Riansh FF – You are precious to me (Chapter 7) (Was it a dream?)

See people I am sorry for not posting updates but I have my own reasons;

I was not able to think with sadness and my headache was severe 

And still I am writing with a headache I think there’s something wrong with me and if mistakes are there, please do forgive me… No one missed me also so I was a bit disappointed anyway this is for kashu as she really needs some entertainment…. and also for everyone who was waiting.

The episode starts with Riansh smiling but then Vansh felt as if someone was calling him…. He was shaking him and soon Vansh realized that he was in his dreamland. 

No one was in the Temple except him. He smiled remembering his dream and moreover some parts of the dreams was real.

Whatever it is he was happy in that dream but now reality struck him and he realized that his sweetheart is still in trouble.

Vansh: where is riddhi angrey

Angrey: Bhai Riddhima is still unconscious and doctor confirmed that she was given a poison but boss…, (he was cut-off by vansh)

Vansh: wait what and I need to get to the root of this!

Angrey:bhai why were you sleeping in the temple and your hand is burnt so come on let’s go and bandage it.

Vansh: no angrey my Riddhima is fighting there between life and death and you are  telling me to look after my wound. Impossible and come on let’s go to Riddhima 

They went to Riddhima’s room in which a lot of machines were attached.

This brought Vansh’s eyes tears but he handled it ;

Vansh: doctor may I know how she is?

Doctor : actually someone has given her a poison but luckily you brought her in time and we saved her , just medicines have to be given to her which will be given after her reports. Thanks to you she is alive otherwise she wouldn’t have witnessed today’s sunshine ☀️. 

Vansh: what reports and why is she unconscious still?

Doctor:We are waiting for her to get up and sir, we have sent her blood samples to a lab as we detected something odd in her. Reports would be coming soon.

Vansh: ok doctor and thank you for everything. 

Doctor: we will do a check-up now and then you can come and sit with her.

Vansh went outside and he took his wallet and took the picture which was in the wallet and smiled 

This is the photo 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻

Then he hugged the photo 

vansh: you promised me that day now you can’t break your promise as Vanshu will die without Riddhi and you said na ki (that) V can’t be separated from R then come back na….

precap: no no you cannot leave me and don’t lose hope..

done and jadka laga kya?(did you all get shocked) sorry 😐 people this is the only episode without Aishu Di’s shayari as I am thinking to give a shock in the next update so no shayari. And also my lovely readers have to answer three questions;

1) is there too much suspense and are you fine with short updates

2)What day did they promise hint-********* If you guess I will update 

3)any remedies for headache other than medicine?
I have set a target completing it is your wish 😅… so the target is per episode 20 comments without  mine of course..

Bye and take care sweethearts. Meet you in my next chapter…


Don't worry 😉 be happy 😊 It's just my catchphrase 😂 I just love immj2,reading and writing stories....

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