#RiAnsh #FanFiction #Ishq Mein Marjawan #Part – 29 Trouble Ahead

Hello 🙋🙋🙋

I am back with update… Rest I’ll talk later.

Seeing known black hoodie cover face Riddhima first take breath of relief and speak

Riddhima: What are you doing here Ansh?🧐 (Many of you have assumed so perfect 🙂)

And before Ansh can reply Riddhima’s phone ring indicating Ansh 2 and looking at screen Ansh spoke

Ansh: Is this same Ansh who dropped you home that day? 🧐🤨

And Riddhima looked at him with surprise and replied

Riddhima: Were you spying on me all day? 🧐🧐

Ansh tuck her hair strand behind her ear and coming dangerously close to her he with intense tone spoke in her ears

Ansh: Darling I don’t need to. 😎😍

And in all this Riddhima was not able to answer call at first ring so her phone rang again and this time pushing Ansh bit away she answered call and before she can even say hello she heard worried  voice of Vansh

Ansh: Sweetheart what happened? Why you’re not answering my call? Do you need any help? Where are you? Why are you not speaking anything? 🧐🤨🤨

Riddhima: Ansh breath, you’re not letting me speak anything so how can I? Anyway nothing happened to me.And tell me why you’ve called me? 🧐🧐

Ansh: One I wanted to know whether you’re safe or not? And another I don’t know venue of tomorrow’s engagement so. 🧐🧐

Riddhima: Okay, Anyway I still have not checked it let me check first, I’ll call you back in few minutes. 🤓🤓

And she disconnected call and looked at Ansh who was staring her all this while and she asked him

Riddhima: Why are you here? 🧐🧐

Ansh: I want you stay away from this Ansh. 😎😎 (😝😝my reaction)

Riddhima: Why? 🧐🧐

Ansh: I still can’t say you it but trust me it is for your betterment only. And I don’t want you to get hurt by him darling. 😌😔

Riddhima: He won’t hurt me ever and he have been my special friend in short spine don’t worry I am safe with him. Now you go.😔 (Look at her trust 😍😍)

Ansh: Still be careful Darling and don’t trust anyone so easily. 😔😔

And before Riddhima can reply he disappeared and without giving focus to what he said Riddhima went inside and checked on Sia who was sleeping peacefully and she later took out card and checked venue and dialled Ansh’s number which was answered very next moment

Riddhima: Hey Ansh venue is “Hotel Heaven” and ceremony is starting at 9 pm so be there okay!🤓🤓

Ansh: No I’ll come to pick up you and we’ll go there together. 🤩🤩

Riddhima: Fine, bye good night. 🤩😎

And she hang up call and drift to deep slumber.

And Ansh kissing her photo which is his mobile home screen went to bed.

Next day morning Riddhima helped Aryan in choreographing his steps meanwhile Vansh completed all his tasks as soon as possible and by 6 pm he was back to home to get ready.

By 7:30 he was ready and he once again checked him self in mirror and with satisfactory smile he looked at brooch box lying on table and his smile turned into smirk and he took box in his hand and before he can took it out someone’s hand from behind took box from him and he turned to find owner and surprisingly he found Riddhima 🤗🤗 there and he spoke

Vansh: What are you doing here Sweetheart? 🤨🧐

Riddhima kept her finger on his lips indicating him to keep quiet and she moved close to him and looking into his eyes she took out brooch from box and without breaking eye contact she carefully opened it and next moment she carefully trying to pin it to his kurta and Vansh was looking at her with happy smile and just to tease her he ouched and Riddhima looked at him worriedly and speak

Riddhima: What happened Vansh? (Hint of upcoming scene 😜)

Vansh: Nothing was just making you aware that it may hurt like that. 😎🤪

Riddhima didn’t said anything and made face at him and Vansh is smiling still and with smirk Riddhima intentionally hurt him little bit and Vansh ouched with pain and smiling Riddhima asked

Riddhima: What happened sweetheart?🤪😉

Vansh: That hurt. 😞😏

Riddhima: I was making you aware that is how it hurts. 😎😝😝

And she winked at him and moved away from him and Vansh followed her and Riddhima who was still looking at him didn’t see bed ahead and she fall on bed followed by Vansh who is on top of her now and he looked into her eyes and she too was lost in his chocolate brown orbs but suddenly Vansh’s phone rang disturbing them and with groan Vansh looked at caller and surprisingly he found Riddhima calling and he looked beneath him and he found pillow there and he smacked himself lightly for daydreaming about his lady love. (I know at first RiAnsh moment have brought smile on your face and by now shoes are in your hands 😆😆🤭🤭) (so let me know how was this moment was?)

