Hi guys , here is part 20 of my FF. hope you like it. Thanks or the comments in last part . Here is the link of last part.

Part 19 – Read Here

Here it goes…..

Ridhimma went to her room crying . She was wondering why did Vansh lie to her. She was broken . She sat on bed thinking about Anupriya and Ragini talk , Vansh lying to her about his meet with Ragini. Finally she decided to talk to Vansh about it . She went towards his room but didn’t find him there. She saw the lights of study were on she walked towards study area. When she entered she Ragini and Vansh . Vansh was patting her back and making her drink water.

Ridhimma(to herself): I think Vansh still loves Ragini . After all she is his first love . First love can never be forgotten . I can’t come between his happiness even if it means going away from him.

Thinking so she knocked the door Vansh turned and found Ridhimma there.

Vansh: Ridhimma you?? Everything all right ?? (concerned voice)

Ridhimma: yeah , just wanted to talk to you. But what happened to Ragini. ??

Ragini: just had a nightmare so came here . Anyways I should go.

Saying so she went. After she disappeared Vansh came to Ridhimma and cupped her face .

Vansh: what happened sweetheart why you are looking tensed??

Ridhimma: ( removing his hand from her face ) I want to talk about us.

Vansh was confused ,he was not able to understand what is she actually talking about.

Ridhimma: I think we should break this engagement and end our relationship.

This came as a thunderbolt for Vansh. He looked at her shocked . He was not expecting this.

Vansh: what are you saying Ridhimma ??how can you even say this ??

Ridhimma(sadly ): Vansh you lied to me about your meet with Ragini . You went behind her when you saw her. She is your first love Vansh I understand it. I can’t take her place so its better to step down . She is your happiness Vansh .

Vansh: but Ridhimma…

Ridhimma: lets not discuss more about it here is your ring .(giving him ring and looking at him painfully)

A lone tear escaped her eyes. And she went from there . Vansh stood there shocked not able to digest the recent happening and then ran towards her room.

When he reached and tried to open the door he found it locked from inside.

Vansh: (shouting) Ridhimma open the door damn it. You can’t leave me .

Ridhimma who was crying sitting by bedside was not able to say anything.

Vansh: Ridhimma please we can talk but don’t do this please Ridhimma open the door. I am sorry I lied to you

Ridhimma (with a chocked voice) : go away Vansh

Vansh heard this and hits his hand on the table near him with force due which he got injured and went away crying . Vansh went to garden and sat near the fountain . Looking at the ring

Vansh: why Ridhimma you thought I love Ragini even now??. I know I lied to you could have slapped me punished me but why you broke our relationship. I only love you Ridhimma please come back .( crying)

Ridhimma’s room

Ridhimma was crying badly. It was hurting her to be away from Vansh . She was not able to bear this pain. She then thought to check on Vansh once. She stood up

And went towards Vansh room but he was not there. She went to study area but did not find anyone. She searched the whole house but was not able to find Vansh.

Ridhimma (to herself): where did he go?? (tensed)I just hope he is safe .

She went to the garden and him near the fountain . A sense of relief came to her. She ran towards him and hugged him tightly crying on his shoulder.

Ridhimma(kissing his forehead): where have you gone??you know how tensed I was while searching for you.

Vansh: if I am important to you then why are you leaving me ??

Hearing this she hugged him and said

Ridhimma: I don’t want to leave you , but Ragini has comeback

Vansh: (hugging her) that doesn’t matter Ridhimma what matters if you trust my love enough or not. How can you even think that my love for you will get less by Ragini’s comeback.

Ridhimma: then why did you lied to me ??

Vansh: I am sorry for that I just didn’t want to stress you. You are my life Ridhimma. You are my present and future Ridhimma .

Ridhimma: I am sorry Vansh . I didn’t want to hurt you . I love you Vansh I love you a lot.

Vansh: I love you too Ridhimma.

Both stayed hugging each other trying to calm down themselves After sometime they broke the hug . Ridhimma sat in front of him and forwarded her hand towards him. Vansh smiled and put her ring in her finger and kissed her forehead.

Vansh: Ridhimma I am sorry I shouldn’t have lied to you. Actually to protect the family and you I tightened the security that day . When I saw a dancer going away in a suspicious way. I didn’t know she was Ragini. I just went behind her to see who she was.

Ridhimma: its okay Vansh I understand. Now lets go inside

She held Vansh hand when he jerked it shouting in pain. Ridhimma saw his injured hand and said

Ridhimma: how did this happen ?? Can’t you take care of yourself come I have to do its dressing.

Vansh: sorry I will take care of myself from now. Now lets go inside first .

Both went inside. Ridhimma did Vansh dressing and both slept cuddling each other after a stressful day.

Precap: Vansh Angre talk about Ragini. Ridhimma suspects Ragini and spies on her.

So here part 20 ends. hope you liked it. please comment and let me know your views. Since my vacation is over and classes have started so sometime I might be irregular in posting .Hope you understand.

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