Thank you for the wonderful response, it means a lot to me. I’m extremely sorry for the delayed update but haven’t had any time on my hands. I’ll try updating more updates over the weekend in order to fill in, but I won’t promise. As of now, Happy Reading!
Link to Chapter 1:
It Ends With Us – Chapter 2
She held the phone close to her ear and chewed the bottom of her lip, the tension unravelling within her. She wondered if she could rid herself of this responsibility and assign the work to an employee working under her. It was unethical, of course, but she’d several other responsibilities on herself now. The impact of her decisions were not going to affect her alone, anymore, and this was why her doubts about a marriage still hadn’t gotten buried in her mind.
It had been about two months since their marriage and on most days, she’d found herself reveling in the tranquility of a marriage. He deeply cared for her and she knew he meant his words when he confessed for his love. However, it was on days as these when she pondered on her decisions. Marriage was a heap of responsibilities and definitely, not a bed of roses as Vansh described it to be.
She nodded her head before disconnecting the call and helped herself with the menu. She’d told him several times earlier in the day that she’d return home and whip something quickly, but he’d completely disregarded her words and cooked an elaborate dinner for the two of them.
Riddhima: You needn’t have troubled yourself with the dinner. I told you, I’d have made something quick and easy.
He waved a hand at her, dismissing her words and continued spooning and chewing on his food. She looked at him, beginning to feel embarrassed. He’d had a hectic day work too, perhaps, but he hadn’t complained about it. Instead, he’d gone out of his way to prepare dinner for the both of them.
Riddhima: You really could’ve left it for me to do. Why did you have to trouble yourself?
Vansh (pausing and looking up): The food tastes bad, is it?
Riddhima (taken aback): What? No. It is good, I like it.
Vansh (folding his hands on the table): Then I don’t see the problem, Riddhima. How does it make a difference if I prepare the dinner or you do? At the end, it is all about getting to eat something.
Riddhima: You’d just returned from work and you’d to get into the kitchen, Vansh.
Vansh: That’s what you’d have done too, Riddhima. In fact, you’d a more hectic day at work than me. I was relatively unoccupied at the office today.
Riddhima: But you don’t have a habit.
Vansh: Once I start doing it, I’d have the habit too. It’s no big deal. And plus, this marriage is supposed to help the two of us. It’s not meant to burden you with responsibilities.
Riddhima fell into silence at that, the thoughts from before clouding her mind again. She hated to admit it, but she wasn’t as deft as Vansh seemed to be at handling the responsibilities of the marriage. She tossed the food on her plate and stared at him, absentmindedly. Her gaze wasn’t focused on him, but her mind was filled with thoughts of how he was easily handling their marriage.
She felt defeated. It was a strong word, but she’d never felt weaker.
Vansh: How was your day at work?
Riddhima (in a disturbed voice): It was fine. The workload is increasing though because the financial year end is nearing.
Vansh: That’s a constant every year, isn’t it? I guess I’ve told you, but I have a trip the coming week. I’ll be meeting a few investors who are likely to fund a few of our projects the coming year. You’d be okay here, right?
She stared at him as he continued chewing his food, her mind filling in with his thoughts. How did he let her in that easily? She wanted to appreciate his efforts, but they felt suffocating to her. It constantly reminded her of her shortcomings.
Vansh (observing her and looking up at her): Is everything okay, Riddhima?
Riddhima (jumping out of her reverie): Uh? Oh, yes. I was just thinking about something.
Vansh: Anything you want to talk about?
He folded his arms on the table again and looked at her hopefully, allowing her the room to share. When she looked back at him, she couldn’t not appreciate him. He was hoping she’d share her worries with him, maintain a similar transparency as him and in order to attain that, he was trying to probe her gently. She sniffed in a significant fragment of air and looked at him, appreciatively.
However, she wouldn’t tell him how much she appreciated him in that moment. She couldn’t afford to drop her guard yet. She was sure he wouldn’t like her once he knew her inside-out. After all, she wasn’t as beautiful as he thought.
Riddhima: There’s some work at office for the Ahmedabad project. I’ll mostly be assigning it to someone else.
Vansh (taken aback): But why? You’ve been keen on working on this project, Riddhima.
Riddhima: That’s what I’d been thinking, but I guess, I’m not particularly interested in this project. I’ll let one of my juniors take it rather.
Vansh extended his hand across the hall and balled his hand around hers, holding her hand firmly. When he looked at her, he saw her concentrating on the food items on her plate. He squeezed her hand comfortingly and looked back at her, wanting to probe her further.
Vansh: When I’d talked to Aunty, she’d told me you’re particularly passionate about this project. Will you please tell me what’s happened? I’m sure we can find a solution together.
Riddhima (sighing): It’s nothing. There will be other projects in the future that I can work on. (trying to change the project) How are the proposals and strategies coming along? You need that for the next week’s client meeting, don’t you?
Vansh: I can’t work at peace unless you tell me what’s bothering you, Riddhima. I’d be more than happy to help you if I can.
Riddhima: It’s nothing, can we…
Vansh (interrupting): I would hate it if I’ve to learn things from others in spite of staying together. You know this was mainly why we were trying for the transfer, right? We could’ve easily stayed at different places, but we decided on this because we didn’t want to put this marriage at stake, right?
Riddhima (in an exasperated voice): I’m not going to ask you to cancel this trip, Vansh! I won’t be that selfish.
Vansh: What do you mean?
Riddhima (sighing heavily): Our dates are clashing and they can’t prepone or postpone my dates. I’ve to go on the same day as you and I clearly can’t do that. There has to be someone here.
Vansh: Why can’t the both of us go together? This house has remained empty earlier too, it’s no big deal.
Riddhima: I might have to stay there for a week or more, but you’re returning the same day. How will you manage?
Vansh (smirking): You talk as if I’ve never stayed alone. I can manage myself, don’t worry about that. (nodding his head) Let your boss know that you’d be working on the project.
Riddhima: But things are different now, Vansh. And perhaps, a little more complicated too.
Vansh: As long as we don’t complicate things ourselves, they’re going to remain simple.
Riddhima (in a doubtful voice): Are you sure? I can really take up another…
Vansh: The day we came here, Riddhima, I’d told you that this relationship will be as much of you and me as much it is of us, so I can’t be a hypocrite and stop you now. I don’t want to, either. Please let your boss know that you’d be taking up the project and going to Ahmedabad.
Riddhima stared at him, the gratitude within overwhelming her. She’d always assumed a marriage would only expect from her, where she’d have to make sacrifices like her mother had done all her life.
Vansh: Talking always helps, Riddhima. I’m sure you know for the better, but communication is important everywhere. It helps you think and view things differently. It helps you see a perspective you wouldn’t have thought of.
Riddhima (smiling softly): Thank you, Vansh.
Thank you for reading!
Often it is shown that handling marital responsibilities is like a cakewalk for women – its like people expect them to know this since birth. And with a man, the society thinks vice versa, by assuming that he is getting over burdened by these newfound responsibilities, as he was always used to living casually.
It’s actually pure hypocrisy on the society’s part to expect a woman to be perfect and multitasking. She too can get overwhelmed by marriage too, and there’s nothing wrong in that.
The part where you mentioned that how Riddhima “didn’t want to let her guard down yet ” is so relatable though, because that’s exactly how I feel most of the times.
Don’t mind huh but can I ask you something? How are you able to write such flawed and realistic female characters in your stories? Is it through personal experience or its purely imaginary?
Hi Nia, I love reading your insights. Honestly, so true when you say that the society expects women to deftly manage the responsibilities of a marriage. I think, nowadays especially, everyone’s so much more focused on establishing themselves and their careers that handling the responsibilities of a marriage is no one’s primary focus. Not initially, anyway.
Thank you for reading, it always means a lot to me!
And about your question, a lot of it comes from my personal experience and understanding, whereas some of it is fictional.
Lovely episode dear!!! It was worth reading!!!
thank you so much!
Ohh yeah!!

