#RIANSH – LOVE, BETRAYAL & TRUST – Chapter 1 – Heartbreak!!!

Hey Guys, after watching last few episodes I felt of penning down my thoughts on how should Riddhima & Vansh’s character can be portrayed in a much better way!!! So, my story starts from Vansh and family refusing to accept or identify Riddhima!

I can’t assure if this would be continued but my idea was to give a better plot 😉. Maybe I can portray them in a better way. Hope you all like it and encourage me as you have been doing for my other FF’s.

Some parts are same! Hope you don’t bother!!

The Episode starts with……

After the media left, Ishani dragged Riddhima towards the door while Riddhima was constantly struggling to get rid of Ishani but in vain. The members of the family were playing the role of spectators without any hesitation. Except Dadi, everyone else had smirk on their faces while Vansh had pain in his eyes, he was covering the pain with a plaster of smirk. And Angre had hurt sought of expressions pouring from his eyes. None uttered a word to the happenings.

Dadi POV:

I expected Riddhima to be the best life partner to my Vansh. I thought she’ll fill his life with happiness. I expected her to take care of family and this house but all my dreams have been broke!! I never expected her to betray and play with the feelings and emotions of the family and mainly Vansh!! you shouldn’t have done this Riddhima! I loved you as my granddaughter but you didn’t deserve my love!

Aryan POV:

Finally, bhai has done which was necessary! She deserves to be out of this house! Such a characterless girl she is! She doesn’t deserve to be in VR Mansion. We could get rid of her now.

Kabir POV:

What the hell is happening!! First this Ahana double crossed me and now the whole family is refusing to identify Riddhima! What’s all this! Am confused! But am happy that finally the girl who betrayed me and because of whom Mom is in Jail would finally be out of this mansion and I can’t play my part now as the main hurdle in my mission would be out!

Ishani POV:

Finally, this low – class girl is out of this house and from my Bhai’s life. He always deserved someone better. Now there will be peace around in this house and am glad bhai took this decision. I accept its delayed but what matters the most is he did take. Finally, he realised the true colours of this girl!!

Ahana POV:

Am not sorry Riddhima. You deserve this. You don’t deserve to be in this lavish house and to be a member of VR family. For that you need some standard which you don’t have!! Am the only one who deserves the title of Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania. I thought Vansh might break his promise but am glad he fulfilled it and now you are out and am in!!

Ishani by now dragged her towards the door and turning towards her she snatched her Mangal sutra and threw it in air shocking Riddhima. Before she could react she was thrown out of the door by Ishani. Riddhima fell on floor with a thud and landed on her knees hurting herself. When she turned around with pain in eyes, she didn’t find any sympathy or sorry in anyone’s expressions. She felt broken! She turned to see her Mangal sutra landing near Bappa’s feet. She silently walked towards the idol and picking her MS she adored it and hung it on to her neck. She lit the diya and sat there staring at the Bappa & Mata Rani’s idols with many questions in her heart.


Why is it happening to me? Why am I always blamed for something which I haven’t done? Was loving a person unconditionally my fault? I was first betrayed by Kabir for his selfish motives and now Vansh! That Vansh whom I love selflessly. Today he snatched everything from me. Do I deserve this humiliation? Don’t I have self-respect! Don’t I have feelings and emotions! Bappa I have always trusted you and I still do. Today if I leave this house without proving myself innocent I can’t live! I was here with motive but my motive changed gradually and the emotions, relations and my love for Vansh were never fake as they are claiming. They were never fake. I loved Vansh truly and I can’t even expect a moment without him by my side! I have sacrificed myself for this family and Vansh and yet today they are accusing me of that betrayal which I gave them when I entered the house with motive but when my motive changed and am loyal, how can they accuse me! Every story has 2 sides, they concluded me a betrayer without listening to my part of the story. Is this fair!! If me coming into this house with a motive without learning the truth is betrayal then isn’t what they are doing with me without learning the truth not betrayal? I need your support to fight back fir my identity! Bappa please stay by me!!

Vansh came behind her and heard all that she said, without any expressions he clearly stated

Vansh: Coming into someone else’s house without permission and claiming your rights on the family and the house is a crime.

