Riansh FF (IMMJ2) I am dying in your love – Episode 7

Siya : wow we thought that you will breakdown or will cry but you showed your attitude I am happy for your bravery

Riddima : meh kitna hi masum hu
Utna hi harami hu ( how much I am innocent that much only very dangerous

Abhi ram : yayy so what you have a killer smile you are just a silent killer

They reach their respective houses

In a dark place where a spot light falls on person whose face is covered

Unknown : now I am back in your life and I will not leave you this time baby !!

At the same time riddima came to abhi
Riddima : abhi see you so romantic I can understand that you fallen love but with whom you will not say even to me

Abhi : riddhu you know na I don’t wanna love a second time as I doesn’t have hope in love for which have happened in the past

Riddima : come on you should move on you should forget what has happened in the past as that girl is an idiot she lost a great person like you

Abhi : pl riddu leave me
At the same time siya comes and says

Siya : abhi shall we go for a coffee
(Abhi relaxing and leaving all his stress)
Abhi : ok let’s go

Riddima was shocked by the sudden change in his behavior she understood that he loves her and she is the perfect partner to her she goes to vansh

Riddima explains everything to him and asks his help to unite the couple

Vansh : I am always with you riddima and I know that abhi is the correct partner to siya

Riddima thanks him and they plan something and riddima also explains abhi’s past to him

Abhi thinks that he loves siya but decides not to say it bcoz he always remembers his past .

The unknown plans to reenter their lives

Riddima : And I have planned everything so the plan is **********************ok and I need everyone’s help

Everyone : done!!

Riddima : pack your bags everyone as we are going to kashmir for a trip

Everyone : ok
Abhi : I am not interested
But siya pleads him and he agrees

When abhi and siya gone to pack their bags
Riddima : guys everything is perfect so we should take the next step in our plan

Precap : riddima’s unique plan to unite the couple


Hai all , I am a lover of serials . I am an artist

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