Finally the wait is over and you have posted the chapter!! ♥️
As always the chapter is soo soo realistic and the feeling you get while reading it is so surreal! I must say that the way you depict each and every emotions is just ultimate
Looking forward to read the next one….!!
thank you so much, G! You’re really sweet. The attempt is to make things real and relatable, so glad you can find that in here. The next chapter must be up really soon.
It was nice… Vansh is very caring and understandable!!! Pls post soon
thank you. The next chapter is almost, must be up real soon.
It’s really nice it’s a different story and also shows that marriage is not only the responsibility of women but of men too
thank you, Subu. Yes, that’s the whole idea of it. The aim would be to show the way the couple overcomes the shortcomings in a marriage despite being flawed individuals. It’s meant to be a short stint, but I hope you enjoy what’s coming ahead nonetheless.
Nice episode
thank you!
Nice update
thank you.
Was waiting for it

Loved the chapter
And how they both are trying to understand each other
Waiting for the next one and your stories are so realistic…
sorry for the delay Astha, wish I could update you guys earlier. Thank you so much, though. It really means a lot.
Lovely episode
thank you so much.
Amazing episode eagerly waiting for next update
thank you so much.
Nice post asap
thank you.
I really liked the storyline.
thank you so much!
Wow amazing

. It’s really super 

. Thanks for updates 

. keep rocking dear you and your updates 

. Iam waiting for your next updates 

thank you so much.
So nice updates

Super episode
Thanks for updates
thank you.
It’s really super and awesome

Wonderful episode
Waiting for next one
thank you, JJ.
Wow fabulous

It’s really fantastic
Thanks for updates
Keep rocking
thank you so much.
Wow, loved it so much
thank you so much.