RIANSH: Becoming Mrs. Raisinghania – Episode 14

Hi, y’all! Here are the responses to the comments from the previous episode:

Hi Seanna, this chapter is so much about Angre – I hope you’ll like it. Thank you!

Hi Disco Priya Ravichandran, thank you for reading and commenting! I won’t leave the FF in the middle but might just try wrapping it up quickly.

Hi Xyz, thank you so much! I’ll finish this story, but not sure how long it’d be continued for.

Hi Jennifer, thank you!

Hi Mary, so sorry for the wait. Thank you for reading and commenting, though!

Hi Naira_u_singh, sorry for the long wait, but thank you so much!

Hi Jayanthi, thank you so much! That’s really sweet of you.

Hi Anu, so sorry for the wait. Thank you so much though, and so much of fierce Riddhima here.

Hi Shivangi, thank you so much!

Hi Jayashree, thank you so, so much!

Hi Anhi, thank you so much. That means an effing lot. I can’t assure for a long time period, but I will write all that I’ve thought of even if I do wrap it up earlier.

Hi Astha, thank you so, so much! I love writing fierce characters, and there’s so much of fierce Riddhima in here.

Hi Akshitha, sorry for the wait and thank you for so many comments. That really means a lot. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to update on a regular basis and that is why I’ve still been thinking about wrapping-up this one. Anyhow, I hope you like this update, nonetheless.

Hi Aafrin, thank you so much! I will finish writing this story for sure.

Hi Amna, thank you so much!

Hi Riansh Lover, thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the previous episode. 🙂

Hi TSA, thank you so much! I will finish writing all the ideas I’ve in mind, even if in a hurry. Also, you’d written an OS about Riddhima in a grey shade? I can’t remember if I’d commented, but it was LOVELY!

Hi Priyadarshini, thank you so much!

Hi RianshianSumellikan, that’s really sweet of you. I’m glad you found your way to this FF and this one isn’t ending very soon, there are still a few more episodes left before I can think of wrapping it up. Thank you!

Hi Diha, sorry for the long wait. Thank you so much for your continued support, though!

Hi Thakur Priyanka, I will finish off the FF and give you a closure, please don’t worry. Thank you for reading and commenting!



Riddhima stood at the corner of the hall, seeing Vansh over the distance and thought back to their conversation from a few minutes ago. She didn’t know why she’d ever chosen to believe him, but she couldn’t berate herself any lesser. She couldn’t even complain to anyone, because she’d chosen to trust him, and he’d broken so relentlessly.

When the waiter walked past her, she followed behind him toward the bar and ordered for a shot of Tequila. She couldn’t bother about her mother’s presence in the party anymore; She needed a drink to calm the burning ends of her nerves.

As she began sipping on the drink, she realised how the conversation with Vansh had exhausted her. After all the days they’d spent together, she’d begun thinking of him differently – almost beginning to believe Aryan’s words. She was beginning to believe that he was compelled to marry her, but it was perhaps just a mere game for him. A game where he wanted to exert his power and assure himself that nothing could ever slip out of his hands.

“All good?”

Riddhima turned to her right and forced a smile on her lips. She hadn’t wished for any company right at that moment, but she quickly masked her expression when she saw Angre settling into a chair beside her.

Angre: One whiskey! (turning to Riddhima) Is everything okay? You seem a little disturbed.

Riddhima: I’m good. I’m sorry for how abruptly I left from that conversation there, it was just important. Anyhow (looking around) I’m hoping you’re having a lovely time away from office and work, Sir?

Angre: You can let go of that addressal, Riddhima. This isn’t our office and we’re soon going to be family (brushing his fingers against Riddhima’s on the counter lightly) and much more.

Riddhima looked down at the counter and moved her hand away to fist them in her lap. She knew it was a mistake, but somehow the tone of Angre’s words and the way his fingers brushed against hers clenched the muscles in her stomach, coursing an uncanny feeling.

