RIANSH: Becoming Mrs. Raisinghania – Episode 21

Hi y’all! Thank you so much for your comments on the previous episode. Here are the responses:

Hi Priyanka Thakur, thank you so much! I’m glad you liked and related to Riddhima’s character.

Hi Mithali, thank you so much. That means a lot.

Hi Mary, thank you. I completely get you, but I feel these things are easier said than done. Mainly because when you’re sharing life with someone all the time, it’s difficult to not expect certain things. Also, for Riddhima, I’m sure you got that, but things are from a different perspective. Her attitude of not wanting to marry hasn’t changed despite her decision.

Hi Ravneet, thank you so much. That’s really sweet of you.

Hi Parita, thank you so much. Riddhima really believes in tit-for-tat, but I am a little apprehensive about her actions in today’s update. Let me know your opinions. 🙂

Hi Aisha08, thank you.

Hi Candid11, thank you so much! Unfortunately, I’m not on Wattpad and don’t really have plans to join either, Sorry.

Hi Yashi, thank you.

Hi Stuti Abigail Tyagi, thank you.

Hi Siddhi_, thank you so much!

Hi Sweety21, thank you.

Hi Jayashree, thanks so much.

Hi Sree, thank you so much.

Hi AarushiSoni, thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

Hi Aafrin Jahan, thanks for reading! I’m glad you’re liking Riddhima’s character here.

Hi Kavya45, thank you.

Hi Nia, thanks for your constantly insightful comments, I really appreciate them. Oh girl, Angre really does deserve worse, but I’m not sure if this update’s actions were the correct way, tbh. This is real issue, so I’d really like to know your thoughts on it. Also, Riddhima might have had an emotional breakdown and everything in front of Vansh, but she’s not the one to forget things so soon. In all honesty, I don’t want her to forget either, forgiving might rather be what I’d prefer showing. Physical intimacy is literally what they have – at least from Riddhima’s side, Vansh is a fool to believe things can be normal between them. Oh yes, I love my car too – can’t imagine damaging it like that hehe.

Hi Shivangi, thanks so much!

Hi JJ, thank you.

Hi Vkjhp, thanks!

Hi Priya Singh, thank you.

Hi Niyati12, thank you so much. And definitely if I drive a car like that, I’m bound to be arrested, hehe.

Hi Akshiiii, thank you.

Hi Neetu, thanks so much.

Hi Jayanthi, thank you so much. I’m glad you’re liking Riddhima’s character. I am not a fan of iTV portrayals of women, so my aim is always to make them stronger. I don’t know how much I succeed, but I’m glad you’re liking Riddhima’s characterization as of yet. As for Vansh, I think I’ve said this to someone in the other FF’s section too, but I don’t believe that men are not capable of sustaining relationships. That’s something very prominently highlighted in iTV and I really strive to change that, hopefully you’d like that too. I’m so grateful that everyone is appreciating Riddhima’s boldness and frankness. Thanks for your insightful comments!

Hi Sahada, thanks so much! For the little time you were back here, I really enjoyed reading your views. I’m so glad you liked the update and like I said earlier too, I’m glad everyone’s liking Riddhima’s boldness. Looking forward to hearing from you again.

Hi Astha, thank you so much! You’re so darn sweet. 🙂

Hi KV2711, so glad to hear from you again. I’m glad you liked the previous update, thanks so much!

Hi Farhana, thanks so much!



“So, you’re here to apologize.”

Riddhima stared at the envelope in her hand before looking up and staring at him across the desk. She wished she could garner the same confidence as him, especially when her confidence was beginning to waver constantly. She did not know what the consequences of her decisions would be, but her mother had never taught her to hold her own silence despite the wrong.

Angre: You can submit the papers at the HR department, they will reimburse your expenses.

Riddhima inhaled a deep breath and stared at him. She did not need a job at the cost of her safety, regardless of having a job or not.

Riddhima (forwarding her hand): This is my resignation letter.

Angre looked up from his laptop and relaxed against his chair, lacing his fingers together. He stared at her pointedly as his lips slowly turned into an evil smirk. He picked up a remote from one of his desk drawers to draw the blinds in his cabin.

Riddhima looked around herself as he withdrew the blinds of the cabin. She figured it was a good decision because she did not want the entire floor to witness their exchange. She had decided to settle the matter in the office by herself in the office. She had prolonged her actions for too long now.

Angre: Vansh really gives you a lot of confidence, doesn’t he? Because I don’t remember you being so fierce when you started working in the office.

Riddhima: Or maybe, you were too blinded with your greed and lust to notice.

Angre (gritting his teeth): Do you know what this exchange could cost you? I could finish your entire career. You really are an attention seeker, Riddhima.

Riddhima: Do you know what can happen to your career if I create a commotion inside this closed room for just once?

Angre (smirking): I think if you’d to create a commotion, it would’ve happened at Mahabaleshwar itself. You wouldn’t have waited to come to the office. (tilting his head) You liked my touch, didn’t you, Mrs. Riddhima Vansh Raisinghania?

