#discover the love life # introduction
So here I m first time uploading the ff of immj2 our most loveable riansh’s love story in some unique way. I hope u all like it nd if yes then plz comment me so I can continue this or if anyone’s feeling will hurt by my ff unknowingly then sorry for advance but I really loved riansh so I assume that u all riansh fans aur any other who read this will like it. So let’s start without any bakwas of mine
Vansh Rai Singhania:
Well known one of the most rich businessmen with white collord underworld mafia. Love his family but something happened that snatched his smile nd made him rude so now he forget to smile. Hate betrayer as u know. Don’t believe in love. Don’t believe easily on anyone
Ridhima Sharma:
Here she is not an orphan. She is too moodie like if the exact situation repeat itself her reaction are different for both situation whether it will be exactly same so alert to them don’t try to judge her will be action bcoz get fail in this. Well she lives with her dadu nd khanna( new character, later introduce). Her friend sejal all this trio love her so much in truely.
All other characters are the same except Anupriya here she will be positive nd not kabir’s mom nd love the VR family genuinely. Nd yes here ridhima is not in love with kabir so don’t worry but kabir will be the villain here also
First jalak for my ff :
The running bride is hiding in VR’ s car ki dikki . As usual after some time of ride of car vansh get some vibes that indicate there is something fishy in car so he stopped the car nd checked it nd then he opened the dicky nd boom..
… he saw something that made a smile on his face 1st time after such a long decade u can say
Suspence what made him smile for first time ?!
Alert for those who always trying to predict don’t try this bcoz it is almost different from all as I said in ridhima’s introduction.
So comments down plz bcoz it is my first time that I m doing this kind of stunt. Give me ur precious comments to know ur interests in my ff so that I can continue it.
Seems interesting. Post soon.
Excited for first episode….welcome to tu

Thank u
. Seems interesting post soon 
Ohk. I will post its 1st part today only.thanks for ur precious comment
It’s amazing so please do continue and ya post soon please
Thank u so much. I will continue. Thanks
Amazing character sketch dear
Wonderful character sketch!!

It seems interesting
Post soon…
Sure. Thanks for appreciation
Amazing!!!waiting for the next episode eagerly for the suspense….
Posted it u can see 1st episode
Yes sure. Thank u so much for supporting me.
amazing .
best of luck for your ff..
Wow amazing

. Thanks for updates 
. Keep rocking 


Wow fabulous


Loved it!
All the best!
Amazing………great start…..All the very best….will be waiting for further
Thank u so much.
Awesome dear

Interesting….waiting for your start! Post soon
Thanks.just post it. Afterward u able to see.
Awesome episode dear yeah you can continue eagerly waiting for next update
Thank u so much dear. I have posted its first episode maybe take some time don’t know much about it so ya