Riansh FF (IMMJ2) I am dying in your love – Episode 14

Person : I loved you a lot and I will love you forever will you marry me

At the same moment vansh listening to his words as he came to propose her but when he listened his words he got angry and was going to hit him but then suddenly

(Guys you could think that I am going to bring a new enemy in riansh ‘s love story or you guys are thinking that it could be some old enemy like vyom and after the person proposed you guys thought she will accept or she will refuse am I right ??or am I not right ?? But here you go the twist actually none of your thoughts are correct so who is the person that is proposing riddima every doubt will be clarified now just continue reading down )

Note : but guys after reading this don’t throw slippers on me pl 🙂🙂

Riddima to the person : wow what a nice rehearsal neil bhai so like this only you will propose bhabhi she will definitely accept as you are handsome , good – looking , soft and heavy hearted and a man with morals so no girl could say no and bhai after proposing her you should definitely introduce her to me

(Guys for your kind information neil is abhi ram’s younger brother and he sees riddima like his sister )

Neil (the same unknown person) : ok princess I will accept all your demands

Riddima : but bhai why do you propose me for rehearsal as you could do rehearsal with any other girl right

Neil : but riddu you know na I only love one girl so I can’t propose another girl

Riddima : aww how sweet my bhai is first he is a mafia and now he turned soo romantic I wish to have a husband like you but bhai there is no need of any rehearsal for proposing bcoz as when we love a person truly then in proposal you doesn’t need any rehearsal just go near her and look into her eyes and your heart can’t hide feelings anymore so it will definitely show the feelings in words and you could express everything heartily and the girl will definitely accept understood .

Neil : yes and thanks for the suggestion do now I have to leave take care about your self as you are carefree and free spirited

Riddima : (irritated tone) : teri lecture hoo gaya toh yaha se jaao mujhe bahut kaam hai
(If your lecture completed just go as I have a lot of work to do )

Neil smiles from her attitude and leaves

Till now vansh is observing everything and a smile drawn on his smile after seeing their bond later he realized he is his friend too from childhood and then he goes to riddima who is now watering plants in her garden
Vansh came near her and when he is about to speak riddima said

riddima : Good Morning vansh how are you ??
Vansh got surprised

Vansh : how do you know it’s me
Riddima : I can feel my loved ones and who are close to my heart ‘ s presence

Vansh became happy listening her words

Riddima : so tell me is there any thing to say

Vansh : yah (slowing down ) voh voh voh …..
Before vansh could speak further she interrupted him and said

Riddima : वो , वौ , वं , व: bharahkhadi sunne kha meh taiyaar nahi hun (I am not ready to listen any bharahkhadi from your mouth) just come to the point

Vansh : actually voh, voh ………
Riddima : (interrupting ) we will meet today at 8:30 place – rainbow garden ok

Vansh : ok
Vansh decides to say at a restaurant after visiting rainbow garden he makes arrangements in the restaurant and then

Riddima : vansh you know what I have a crush on someone at high school and he is my first and last crush

Vansh is irritated by her words mostly”crush”

Riddima : he has so much arrogance but loves his family a lot and ya he has a beard without mustache he doesn’t look complete and he is a Handsome hunk and prince charming , arrogance suits his face very well

Further she could continue he leaves from there

Precap : I have a sister you know na

So today’s questions
1. Whom riddima talking about
2.who is the person in the precap saying
I have a sister you know na
3. Who is the person listening to those words
4. Why specially riddima talking about an unknown person in front of vansh
5. Is she trying to make him jealous??
6. Can vansh propose riddima this time
7. Before he could propose anyone can occur ??

Answer the questions in the comments section

With loads of love 💖
And sorry for the late update


Hai all , I am a lover of serials . I am an artist

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