#RiAnsh #Fan Fiction #Ishq Mein Marjawan #Part -32 D-Day

Hello 🙋🙋🙋

I do have some clarification and good news but that will be at last as of now focus on main business and check it below.

After taking grandma out of the house Riddhima drove back to Siya’s house and both Siya and Dadi were happy seeing each other, though Grandma is sad and inner turmoil is going in her heart cause as per her opinion due to her distance between her son and her granddaughter is increased ans they have dragged each other to court and just to hide it all she put a wide smile on her face but tinge of sadness were still and both of her granddaughter noticed it immediately and Siya is first one to react

Siya: Dadi, please leave all the bitter memories and thoughts behind and live happy life with us. 🙂🙂

Riddhima: For the first time she is right you don’t need to remember anything from past. 😇🙂

Dadi wiping her eyes nodded at them and before she can do any emotional argument or drama both Riddhima and Siya hugged her.

Later whole day passed in same way and Riddhima have booked visit to Doctor for day after tomorrow as tomorrow is grand premier of dancing competition and she started checking every required item and there she found her outfit missing and she freaked out immediately and dailed Aryan’s number and answered it immediately and said

Aryan: I know you’re missing me and you know… 😍🙂

And before he can complete sentence Riddhima snapped at him

Riddhima: Aryan, my outfit for tomorrow is yet not with me what will I do tomorrow? Do something. 😏🙁

Aryan: Riddhu calm down, outfit is not under my concern that needed to be given by channel and I’ve received mine two days back let me check what’s wrong with your? 🧐🤓

Riddhima: Leave it, I’ll manage you focus on rehearsal and take rest. 😔🤗

Aryan: Sure you too take rest and take care of your self. 🤗🙂

And she disconnected call and contacted POC (point of contact) and he informed her that her outfit is still not ready and she will get it before their performance and thanking that person Riddhima disconnected call and took breath of relief and she decided to sleep early today so she can have proper sleep and anyway today her family according to her is with her and same time her phone beeped with a text

“Wify will see you tomorrow. 😍🤗”

Reading the message Riddhima’s heart started beating loudly against her ribcage and she tried to calm down her self and without replying anything she went to bed and tried to sleep.

Meanwhile Vansh was pacing back and forth in his room waiting for reply from Riddhima but receiving any he felt dejected and caressing wallpaper he spoke

“Tomorrow onwards you’ll be with me Sweetheart. “🤗😍

Next day

Riddhima get up early and prepared breakfast for three of them and after finishing her she completed all her work and she left for location catching taxi bit early as she have to collect her outfit.

Meanwhile Aryan and Vansh too wake up early and they too reached location early as they have to check all the preparation to make their plan work successfully.


By the team Riddhima reach to location almost participants and crew members as well as media people have reached and and see people running from here and there and she found it bit weird seeing so many media people there cause as per her knowledge they’re not required to be part of grand premiere of some reality show and she felt an urge to ask someone about same but ignoring her feeling she dialled her POC’s number which was answered immediately with reply he’ll be there in minutes and as he mentioned that person is right in front of her in just 3 minutes and he guided her to a room and said

Person: Madam wait here will get back to you soon. 🤓🙃

And Riddhima nodded at him and soon he is out of Riddhima’s sight and that the moment Riddhima noticed room it is quite precious with royal interior and again she felt weird cause they’re giving such royal treatment to participant and shrugging all that she just roam around to kill her boredom while waiting for that person and more than an hour passed but no one returned and she even tried calling him but it too went unanswered and frustrated Riddhima decided to search that person and get answer so she walked out from room but soon someone’s voice caught her attention

” Would be Mrs. Raisinghania is so lucky her husband is going to propose her today in front of whole media and he will come in front of media for first time.”😎🤓🤗

And immediately Riddhima remembered text she received yesterday night and now these preparations and she finally understood everything and she started feeling butterflies dancing in her stomach and soon she felt goosebumps too.

And before she can go to her dreamland she heard announcement from the floor

“Are you guys ready to welcome first perfomer of the day Aryan along with his  choreographer Riddhima? “🤓🤓

Listening to this Riddhima is dumbfounded and she doesn’t even know what would she do now she started cursing Aryan for being careless and not looking after her and unknowingly she started walking towards floor but before she can reach she found someone standing beside Aryan and she pinched her self to confirm whether she is dreaming or what but feeling pain she realised she is not dreaming and before she can stop performance started and once again she started cursing Aryan and started praying to God to ruin performance of them.

And as if God is listening to her their performance was worst and watching them performing she felt like even a toddler can perform better than them and she looked everyone’s expression and she found each one disappointed with performance and soon it ended and without wasting time a lady judge shoot question to them

“Where is co-ordination guys? ” Have you guys forget that you’re performing at reality show not at your school’s annual day function”😠😡😠

And Riddhima clapped for judge and turned her gaze to floor to see what’ll they answer now and then she noticed that Aryan’s partner is none other than Ishani and Riddhima is shocked seeing her there and she once again cursed Aryan for doing it without thinking much but soon she regretted it when she heard Aryan’s reply

Aryan: She is not my choreographer and I’ve never done any dance practice with this person so how can I co-ordinate?🥺🥺🥺

And everyone present there is stunned hearing him and soon everyone started questioning Ishani who she is? why she did this?

