Vansh forwarded his hand again, asking her if she’d dance with him. She placed her hand on his reluctantly, mentally berating Aryan for stranding her on the dance floor. Through the past few hours, she’d effectively avoided him, if not for Aryan. She huffed in annoyance and followed Vansh as he guided her to the centre of the floor and began dancing with her.

Riddhima: That place was fine, too. The centre is sort of overwhelming.

Vansh: Forget there are others, then it won’t stress you. Just… just look at me.

Riddhima: That’s difficult. Especially when, I know you’ve been staring at me since so long.

Vansh (pulling her closer): Much rather when you’ve been trying so hard to ignore me.

Riddhima looked into his eyes as he pulled her closer to him and noticed the deep black shade of his orbs. As the light fell upon them, she saw the grey flakes in his eyes and observed how keenly he looked at her, appreciating her ever so subtly. She felt herself slipping into a trance, but as Vansh pushed their feet across the dance floor, she tried recalling his words from seconds ago.

Riddhima: Why would I ignore you? You’re the one who’s been ignoring me since the morning.

Vansh: Did anyone tell you how beautiful you’re looking today?

Riddhima: You’re the first, I think. Unless someone was looking over the distance, just to say that despite wanting to ignore me, you know?

Vansh (smiling): Aur kitni baar sunaogi? (How many more times will you taunt me?)

Riddhima: Jab tak (Till the time) you don’t accept. (suddenly recalling from the previous events) You shouldn’t have behaved that way with Aryan, though. You could’ve waited for a few more minutes.

Vansh: You seem more offended than him.

Riddhima: Well, I was dancing too. And he was a nice company too.

Vansh: Aur mere baare mein kya khayal hai aapka? (And what do you think about me?)

As the last beats of the song echoed around the hall, Riddhima freed herself from his grasp and turned around, determining to walk away from him. When she began walking away, Vansh wrapped his fingers around her wrist and pulled her back positioning her in linear accordance.

He turned around and shifting slightly closer to her, he brushed the loose wisps of hair behind her ear from her face. Riddhima felt the muscles in the pit of her stomach clench and an airy feeling brushed past her, wavering within her a beat of optimism.

Riddhima: I don’t know. One dance might be too little of a time to say.

Vansh (smiling): Is that you asking me for another dance?

Riddhima (enacting to be thoughtful): Maybe. Or maybe not.


That’d be it for this episode. I’m sorry for how long this update took, but I’m just extremely uninspired to write at the moment. This episode mightn’t be well-written because of that, so extremely sorry for that. I’ll try being better the next update onwards. Anyhoo, please do let me know your thoughts on this episode and in case of any changes, feel free to share them via the comments. Like always, Thank you for reading!

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