Riddhima pressed her palms against the edge of the table and dropped the envelope atop the remote before drawing back her hand shoving it inside the pocket of her jeans. When she looked back at Angre, she looked at him squarely and plastered a cunning smile across her lips.

Riddhima: Always remember you asked for this.

She picked up a paperweight from the desk and threw it in the air to smash the CCTV camera. The glass and lens of the camera shattered inside the cabin and she looked back at him as he stood up and stared at her.

She brushed a rough hand across her lips to smudge the red shade of the lipstick and smiled at him victoriously. She was not going to bear the assault any longer; She’d had enough. She lifted her hands and loosened the elastic around her hair before dishevelling her hair. She mentally berated herself for choosing this way, but he’d left her no choice.

She wasn’t going to let him win over her. She needed to defeat him today.

Angre: What the heck are you doing? No one’s going to believe. (trying to fetch the remote from the corner of the desk) I can operate the blinds at the touch of a button.

Riddhima clicked her tongue and tore the sleeves of her outfit. She knew this was absolutely wrong, but she’d learnt that multiple times, the wrong can only be corrected with the wrong. She jabbed two fingers inside her eyes and looked at him as the tears started rolling down her eyes.

Angre: YOU! What do you think of yourself?

He covered the distance in between in a quick few strides and wrapped his fingers around her forearm, tightly. As she readied herself to scream, she heard the door creak and a familiar voice say: “What’s happening here?”

Riddhima turned around and looked at Ishani, her gaze widening in horror. She had not expected her to visit Angre today. She knew Ishani did not know about Angre and she hadn’t wanted to damage her life. She only wanted to get rid of Angre for the two of them to sustain in their relationship.

Ishani stared at Riddhima, her gaze widening in horror and disbelief. She couldn’t believe her fiancé had assaulted her brother’s to-be-wife. She stared at her and gulped visibly before looking at Angre, his hands wrapped around Riddhima’s. As she continued staring at the connection, she saw him slowly dropping his hands and moving away from Riddhima.

He walked toward her and held her hands between his, trying to defend himself.

Angre: Ishani, you cannot believe how evil this girl is! She’s trapped me into this scene and made it look like I’ve assaulted her, but the truth is…

Ishani (mumbling to herself): I thought you were waiting for me to come and that’s why the blinds of your cabin were drawn. But you… you were planning something else here.

Angre: No, No, No. You’re getting this entirely wrong. It is Riddhima who did this and trapped me. I’d asked her to resign from the office because of our familial relations and this is what she tried doing.

Riddhima stood behind him and stared at Ishani, berating herself over and over again. She knew how difficult this situation could be for her and she hated herself for creating this scene in the public. If she’d the slightest clue of her visit, she would have had dealt with the situation differently. Heck, she mightn’t have even come to the office for the day.

When Angre tried to reason again, Ishani pressed her hand against his cheek and slapped him tightly. She’d never thought that he’d mishandle her trust and faith in him. She’d believed all his words, all of him, but she could see through the web of lies now. He’d never loved her – not even respected her. And she’d been an absolute fool to think he’d been busy since the past few months.

She inhaled a deep breath and walked toward Riddhima, wrapping her arms around her gently. She figured that she needed to support Riddhima in this condition, rather than crying on her fate.

When Angre looked at the two of them, Riddhima dropped the remote from her pocket on the ground and looked at him. She had never wanted the truth to come out to Ishani, but she realised it was better than forcing her to live in a false bubble.

Ishani helped her toward the door but before stepping out, she turned around and looked at Angre. She hated herself for ever loving this man. If he couldn’t respect women, she couldn’t be with him for another second. She pulled the ring out of her finger and threw it on his face – the sharp edge of the diamond dashed against his face, cutting open a wound before falling on the ground.

He whimpered in pain while she looked at him and gritted her teeth.

Ishani: You think that pains? That small cut? (smirking) You have no idea how much Riddhima must’ve pained. How unbearable this entire situation would’ve been for her. Look at her: You’ve dried her tears; You’ve made her miserable – she can’t talk a word for crying out loud and you’re hissing at that small cut! (brushing away her tears) I believe this is the end of us, Mr. Angre Sharma.

She wrapped her arms around Riddhima and walked toward the lobby when Angre called her from behind and shouted within the confines of the floor, “Maybe you should talk to your twin and his to-be-wife to really understand how much pain you’re going to be subjected to. Good luck with handling that, Mrs – oops, Ms. Ishani Raisinghania.”


I know false assault is a real issue and this update, in no way, condemns that. It is wrong and a serious crime.

That’s it for this episode. Thanks for reading and stay safe everyone!

P.S.: We’ve just finished the half-way mark of this FF, so there are still quite a few more chapters until we finish, but I’m hoping for some frequent updates this month so I can wrap-up as soon as possible.

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