RIANSH (Budding love for eternity) Episode 47 (PARENTING)

Hello readers! As this FF will be ending completing 50 episodes, I’ve another one in my mind with a different love story, a school one but can’t reveal everything. Hope you all support me in that too.


Episode starts with:


VR Room: Author’s POV;


RiAnsh go to their room, with Vansh carrying Vamika. They get surprised to see the room beautifully decorated and a lovely craddle kept with a note “From Us! FAMILY” they both smile. Vansh makes Riddhima lie down on the bed and starts swinging Vamika to make her sleep saying..


Vansh: You both rest now.


Riddhima: Yeah, but give Vamika to me.


Vansh: Why? I don’t want to give now, later! Okay?


Riddhima: I have to feed her, then you can play with her whole day, make her sleep, do whatever you want. Okay?


Vansh: (frowning) Fine.


(Riddhima takes the baby and starts feeding her, Vansh gets awkward and started stealing glances, Riddhima notices this at says..)


Riddhima: Vansh come and sit here. You are stealing glances as if you’ve seen me like this for the first time. Hnn? You have a daughter, means??? I hope you understand.


Vansh: Riddhima! Waise ma’am you’ve disturbed my family alot in my absence.


Riddhima: (guilty) Yeah, especially Angre. I even slapped him, in flow of pain. I should apologise na?


Vansh: 😂😂😂 No need to apologise. They all understand and it’s normal. No no (lookin at VAMIKA) she slept, now when will I make her sleep and play with her 😭😭


Riddhima: 😂😂 Vansh stop behaving like a kid, you’re a father now. And when she’ll get up, you play with her, then make her sleep also.


Vansh: That’s good, I’ll make my princess lie in the new new craddle. And Riddhima, even her room will get the final touches by tomorrow.


Riddhima: Perfect!


Vansh: But not now, she’ll not sleep in her room from now.


Riddhima: Ofcourse na. After 3-4 years.


Vansh: Yeah.


(Scene shifts to hospital, Shreya finds a something, and calls someone, saying..)


Shreya: Yeah, get it done ASAP. I’m sending you a sample of it. You send the consent form here and get started with the work.


Someone: Yes ma’am. If we get the consent form signed by tomorrow evening then everything will be done within a week.


Shreya: Good!


(Shreya cuts the call, at night in RiAnsh’s room, Riddhima feeds VAMIKA again and Vansh makes her sleep, and said)


Vansh: So as now you’ve troubled everyone a lot during last 9 months, its time for punishment.


Riddhima: What punishment?


Vansh: You don’t know (winking)


Riddhima: No! Stay away.


Vansh: I’ve been away since almost 7months Sweetheart, but not today.


Riddhima: (trying to run) catch me and I’m yours.


Vansh: Challenge hnn?


(Vansh and Riddhima start running quietly as Vamika might wake up, finally Vansh catches Riddhima and cages her in his arms, pinning to the wall, and said..)


Vansh: So I won.


Riddhima: Yeah fine 😒


Vansh: So now,


(He kissed her pationately, Vansh was moving his hand playfully on Riddhima’s waist; she wanted to moan but her lips were locked, Vansh untied her hair and made her lie of the bed, he removed his shirt and started openning Riddhima’s dress, he gave her wet kisses all over the body, while she buried her nails in his bare back, and finally they relived the moment of INTIMACY after months. Suddenly in midnight VAMIKA started crying, As Riddhima was tired Vansh got up and took Vamika in his arms and started singing in his baaaaddd! Voice..)


Vansh: Sleep sleep my princess sleep…

We also have to sleep..

If mumma wakes, she’ll eaaat us!

You please Sleeeeeeppppp!


(Riddhima listens to this song secretly and finally gets up saying..)


Riddhima: stop it Vansh, you’re scaring my lil girl. Give her to me.


Vansh: We were enjoying and you disturbed us.


Riddhima: ohh really? Then tell me why is she crying?


Vansh: Maybe she’s hungry.


Riddhima: Ohh so you were trying to feed her 😂😂


Vansh: Stop it.


Riddhima: She isn’t hungry, check her diaper.


Vansh: (made her lie on the bed, checking her diaper) Yes, it’s wet.


Riddhima: See! Now get me the diaper from cupboard.


(Vansh obediently brought the diaper, as Riddhima was about to change it, Vansh said..)


Vansh: Please let me do it, Actually you teach me.


Riddhima: Okay. Now do as I say.


(Vansh and Riddhima together and playfully, finally the three of them drifted to sleep, next morning Vansh got up and saw Vamika near him lookin upwards and silently lying, he kissed her forehead and cheeks, but he found Riddhima struggling with something, he aksed..)


Vansh: What are you upto?


Riddhima: (irritatingly) You take care of VAMIKA, I’m busy searching something important.


Vansh: But what?


Riddhima: Vansh I’ve lost my Diary that I wrote for Vamika 😭


Vansh: But how?


Riddhima: I remember, Siya gave Ishani my bag with reports and all. In same bag my Diary was kept. But now it’s not there.


Vansh: You took it out in hospital?


Riddhima: Yeah, after delivery to write what all happened but then..


Vansh: You call Shreya and ask if it’s there in the hospital?


Riddhima: That’s a good idea.


(Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Angre entered and said..)


Angre: Boss , Bhabhi please come downstairs with VAMIKA, Dr Shreya has come and she wants to meet you three eagerly.


RiAnsh: Coming.


(RiAnsh go down with VAMIKA, Shreya takes her in arms and looks upon..)


Episode Ends!


No precap, as it will reveal the next episode. Hope you all liked it. Suggestions, corrections and appreciations are needed in the comment section below 🙏 Thnqu ❤️ keep supporting 🙏😘

Stay safe and healthy 😙😙 All!

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