Riddhima stood to see Vansh without any concern for her state. She walked towards him with pain and heart break. She didn’t utter a word, she slowly started walking towards the door while Vansh followed her. She was stepping out with all the pain of hatred she received in return of her love. She felt their hatred outpowered her love. She cursed her fate. As a ray of hope came a voice calling her

“Riddhima” “Riddhima”!!! Riddhima stopped in her way because of the voice. She turned around to realise the owner of the voice. Her eyes widened in happiness. She wasn’t the only person who was happy, there were even Vansh and Ishani who heard it and jumped out of happiness. The trio ran towards Siya’s room followed by the whole family. Siya was shouting Riddhima’s name with her eyes closed. Her trauma was revolving in her memory. She was freaking because of her fear of memories. Vansh reached Siya and was calling her name but he wasn’t able to calm her fear. Riddhima reached behind him and she took Siya’s name and was approaching her when Vansh pointed his finger indicating her to stop and she stood still in her track. Ishani sat on Siya’s bad beside her and tried to calm her but Siya was anxious and wasn’t able to calm. Riddhima couldn’t see Siya’ state anymore and sat near her and spoke

Riddhima: Siya! Siya! Calm down am here. Riddhima is here!

Siya grabbed Riddhima’s hand and hung onto it tighter and calmed a bit and was now murmuring her name. Vansh observed the calmness Siya had even in her unconscious state with Riddhima by her side. Irony was even Ishani observed the bond Siya was sharing with Riddhima in this mental state. None reacted. Doctor came to check Siya and gave a positive report

Doctor: Siya’s condition is getting better and it’s a positive sign. But am curious to know whom is she calling! Who’s this Riddhima!!

Everyone stood there motionless and none uttered when Riddhima took the initiative and

Riddhima: Doctor its me!

Doctor: I prefer you to stay by her side as she is responding to your voice. It’s a positive sign so you staying by her side could prove to be an advantage and she may get well soon.

Everyone tried to oppose. Ishani and Aryan tried to throw Riddhima out but she was adamant not to leave Siya in this state.

Riddhima: I know you all want me to leave this mansion but am not going to leave Siya in this state.

Ishani: Bhai this girl has cheated us. We all are here for Siya. We’ll take care but this girl won’t live here!

Vansh: Enough!!!!

He bent down towards Siya and saw her shivering and taking solace in Riddhima’s presence by hanging on to her. Vansh looked at Riddhima who was witing for him to give his statement on this situation.

Vansh: I Love Siya and for her I’ll do anything and if she finds solace in this unknown girl’s presence then I approve this too! she can stay here as Siya’s caretaker unless Siya gets well and I don’t want any further discussion on this!

Saying so he left from there followed by everyone. Riddhima sat there still staring at Siya with pain, tears and broken heart.

Riddhima: Thank you Bappa. I knew you’ll never leave this child of yours! I’ll now stay here and win trust and love of family and Vansh as I know my Vansh is hurt but he still has love for me. I just need to prove my innocence and I’ll do this with the help of Siya. Now my only aim is to give proper care to Siya so that she gets well soon and proves my innocence. Siya you need to get well soon.

Its 8pm, VR Mansion,

Siya’s Room,

Riddhima: You know Siya, as always even today am here to tell you what all happened today but am sure you are already aware as you are getting well and so you might have heard and understood today’s happenings. So, no need for me to speak anything. But still, I want to pour my heart as now you are the only one who’ll listen to me. I hope you don’t mind. Today I felt like I lost my identity. As if someone snatched me from me! Today am not who I was. Am an imposter. Am an unknown girl who is here due to some misunderstanding as per your bhai and family. Is my love for Vansh a misunderstanding? Is my care and concern for the family a misunderstanding? I know I have committed a mistake by coming into this house with a motive but that doesn’t mean am still betraying them. I love Vansh and I can never expect to betray him. My motive to destroy Vansh ended the day I started realizing the truth. I always tried to reveal everything to him but he never paid heed to me and was always stopped me abruptly before I revealed him my past. So, is it my mistake that he never listened to me? I tried my best to reveal and when he never wanted to know my past how can he blame me for betraying him? How can he even think that I’ll betray my Vansh! today even dadi was staring me as if she doesn’t know me. That broke me apart. Dadi was the only person who always trusted me and today I lost her too. this misunderstandings, their hatred is killing me. Am unable to cope with this. Now in this whole house its only you who have identified me and your one call gave me a hope that I’ll soon fight and get my identity back and win trust and love of this family once again. Because of you am back into this mansion and am sure by the time you get well I’ll win my Vansh’s trust and love once again. Will you help me this Siya? I literally need your help!! Will you please!!!

Siya doesn’t respond. Riddhima by now had tears and was wiping her tears when she saw a reflection near the door and found Vansh standing there and giving her blank look. Vansh walked towards Siya and sat beside her and was caressing her face adoringly. He didn’t even look at Riddhima

Vansh (stern): I gave you permission to stay here that doesn’t mean you have got permission to roam in the house and try to mingle or even involve in the matters not related to you. You better be in your limits.