Ishani is shocked with Aryan’s answer and now judge, audience, and even media who is surprise element for her questions making situation more worse for her and she looked at Aryan with pleading look to save her and Aryan ignored her and soon she lashed out at them loosing her temper.

And soon she is blamed to pose as someone else and judges told her be ethical and adviced not to take such step for few minute’s fame.

And helpless Ishani was not able to do anything apart from shouting and threatening and she said

“I don’t need fame I am fiancee of Kabir Maheswari and I’ll sue each one of you for framing me. “🤬😡😠

And she left from there giving hot news with famous name Kabir Maheswari to media people.

And soon everyone realised that they need to find actual choreographer and Aryan said he’ll find her and even judge told him they’ll allow them to perform once again and smiling Aryan left from floor thanking them.

And Riddhima is still in trance as she was feeling happy beyond limits seeing Ishani’s situation and sad as Aryan have to face it all because of her and she even thanked God cause due to her Aryan might have been eliminated and tears started making their way from her eyes and wiping them she started running in Aryan’s direction.

And soon they’re together and Aryan flash a big smile at her and asked

“So how was drama?🧐😝 It’s just trailer. “😆🤪

Riddhima: What do you mean by that?🧐🧐

Aryan: Baby I do have planned it with bit help of my brother and see… 😜😜😝

Riddhima: Why Aryan? 🧐🤨

Aryan: She deserves it anyway go back to your assigned room I’ve something to do I’ll meet you there. 🙃😇

Riddhima: But, 😔😔

Aryan stopped and said

Aryan: No but baby, just go enjoy you should be happy as today your… 🤓🤓

And thai time Riddhima stopped him and said

Riddhima: Listen me first, I am saying you that but what about my outfit I still not have received it. 😣😣😖

Aryan: You’ll get it too. 😎😎

And soon they started walking in their respective direction and Riddhima heard someone on her way

“Deliver this dress to Vansh Raisinghania’s room and be careful. “😎

And Riddhima decided to follow this person to see Vansh Raisinghania cause see is curious to see her husband but her mind told her to not  to cause there can be another person with same name but her heart insisted her to check and following her heart she started following that person and soon she is on the floor were her room is and that the time see noticed only two rooms were there on the floor and she found Angre outside another room so now she is sure that person in that room is her husband only and seems like luck is in her favor Angre received a call and he went on side to answer it and taking benefit of it she too sneaked in to room along with waiter and soon she found a man sitting on recliner his back is at their side and before waiter can say anything they heard a deep husky and intense voice

“Keep that dress there and while leaving please pass message to next room that your husband is waiting for you in next room. And take your tip from my man who is standing outside. “😎😎

And hearing voice Riddhima felt like she have heard it before and immediately name of Ansh popped in her mind but she shrugged it away and run to her room before getting noticed by waiter.

(First I’ve thought of ending it here🤭🤭 but then I thought you all will hire someone to beat the blue out of me so I am going forward being so much generous🤭🤭)

And soon she is in her room and her heart started beating loudly against her ribcage and once again she felt butterflies dancing in her stomach and soon she get message and she nodded at waiter who is looking at her weirdly (obviously he’ll cause both husband and wife are living in different room plus instead of using their mobile they’re giving message in this way😆😆) but ignoring all that Riddhima rushed to next door and knocked softly and soon she heard

“Come in”😎

Holding hem of her dress with one hand and stomach by another as if dancing butterflies will come out from there she entered room once again and again she found him sitting in same position and curious she started taking baby step towards him and before she can reach there she saw him getting up and turning and seeing him she stopped right there and speak

Riddhima: What are you doing here Ansh? 🤨🤔

Vansh: Let me introduce my self once again,😎🤓 Mrs. Raisinghania meet your husband Vansh Raisinghania. 😍😍

And Riddhima felt earth beneath her leg is disappeared and she’ll fall flat on her face and she actually stumbled on her place and before she can recover from this shock she heard Aryan’s voice

“Bhai finally you told everything to Riddhima”🙂🙂

And before Vansh can gesture him to leave Riddhima stopped him and asked

“Why are you calling him Bhai? “🤨🧐

Aryan: Cause he is my brother Vansh Raisinghania I told you about remember. 🤓🤓

And instead of replying anything to him Riddhima turned back to Vansh and looking at him all the memories of past started flashing in her mind though she wanted to thank him for all the help but her heart refused to do so as he hid his identify as well as fact that he is her husband and immediately she loose her temper but still maintaining calm voice she spoke shocking both brothers and dropping nuclear bomb on Vansh’s dream of living happy life with his wife

“I want divorce. “😠😐😡

Phew. 🥵🥵🥵

Finally done with update.

Now time for news two good🙂🙂 and one bad 🙁.

First one this fiction is not over only first book of it’s over soon 2nd will be out.😎😇Hope you all won’t mind. 🤔🤞

Now next one I was not able to cracked final round of management interview in my dream company i.e. TCS. 🙁😣

One more news but I do get placed in another company and now I am working person. 😎🤓

And big wala sorry for disappearing but I was busy cracking interviews and now I placed so it all over now. And I am back too. 🤗😎🤓🙂🙃

Now I am waiting for feedback from you all for this update. 😇🙏

Last but not least stay home and stay happy and safe with family and friends. 😇

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