Riddhima: Uh, yes of course. In fact, it’s kind of unbelievable how both of us are getting linked to the same family. The world really has to be very small. I was just telling Vansh about that too.

She saw him clench his teeth together at that almost invisibly before nodding and smiling back at her. She wasn’t sure why his behaviour seemed weird, but the bartender interrupted her trail of thoughts as he served the drink to Angre. She stared at him as he sipped at the drink before looking back at her.

Angre: I saw the two of you arguing there a few minutes back. You sure all okay?

Riddhima: That was nothing. We do have clash of opinions at times. For now, it’s just that Vansh wants to get married, but I want to wait. I don’t know Vansh that well yet to be sure of my decision.

Angre (sensing an opportunity): So, you guys don’t know each other as of yet? Like, no relationship as such?

Riddhima (chuckling softly): We haven’t known each other for very long, but I think for starters, we can be called really good friends. We don’t share a romantic relationship as such yet. (suddenly recalling their association) Anyway, this is not something I should be sharing with you, but thanks for listening. I’ll get going now and I hope you have a great evening. I’ll see you around.

Angre smiled at her and looked at her retreating figure as she walked into the crowd with the drink in her hand. However, as she walked away farther, his lips curved into a crooked smirk and he noticed the way the dress fit her correctly at all places. He realized how ravishing she looked and reminded himself why he’d never been able to look away from her ever since the party had begun.

Angre (muttering to himself): Look at how bodacious you look today, Riddhima. That dress just shows how ravishing of a woman you are! I don’t know what’s compelling you for this marriage, but now that I know that you and Vansh do not share a romantic relationship, I can weigh my chances. Today, I’ll show you for how long I’ve waited for you. For how long I’ve wanted you, Riddhima.


Riddhima walked inside a room at the farther corner of the hall, running her fingers over the small piece of paper absentmindedly. She wasn’t sure who’d sent the waiter her way, but she knew it was for her. After deciding to ignore the message, she’d still walked away from the crowd out of curiosity.

What if it was Vansh wanting to apologise for his behaviour? Of course, she wouldn’t forgive him, but she needed to correct his thoughts – make it easier for him to understand who she was. Who Riddhima really was!

Moments later, she heard the sound of approaching footsteps, but before she could see anyone, the lights switched off. She could still hear the faint tunes of the music from outside and she knew the power hadn’t fluctuated.

Riddhima: Who’s there?

She could only hear the faint tunes of music from afar and the approaching footsteps. As her eyes fell upon the silhouette, she knew it wasn’t Vansh who’d called her. She stepped behind and continued staring at the silhouette, trying to figure out who’d called her to this room.

Riddhima: I know it’s pointless asking who you are but stay where you are. If you try coming any closer, I’m going to f*ck*ng slaughter you right here.

He stopped momentarily, before bridging the gap between in one quick stride and pulled her closer. His arm wrapped around her waist and he held her tightly. He bent in closer toward her, but she moved back – pressing her palms against his chest tightly to shove him away. However, he inhaled her scent and quickly moved, exhaling a deep, harsh breath. She could smell the whiskey mingling with his breath and she inhaled a deep breath, bracing herself for the moment.

Riddhima: Leave me! You don’t know what I’m capable of doing. Goddammit, just MOVE AWAY.

She clenched her teeth and jabbed an elbow against his stomach to push him away. He stepped away hurriedly, writhing in pain and held his stomach. She could see his figure stooping lower toward the ground in pain and she hurried toward the door, trying to save herself.

Riddhima: Bl*ody drunkard!

She strode past him, trying to walk out of the room, but his fingers wrapped around her wrist and he pulled her back. Her back hit against his chest and her eyes widened at his audacity. She decided she needed to teach this guy a lesson.

Riddhima: Just leave me! If you’ve the audacity, have a war between equals. I’m going to f*ck*ing punch you square in the face.