And next moment he answered call and speak

Vansh: What happened Sweetheart? 🧐

Riddhima: I just wanted to remind you that you’re accompanying me today so dot get busy with other thing and what are you wearing today? 🧐

Vansh: (In naughty and teasing tone) Someone is interested in knowing what I am wearing today what’s the matter sweetheart? 😉🤪

Riddhima: Stop your mind from overworking, I wanted to buy something for you so nothing else. 🤓😝

Vansh: Ohkz that’s the matter anyway I am matching my attire with you. 🤗😎

Riddhima: Fine bye, be on time. 🙂

And before Vansh can reply she disconnected call and small smile crept on Vansh’s face thinking he will be getting gift from his lady love. One last time checking himself he took his car key left from his room and opened main door humming song
“Tere ghar aaya me aaya tujko lene”😉🙂

But before he can complete his song he found his parents standing right in front of him that too with serious look and he welcomed them.

As soon as they settled on sofa Vansh questioned them

Vansh: Is there anything important which requires my immediate attention?🧐🤨

(Knowing his father won’t visit him in human society if it’s not important)

Uday(Vansh’s father): It is my son. 😬

And curiously Vansh looked at his father and from next moments onwards both husband wife one-by-one started explaining and informing him few things which changes his expression from sad to happy with progress of matter. And in all this they lost track of time. (Any assumptions on what matter they’re talking about?)

Meanwhile Riddhima was eagerly waiting for Ansh and till 8:30 he didn’t turn up so with foul mood she hired taxi and reached to venue and there she found all the eyes turning in her direction and she found awkward being center of attention and before she can find place to hide herself Mahek ran to her and spoke

Mahek: It’s latest collection of Sabyasachi Sachi I never knew you can afford it. 🤑

Riddhima: You’re mistaking it’s not that it’s just first copy. 😔

Mahek: It can’t be trust me cause they have posted about it just yesterday so first copy is not possible. I must say you have superb sense of how to catch all attention. 😎😎

Riddhima: It’s not like that. You should go and be with your best friend. 😖😐

And Riddhima excused herself and she is at lost of word thinking Ansh have spend such hefty amount for her and before she can come out of that she felt someone’s snapping and she looked at direction and found Ishani standing there and Riddhima looked at her with what-are-you-doing-here look and Ishani replied

Ishani: I must say you’re expert in trapping rich boys. 😬🤑

Riddhima: What the hell you’re talking about? mind your words else I won’t stop myself from slapping you even today. 😠

Ishani: Don’t you dare threaten me. 😠😐

But before their conversation can go ahead Kabir made his entry and Ishani faked smile on her face while Riddhima was feeling weak seeing him there but still masking her face with smile she extended her hand and muttered congratulations to him and she is about to leave from there but Ishani stopped her and said

Ishani: Don’t be spoil spot join us for toss dear sister. 🤓

Riddhima: Sia needs me so I need to leave. 😐

Ishani: Oh I don’t think she requires baby sitting anyways I knew you won’t be able to stand at sight of me and Kabir being together. 😎😎

Before Riddhima can react Kabir spoke

Kabir: Ishani, don’t start. Let her leave if she doesn’t want to stay. 😏😔

And taking it as perfect opportunity to shed her crocodile tears Ishani started her drama

Ishani: See Riddhima you just soiled my special day and Kabir you’re taking her side even now. 😖😣

And Riddhima reacted

Riddhima: I for sure would love to raise toast on this matter dear sister. 🤪😝

And Ishani looked at her and offered glass which she was holding and Riddhima remembered how she spiked her drinks in club so she refused it and she stopped a waiter who was passing from there and grabbed last drink from his tray and in one go she gulped it down and next moment she looked at IshBir and spoke

Riddhima: Congratulations to you both once again you both deserves each other.🤪😝

And before they can reply Riddhima started leaving from there but she felt weak on her knees and even before she can reach to exit door her vision started blurring and she starts finding something to hold on. And immediately she dialed Anhs’s number but it went unanswered and she dialled Aryan’s number next but it went unanswered too and she found one waiter passing by so Riddhima stopped him and asked him to help her and in all this chaos she didn’t noticed Ishani who is following her.

And within few minutes Riddhima was resting in one of room of same hotel and she is trying her best to keep herself awake meanwhile Ishani have started executing another part of her paln and accordingly same waiter intentionally spoiled Kabir’s suite and Ishani directed him to same room where Riddhima was already there.

As soon as Kabir entered room he found ladies shoes lying on floors and looking at shoes he remembered that Riddhima have wore it today, and he laughed at own self as he didn’t even noticed his actual fiance and he clearly remember each and every details of Riddhima’s attire though he is getting married to Ishani but still his heart is beating for Riddhima only that’s when he realised he want to take stand for his love, for his Riddhima so forgetting everything around him he happily moved inside and there is found half conscious Riddhima lying on bed and she was looking tempting and forgetting other things he moved towards her like hunter moving towards pray and once closer to her he leaned on her and speak

Kabir: Riddhima, you’re only girl for whom my heart is still beating, I know you too love me and won’t be able to forget me ever. 😍😎

Though she is half conscious she tried to move away from him and Kabir tried to hold her and in all this he pulled string of her blouse from back and it opened immediately and Riddhima immediately covered her self with bedsheets and said

