Riansh: Discover the love life# Epi 6. Possessive or obsessed VR (by Devanshi8)

So hi once again to all nd thanks too for supporting but comments are little bit less I know lot of expectations but plz it’s a request do comments that motivates to write some more. ohk leave my bakwas here only. I know I m bit late today than usual. So so sorry for disappointing nd being late.

Episode starts …
While Angre left VR remind all the scenes where Ridhu nd khanna shared hug as they were celebrating that Roy’s chapter is over nd their hifi nd their closeness.(it is all flashback)All this made him more frustrated nd his anger was reached at peak now when Angre arrived with that person

As vansh saw him he told Angre to tie him nd he obeyed his every word with horrified look angre stood there

Seeing him Vansh lost his senses nd started punching nd beating him with shouting a loud that how dare u touch my SWEETHEART again nd again nd after punching nd beating a lot he stabbed a pointed weapon to him that is just to give him a lot unbearable pain only not to kill. VR left him with multiple stab wounds

Vansh told angre to treat his wounds nd get him hospital nd then pick him to his home so that she(used for his mother) can get it how much I loved her(used for ridhu) nd obsessed of her. So that his mom will better make him understand to stay away from her

Scenes changed
Here Ridhu waited for Khanna as he took long time for arrival so she just about to track his location nd at that time he came with multiple wounds which made her scared about him as well as made her angry thinking about who damn dare this to do with her part of family’s

Ridhu(with tense nd care) : khanna who did it to u why don’t u tell me

Nd then shouted with anger to doctor team which always ready for all type of emergency nd the team reached in seconds only nd bandaged him nd completed his medical treatment to his wounds ASAP

Ridhu : Now tell me the name of that bastard khanna I won’t spare them. Who is there to dare to give u this wounds (she raged to cry as it is casually that she is angry nd emotional that leads her make cry)

But she is enough strong to give the hard reply to those who messed with her family nd Khanna is too her family

Khanna : He is too obsessed with u.********(mute conversation, reveal it later till then adjust with ur own theory😅)Just go from here before it gets too late Ridhima plz (with full concern)

Ridhu : Yes exactly khanna. Ridhima should go but what u have suffered is not bcoz of ridhima it is bcoz of zoya bcoz u r the bodyguard, pa, nd loyal honest part of zoya nd it is responsibility of zoya to give them a big lesson to not even dare to eye her life in which u also included khanna

Khanna : but it is for that only they want to reach at zoya anyhow I can’t let her I mean u go to them. It is a trap for zoya. They will harm u hurt u nd I can’t let it be happened nd for this only boss I mean ur brother had appointed me for ur safety only we can’t afford to reveal ur real identity to anyone nd that’s the reason u both r separate nd u don’t even know about ur family nd ur brother. Plz try to understand I won’t let u go there nd i won’t nd if u want to punish me for that u can but…(cut by ridhu urf zoya)

Let me clear ur all doubts bcoz if not here then it will be bored u all nd frustrated u all so I won’t stretch this suspence.
Well the person whom VR punched is none other than 💥
(really don’t want to tell but can’t stretch what if u all loss interest vese b bhot km readers or commenters he so… )
So he is not Khanna but he is Roy whom VR punched🤷‍♀️ nd muted convo is “he is too obsessed with u, ur success, ur business nd wanted to know who is zoya I mean to see ur face nd wanted to get info about ur bhai through threatening ur bhai by putting u ahead which is enoughto boil Ridhu’s blood”

So again come to point….

Ridhu: khanna do u really think that it is too easy to trap me the zoya Siddiqui?!(with smirk nd proud) It is neccessary to give them a tight hard slap that show those bastard who is ZS. Now u just relaxed nd wait nd watch what I do for hurting u to harm u my family

After just that she picked her phone nd dialed number nd talks to someone to execute her plan nd man on other side nodded nd hummed nd call ended there only…. nd with this she smirked victorious making khanna shocked

Scenes change

Angre came to boss with tense look

VR’s pov starts….
By his look I can surely tell that he was hell shocked nd tensed. Something serious unwanted misshappen happened giving bad vibes nd I too became tensed
POV ends….

Angre : boss (with heavy breathing,serious look with tense like with lowering head)

Vansh : what happened Angre u looked tense what happened

Angre : boss vo .. amm…vo ..ZS…(stammering)

Vansh : Angre tell me what happened to ZS, don’t test my passions (shouting due to tense)

Angre : boss vo ZS’s PA was attacked by rival enemies. U just ordered me boss I personally closed their chapter by my own just tell me once only boss( with great anger)

Vansh : (with relax) ohho Angre u scared me I thought something happened to ZS. Nd no need to get tensed, I can assure u in written if u want that they are going to loss their lives soon who dare to torture her PA. She is not going to spare those. (With a wide evil smile)

Angre : but boss..

VR : Angre, u just wait nd watch. By tomorrow’s morning only, u will get ur ans. Nd if u r dying to take worry then worries about those rival enemies. Get ready with my that special drink tomorrow we will celebrate their defeat or u can better say their death bcoz ZS kisi ko nhi chedti but agr koi use chede to vo use chotti nhi.
Nd 1 more thing there is a rule if anyone loves their peaceful life then there is only 1 thing nd that is to not mess VR nor ZS otherwise they loss their peace (with a proud)

Angre : ohk boss

Riansh both are thinking of eachother, Vansh thinks about ridhu nd ridhu about her stranger nd both gets slept in thought of their love.

Precap :
Ridhu’s bold move against enemies
Ridhu nd Stranger(VR)’s covo.

Comments down your theory about her move nd plan nd relation between ZS nd VR. If anyone of have any doubt regarding story do comment I will surely clear it. Nd u can also tell me what u want next in my ff so that I can do it. Plz plz plz do comments yaar bcoz less comments really leads us to disheartened so … if anyone of ur feeling hurt by this request then sorry again 😔


Can join me On wattpad , id is 08Devanshi

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