Although, his hold on her tightened and he pushed her hair to the other side of her shoulder, his fingers brushing against her skin in a smooth stroke. The muscles in the pit of her stomach clenched and she felt the disgust course within her, almost nauseating her.

“Fierce. Exactly how I like!”

Riddhima heard him mutter against her ears, his breath falling on her skin closely. She felt her blood freeze in that moment as she tried recalling the voice. She knew she’d heard that voice somewhere – it was a voice she was familiar with.

Riddhima: I… I know you. I know that goddamn voice of yours. Who the heck are you? How do you know…

She paused mid-way when she felt him press his lips against her clavicle and her blood began boiling again – the thoughts from her mind quickly dissipating. How dare he? She stamped her heel against his cladded foot, and he moved away from her, holding up his leg in his hands.

She moved close to him and lifted her leg, wanting to hit him at his cr*tch. As he stood up and looked at her, she hit him with her knee and he fell down on the ground, desperately writhing in pain. She heard his growls of frustration and pain, and she couldn’t ignore the pleasantness that coursed within herself.

Riddhima: Serves you right! You’d think before even touching your wife now. And that bl*ody face of yours, I’ve to see that. I need to know how the f*ck do I know someone as disgusting as you.

She walked closer to him and lowered herself to the ground to see his face. She brought out her phone and tried flashing the light across his face, but he pushed her away and she fell on the ground – her forehead hitting against the sharp edge of a furniture.

He hurried his way out of his room, limping as quickly as he could. Riddhima tried getting up and holding him back before he walked out, but as she balanced herself on the ground, he’d already dissipated out of her sight. She thumped her fist against the furniture and walked toward her room – the frustration inside her boiling her blood.


Riddhima dabbed the damp cloth against her forehead again, before pressing an adhesive bandage against the cut. She looked at herself in the mirror and felt furious for not being able to see the molester’s face. Perhaps, if she’d been a little more careful, he wouldn’t have been to escape her clutches.

Minutes later, she heard a knock on the door, and she walked out of the washroom to open the door. She saw her mother waiting at the doorstep and furrowed her brows before bending behind and checking the time on the adjoining wall.

Riddhima: Is everything okay? It’s very late, Ma.

Payal: I just came to check upon you. I haven’t been able to see you through the entire evening, so thought I’ll check upon you before going to bed. Where did you disappear?

Riddhima: I was there only, Ma. It must be the crowd, don’t worry.

Payal: And how did you get this cut? The last I saw you, you were all fine.

Riddhima: I’m still all fine, Ma. It’s just a small cut, just some scratches. It was probably the sequins on the dress.

Payal (running a gentle hand on her cheeks): Okay, take rest. It’s been a very tiring evening; good night!

As he mother began walking away, she held her hand and her mother turned toward her, furrowing her brows together. The several instances from the evening resurfaced on her mind and she couldn’t ignore the way her muscles spasmed, saddening her.

Riddhima: Please… stay.

She knew her mother was shocked at her request. After all, Riddhima had always been fiercely independent and she’d never relied on anyone even when the emotions within her had overwhelmed her.

Moments later, she rested her head against the pillow and slept beside her mother. She’d always respected her mother for everything she’d done for her. She knew, her mother had always gone beyond herself to make Riddhima feel at home and she could never forget how indebted she was to her mother. If only she’d the ability to love her back the way her mother claimed to love her.

Payal: Now that I’m here and you’re not sleepy, Tell me how you got that cut on your forehead!


That’d be it for this episode. This episode was long due in my mind and this is one of the few most dramatic parts planned for this entire FF. I’ve always wanted to characterize a very strong and fierce Riddhima and write about how she can always take a stand for herself, so I guess I kind-of portrayed that here, despite the chapter not being the best.

However, the next update, so far, I think is the one I’ve wanted to write since so long, but let’s see how many of you all are eager to read it. I might try and update the next episode by Sunday if the response seems satisfying. Anyway, please do let me know your thoughts on this episode and in case of any changes, feel free to share them via the comments. Like always, Thank you for reading!

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