Riddhima: Go away Kabir, I don’t want to see your face even. 😣😣

And this hurts male ego of Kabir and he advanced towards her and he tries to manhandle her and because of spiked drinks she is not able to stop him and he succeed in his attempts and he throw her on bed and climb on top of her and he was about to slam his lips on her but before that door knob clicked and along with Ishani his own parents as well as Ishani’s parents were standing right in front of them and first one to react among them is Anupriya and she shouted

Anupriya: How dare you seduce your own brother-in-law? Have you lost your mind or what? 😖😠😠

Riddhima was not able to reply anything and by now Kabir have adjusted himself and everyone started blaming Riddhima for whatever happening few minutes back and was questioning her character and Riddhima was not able to listen anything anymore so she shouted

Riddhima; It was not me, It was her (and she pointes towards Ishani) it’s all her idea she did this all, she did it before too and she did it now too. 😫😣😣 (In cracking voice)

And Anupriya immediately understood everything and before anyone can raise single question to Ishani she played her cards for betterment of her daughter

Anupriya: How dare you blame my daughter for this you tried to seduce her fiance on day of her engagement and now you’re blaming her and hurting her more.😡😡😠

And taking it as cue to shed tears Ishani started crying and Anupriya continue

Anupriya: I’ve always treated you same way as I treated Ishani but you give me this in return. 😖😖

Sakshi: You should have teach her lesson earlier so we won’t be standing here today. 😡😡

Anupriya: I’ll today. 😡😠

And with evil smirk she moved towards Riddhima and landed a tight slap on her face and leaving print of her finger on her cheek and she didn’t get satisfied with it so she did same with other one and Sakhi and Suraj along with confused Kabir and crying Ishani left from room so they can teach proper lesson to their characterless daughter.

And inside the room Anupriya like earlier started beating Riddhima with belt and by now all energy of Riddhima was drained and she was constantly looking at her own father who was standing like a statue ever since he entered room and she was shedding tears thinking why her own father is abandoning her like this and she spoke

Riddhima: Why every time you choose to keep silent though you know the truth and for god sake I am your daughter too.😭😭

And Amar was shaken a bit and all he said is

Amar: You should not have done this.😬😣

And next moment he took belt from Anupriya’s hand and throw it on floor but by now belt’s capacity is over too so it broken into two piece and leaving it and Riddhima in same room they left and Riddhima was lying lifelessly on floor and was crying too and once again she heard footsteps and she tried to look at person but her tears were blurring her vision and she didn’t make much effort to know who just arrived but visitor is much more interested in letting her know arrival so moves closer to her and next second she heard

“Hope you enjoyed this little drama sister”😈

And Riddhima was not able to reply anything to her and Ishani continue

“Don’t ever try to mess with me else you’ll face consequences like this”😈

And tearing Riddhima’s clothes in a way it exposed her body she left from room keeping door open.

And with difficulties Riddhima was trying to move closer to bed to grab bedsheet to cover herself but before that her phone ring on other side and with difficulties she reached there and answered call and with cracking voice she spoke


Ansh: Where are you sweetheart? I am at venue and I searched for you almost everywhere but you’re no where. 😔😏

Riddhima: I don’t know exactly room number but my room door is open will you please find it for me.🥶🥵 (With great difficulties she completed her sentence)

And Vansh sensed that she is in trouble so he immediately run and started searching for room and after 10 to 12 minutes he found room and entered inside and shouted

Vansh: Riddhima are you here? 😣😣

Riddhima: Ansh I am here. 🥺🥺

And he rushed inside and next moment sight in front of his eyes broke his heart into million pieces and he rushed to her and caressing her hair he spoke

Vansh: Who did this to you sweetheart?😠😠

Riddhima: First I want to go away from this place. 😣😣😐

And taking it as command he covered her with bedsheet and scooped her in his arms and started moving towards parking plot and with one hand he informed Angre to come there with few medicine and nice comfortable and soft pair of clothes for girl and once he reached parking area he settled in back seat of car with Riddhima still in his hand and knowing she is secure now she have drifted to slumber.

After few minutes Angre was there and he gave medicine and clothes to Vansh and before he can ask any questions Vansh orders him to drive to his home and soon they reached home and carefully without disturbing Riddhima’s sleep once took her to his room followed by Angre with medicine and dress and once in room Vansh carefully kept her in bed and tucked her hair strands behind her ears and kissed her on her forehead and spoke

Vansh: Sorry sweetheart. Trust me who so ever is behind it will face Vansh Rajsinghania’s wrath now. “😡😡

And turning to Angre he continue

Vansh: By tomorrow morning I want name of persons who have done this to her else don’t bother to show me your face and now leave. 😠😡😡

And Angre left from palce and little bit he knows that Riddhima’s step mother may be behind it but he wanted to make sure so he started his search.

Phew 🥵🥵🥵

So done with update. And big wala sorry for not updating this long but my mother was tasted positive for covid-19 and was hospitalised just today she discharged and here I am with update hope you all will understand me. And I do have update long part today. And big thanks for your prayers. 🙏😇

So now do leave your feedback on this update. 🙏

Happy new year to all of you. And please stay home and stay safe and happy with your family and friends. 😇🙂


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