Riansh FF (IMMJ2) I am dying in your love – Episode 16

Then when they are talking one more person comes who is raj and say ” abhi , vansh , neil come to the party and enjoy what you guys doing here”

Person 1(abhi) : nothing papa
Person 2(vansh) : yes uncle we are coming
Persone(neil) : dad just we are talking about a business deal we will come you go

Raj leaves

(Guys so vansh and abhi’s sister are childhood friends but when grown up vansh doesn’t see how she looks but the rathore family know how she looks )

Riddima is back to the party and then ,

Riddima : (in mike) : so everyone now dance with your partners

Later , Neil announces his would be wife

Neil : so actually so many are asking me what is the reason behind this party as I want to get married and she is none other than sejal khurana

Everyone in the family get shocked

Riddima : bhai it’s too much ki you have stolen my friend from me

Neil : come on riddu it’s nothing in this so to everyone all should attend tomorrow’s engagement ceremony

And then the engagement ceremony comes and everyone dance in the ceremony and neil and sejal get engaged

Uma : I miss your sister a lot abhi and neil , don’t know where she is I hope the next marriage will be of hers right ??

Abhi : of course I will definitely introduce her after the marriage ceremony

Neil : so vansh and my sister definitely should get married right ??

Vansh : what ?? But why ??
Raj : bcoz in childhood of you both I and ajay promised each other that we will get both of you married

Riansh are heartbroken later ,

Vansh calls Riddima to a beach ,

Vansh : riddima I think destiny wants us to be apart so what we can’t get married

Riddima : but vansh we should definitely part ways is there is no option left

Vansh : we have to riddima as raj uncle and dad promised each other

Riddima : but we all so promised each other right we will not leave each other in any circumstances

Vansh : but we can’t do anything right ??

For his words riddima leaves from there and after ceremonies get completed and it’s now wedding ceremony

Guys it’s was a small update but I promise it is bcoz there will be revelation tomorrow

Precap: Raj : vansh she is my daughter and you will marry her

Guys today’s questions ,
1. So is she a new character
2. Will riansh unite against all odds
3. Is she will marry vansh or she has a bad character
4. Who is she ??
5.and if there will be jealousy track

With loads of love
Your writer ,


Hai all , I am a lover of serials . I am an artist

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