#RiAnsh #Life With Soulmate #Part – 6


Other things later as of now most demanding thing i.e. update so here I am with update.

By now Vansh’s mind went blank and numb with guilt that Riddhima is in current situation because of him and following his heart he have made up firm decision of either saving her or dying with her and with that mindset without thinking much he just jumped off in water stunning every person present there.

People do have listened to his conversation with cop so they knew that girl who jumped off is his wife so when he jumped in water they started talking again

“Seems like he is deeply in love with her he jumped off to save her”😍😇

“That girl is so lucky.”😍😍😇

Few female there even awwwed for his action and wished to have husband like him.

By now this news is spread to whole crowd that one boy jump off water to save his wife and Riddhima who was standing at last too heard it though she always used to think rationally but today her heart ached for someone who can do like this for her and she lost in her thought

“Will Vansh ever do such thing for me?”🧐🤨

Why would he? He can’t even say fact on my face then how can he do such drastic thing for me?😏😐

And tears started falling from her eyes remembering how he lied to her all this while.

But same time her heart reminded her of the incident of club as well as Ishani’s engagement where he saw up and saved her and taken care of her and this made her bit frustrated and she murmurs

“Why you didn’t said everything to me Vansh? why you made things complicated for me and us? I hate you for this Vansh.”😐😠😖😣

And just like every person available there she too felt urge to watch that couple so started making way to front but it is impossible for her to make space so she moved in other direction which is open area near shore and due to fear of tide it was secluded and coast guard as well as cops were focused on rescuing that couple so it was easy for her to go there without being noticed and she was looking for either of person from couple.

And within moment he saw boy coming up and she narrowed her eyes to have focused look and may be because she is closer to them unlike crowd so she even so him and next moment she was stunned and shocked to see Vansh but still her rational mind interrupted and she thought she is hallucinating and might be because of overthinking regarding Vansh she is seeing him everywhere.

So she tried discarding thought of Vansh being in water and she even discarded thought of seeing that couple and started moving out from there.

But before she could leave one car rushed to place and seeing person coming out from there she is stunned cause is none other then Angre and now her heart scolded her for not believing that Vansh is there in water.

And immediately she panicked and rushed to Angre without thinking much and asked him

Riddhima: What are you doing here?🧐🤨

Angre is stunned to see Riddhima as well as he thanked god that he found her and a faint smile appear on his face and seeing that Riddhima got pissed and she asked one more time

Riddhima: What are you doing here and where is Vansh? 🧐🤨He is in car right?🧐🤔 (She want to know that Vansh is not in trouble and in back of her mind she even wished that he is there in car.😣😏)

But soon Angre nodded negatively and now her doubt got confirmed and tears started falling from her eyes and she rushed to place where she was and even started praying to God for saving Vansh and Angre followed her keeping in mind to stop her if she take any rational step cause by now courtesy to media he too knows that someone have jumped off in water to save his wife and seeing Riddhima’s reaction he concluded that person to be Vansh only and knowing Vansh he even prayed that he got saved.

Meanwhile Vansh who jumped in water is struggling in water but still using all his strength he started swimming in direction of girl and with difficulties he reached to her but by now he was exhausted but still keeping his spirit alive he hold that girl and pulled towards him and speak

Vansh: Are you out of your mind? 🥺😠

And that’s the moment he looked at girl’s face and seeing someone else instead of Riddhima he loose his mind and he wanted to suck all the blood out of that girl but knowing he is in public and doing such will put his identity in danger he didn’t do such thing.

By now coast guards have reached there and they got both of them and soon they started taking them on shore.

And luckily instead of taking them at the crowded point they to choose the point where Riddhima was standing along with Angre and seeing this all Riddhima have taken breath of relief that Vansh is safe now but still her anger in at peak thinking he did irrational things and she is even ready to vent it out on him.

And soon with the help of coast guards Vansh and that girl reached to shore and crowd to started making their way to this side to see them and even cops is coming this side and even ambulance is coming there and in blink of eyes Vansh is at shore but his mood is sour knowing whatever he did is just now is not for Riddhima and before he can react anything he saw Riddhima at shore and out of nowhere he gain strength and rush to her leaving that girl and before Riddhima can react he embraced her in his arms and speak

“Don’t you dare leave me ever. “😠🥺😔

And before Riddhima can react cops arrived and said

“Sir you need to go with us hospital as well as police station. “😐😏😠

Vansh: I am fine so I don’t want to go to hospital and as for police station my assistant will come with you, I have some urgent work that need my attention. 😏😐

But cop stayed firm on their decision and as well as worried Riddhima to suggested to visit hospital for check-up and half heartily Vansh agreed and he choose hospital and he along with Riddhima settled in his car while Angre and few cops settled in his cars followed by other cops car and ambulance carrying girl whom Vansh have saved.

Soon they’re standing in front of Raizada hospital (why I choose this name cause it have some connection with whom will be revealed very soon) and soon everything went smooth there and surprisingly cops now not insisting Vansh to visit police station and they just left from there after confirming condition of Vansh and girl and informing girls family about her whereabouts.

Phew 🥵🥵🥵

Done with update. I do have final exam for my last semester so was busy with that and now it’s over so I am back with updates and instead of giving long update in one I thought of giving update in all 3 story hope you all will love it.

Anyway finger crossed hope you all will love this part, it may be boring but next gonna be full of RiAnsh and someone is coming back (let me know whom you guys are assuming) and please do leave feedback and don’t forget to hit star.

Last but not least with increasing case and 2nd wave I request my virtual family to stay home and safe with family and friends.


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