RiAnsh : HAAYEEE!!!!! MEIN MARJAAAUUUN!!!!….. Episode #4


At night , while riddima is sleeping , she gets a call and sees the caller ID , she answers it

Riddima : yes vansh

Shock hai na πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£??

Vansh : riddima , do you done your work ??

Riddima : my work is almost done yaar

Vansh : great

so let me explain ,

Flashback when riddima got kidnapped by vansh :

Riddima : but I want to say something

Angre : say

Riddima: I am a spy , I just came here to gain kabir’s trust , and then get evidences against him , his rivals sent me to do so

Vangre are shocked

Vansh : now stop working for them , start working for me


fools , how could you all readers believe that if she says , she is not his girlfriend , and vansh left her ?? , is he that foolish ??


Riddima found proofs against him , and when police arrested him , she came to him

Kabir : I know riddima , you will come to save me

Riddima asked permission of the inspector and took kabir a side and vangre followed her ,

Riddima said to him , that she is a spy and worked for vansh , kabir got angry . later , police took him off

At next morning :

Riddima went to hospital ,

Riddima : how is my di doctor ??

Doctor : she came out of coma now , you could meet her now

Riddima went into her ward

Riddima : shivanya di , how are you ?? , after 5 years you opened your eyes

Shivanya : I am fine yaar

Riddima : ritik bhai , did she had anything ??

Ritik nods

Outside the ward :

Riddima : ritik bhai , I know well that you love her

Ritik : but if she says no , then?


Riddima : di , ritik bhai loved you from high school , but he never said it as it could make your relationship of friendship cut off , now you have to move on

shivanya agreed


Riddima entered in and saw siya

Riddima : vansh

Both Vangre came

Riddima : who is she to you ??

Vansh : (teasing)why ?? , are you jealous

Riddima : I am serious

Angre : she is his sister

Riddima : do you want to take revenge from kabir for betraying soya in love ??

Angre & vansh : how do you know ??

Riddima : because she is my friend and senior of me in college , I tried to stop her not to love kabir as he is just using her but she doesn’t listen , now she got to this condition , and after college , I never ever met her

Riddima goes near siya

Riddima : abe oh madam , do you remember me ??

siya hugs her , LATER , riddima cures siya’s legs

AT A BEACH after 1 month

Finally , ritik and shivanya got married ,

Riddima : vansh , do you remember that day ??

Vansh : which day??

Riddima : that day when we got justice

1 month back , flashback when riddima revealed to kabir herself as a spy :

Riddima : let me tell something else too , I am the one , who send your brother vyom to jail ,


Person and another person , hope you all remember , it was the same person , who wanted to take revenge on vyom and kabir , the person , first got a call from vyom and vyom said to his/her to bring him a revolver , the person does so , but kept drug packets in it too , then the person called the police

Person : sir , now only I saw Mr vyom coming here and doing a deal with someone , check him once , what is it

At the park entrance police stopped vyom and asked him to show his suit case and found drugs , and vyom got arrested

Flashback ends

Riddima : hmm , let me tell you , I am a cbi agent , actually , you betrayed soo many girls , and you even betrayed my sister shivanya 5 years back , you and your brother vyom assaulted my sister , and now she is in coma , so , I will take revenge for sure .



Riddima : I got a call that , kabir died , I am sad

Vansh : why ,because he died ??

Riddima : yes , but not pity , just , he only got 1 month punishment right ??

Vansh : pray to God , he will definitely go to hell , vaise , I love you

Riddima : what , when , how ??

Vansh : love at first sight man

Riddima : love you too

The end of this short story


Hai all , I am a lover of serials . I am an artist

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