Riansh FF (IMMJ2) I am dying in your love – Episode 8

Everyone leave to kashmir
Ishani : guys play some songs as I am bored
Riddima : ok

Riddima plays some songs but she doesn’t like them so she connects her phone and makhna song plays

Vansh : riddima the songs which are played in the radio are good ones right and they are sang by arjit singh like
1.sanam re
2.tum hi ho

Riddima : vansh what you said is truth but the songs which are played is tum hi ho and sanam re

Vansh : so what

Riddima : come on vansh the both songs are of break up and sad life and if we listen to them our mood gets spoiled ok

Vansh : seriously riddima you are soo possessive in this also

Riddima : yes do you have any problem and drive fast as we have to reach there early

Vansh droves to kashmir and there they take a lodge
Receptionist : sir we have only 5 rooms left so could you all share them

And the pairing of rooms are
Kabir – ragini
Abhi – siya
Riddima -vansh
Angre – ishani

Everyone leave to their rooms to freshen up
Later , everyone gather except siya ana abhi

Riddima : guys do you all remember what to do next
Riddima : guys we have to think of a plan to unite and make the couple one

Angre : but how ??

Riddima : I have a plan and
1step is to request siya and abhi to join the kashmir trip

Kabir : but if abhi refuses then
Riddima : uffo idiot if he will not agree without asking only siya will request him and definitely the romeo will accept

Riddima : and the second step is to keep them close at the kashmir trip and give them privacy and then he will realise his love

Ragini : if he will not realise or accept the feelings then

Riddima : I am explaining right and if abhi will not accept then we will take step 3 which is to motivate him and make him realise his feelings ok

Vansh : if our plan will not workout then
Riddima : good question , and you know na vansh that I will always be ready with plan B and that is

Riddima : step 1 we will bring any handsome person into siya’s life and make him close to her

Sejal : arey oh stupid we should bring abhi and siya close then only they will realize their love for each other right

Riddima : not me but you are a stupid , see this is plan B and is totally different from plan A ok and a person will become successful bcoz of not only encouragement but also discouragement ok
And , you know na when we will love someone we can’t see them with any other person

Everyone : yes , so

Riddima : soo , our step 2 is to make him jealous and he would realize his love and step 3 is to make siya realize her love for him and both will confess their love at the same time

Everyone : The two plans are very nice you are soo smart

Riddima : guys as you all know I am a love guru


But anyone of them doesn’t know that all plans will go reverse and an old enemy enters their lives once again

Precap : the past of abhi and the unknown person’s motive


Hai all , I am a lover of serials . I am an artist

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