Hello guys , here is the part 2 of my FF . hope you like it

here it begins…..


Ishani brings dadi inside makes her sit on sofa and brings water just then Vansh enters and rushes to dadi seeing her

Vansh: dadi are you fine ?? what happened to her Ishani ??

Ishani: nothing bhai she is just tired nothing else don’t worry . I am taking her to her room you go and take rest and she left with dadi .

Vansh then went to his room and started working on his laptop and eventually dozed off .

Next day he went to office early as he had some meetings and also he had to take an interview for his PA . But due some urgent work he asked Angre to take it and went home early.

During interview

A girl came and asked permission to enter

Angre: Yes come in , Ridhimma right??

Ridhimma: yes sir ,I am ridhimma

Angre: okay sit, give me your file ( after reading for few minutes he looked up and asked some questions)

Angre: your job is confirmed come tomorrow by sharp 8 am as boss is very particular about rules .

Ridhimma: okay sir thankyou.


Angre: boss a girl Ridhimma is appointed as your PA here is her file.

Vansh: (after reading ) okay fine. Now you go to your room you must be tired

Angre: okay boss good night

After a while vansh also went to sleep.

Next day

Vansh was in his cabin when some one knocked

Vansh: yes come in ( and looked up)

He saw a girl and then he suddenly noticed her eyes and was mesmerized by it and kept staring then his trance broke when the girl called

Ridhimma: sir I am Ridhimma ,Angre sir appointed me as your PA

Vansh: yes Angre told me . Now you take this files and read it carefully as we have a meeting today as suggest if any changes should be there.

Ridhimma : yes sir(sat of sofa and stared reading the files)

All this while Vansh was staring at her and a small smile crept on his face then realizing it he turned the other side and started working.

All this was observed by Angre

Angre : After a long time boss smiled like this . I am happy for him and I think it’s the beggining of something new .

He looked at him and Ridhimma went away smiling and thinking about it.

After meeting got over and Ridhimma ‘s work she departed for her home at 8pm .

When Vansh was returning home he suddenly saw some people misbehaving with a girl and when he saw her face and his anger was on peak.

Precap: Vansh brings Ridhimma home . He comes to know she is the same girl who helped dadi

So end of part 2 . hope you liked it. here are two question for you all

1: what angre thinking when he saw vansh smiling??

2: who was the girl with whom goons were misbeheaving??

let me know your pov through comments and pls ignore my mistakes. If you want me to add something to to story pls tell me.

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