Riddhima (smile): Vansh you need not worry I’ll not involve in your family matters unless and until am concerned. And you need not even worry as am not going to step into your room. Am comfortable here so I’d prefer to stay with Siya here so that I can take care of her.

Vansh (smirk): You feel that I’d allow an unknown person to stay with my sister when none is around! Never Ms. Whoever you are!

Riddhima (pain): I know you don’t trust me now because of the half-truth. But the day you learn the whole truth you’ll accuse yourself for using such harsh words with me.

Vansh (didn’t pay heed): You’ll be allocated servant quarters so you can stay there till my sister gets well. Mind it till she gets well. And I have another work with you. I have heard that you are a party planner and from tomorrow its Makara Sankranti so am giving you the duty to organise the festival. I want it to be perfect as its going to be the first festival of me and my wife.

Riddhima: Definitely I’ll organise everything as you’d like. Because its only me who is aware of what you like and dislike. So, you’ll like the preparations.

His eyes had pain of betrayal. He who always stared in a person’s eyes while speaking was for the first time spoke without looking into her eyes. Because he knew that he’ll break if he looks into her eyes. But he was adamant to punish her and throw her out of his life for betraying him but he’s being forced to bear her because of Siya. But he didn’t want to fall weak in front of her so he avoided looking into her eyes. He walked away silently leaving Riddhima.

Riddhima (thinking): I know you Vansh you are hurting yourself by trying to take revenge. But am sure the day you realize that your love is greater than your revenge then that day you’ll repent for hurting my feelings. And am sure that days isn’t far. I even know you gave your name to Ahana but you never married her and will never ever. Though you don’t trust your love, I trust you and your love. For you marriage isn’t a joke that you’ll play with anyone. The position of love in your life is only for me and you’ll never let anyone take that place.

Vansh: Why Riddhima! Why!!! Why are you not leaving my life!! Why don’t you just get the hell out of my life! My heart aches with your presence and you are testing my patience levels! That day isn’t far when Siya will get well and you’ll be out of this mansion! But why was Siya taking only your name in this condition! Why is she finding solace in your presence!!

He reached his room and as soon as he opened he found Ahana on his bed waiting for him. He didn’t pay heed and entered the washroom to change and by the time he was out! He saw Ahana in night suit and was approaching him and trying to seduce him with her beauty. Vansh first tried to ignore but she was adamant and followed him wherever he went and was falling on him trying to grab his attention. Vansh got pissed and

Vansh (shouting): Have you gone MAD!!!!!!!

Ahana: Vansh! Don’t shout! Am not that Riddhima who’ll face your anger without saying a word! And why are you behaving this way! Don’t forget that you took revenge on Riddhima because of my help. Varna you couldn’t even hurt her! Don’t forget your promise to me!! Am your Wife and I have all rights to get closer to you!

Vansh (anger): Listen!!! Firstly, am paying you for your help and you didn’t help me for my motive. You had your own motives. And do remember that you are not my wife! You are acting as my wife! There’s a lot of difference!! You can never be my wife!! So, don’t dare cross your limits! Am Vansh Rai Singhania and if I cant get you into the house as promised then I can drag you too!! REMEMBER!!!!!

He left the room leaving Ahana fuming!!

Ahana: You didn’t do it right! You shouldn’t have spoken to me that way now get ready to face issues!!!

Next Day, Makara Sankranti,

Its 10am, VR Mansion,

Riddhima mad sure she arranged everything as planned and was giving final check on the arrangements and left towards Siya’s room to check on her. She found Vansh already present there and was caressing Siya and was speaking to her

Vansh: Siya please get well soon! I cant see you this way. Its been almost 3 months since you are in coma and the first name you took was of that girl who betrayed us and is the reason for your this state. How can you be so pure by heart that you forgave her easily! You need to get well soon so that we both can drag her out of the house and show her the position she deserves.

Vansh felt someone’s presence and turned around to find none. He made sure Siya is safe and moved out of her room.

Riddhima (thinking): You have filled your heart with much hatred Vansh! this hatred is hurting you and is killing you which you aren’t able to understand. But I’ll make sure you realise it!!!

Everyone reached terrace area and Ishani proposes a kite flying competition between Riddhima and Ahana.

Ahana: Ishani! What’s a competition without a proper condition? (smirk)

Ishani: You are right Bhabhi!! So, you tell me what’s the condition?

Kabir: Can I tell Ishani?

Aryan: Yes!! We don’t mind unless its adventurous

Kabir: So, whoever loses the competition, should do what the winners tell!!

Ahana: Am in!!!

And so, the competition starts and Riddhima is alone trying to win. She stares at Vansh who’s staring at Ahana. Riddhima felt disheartened and tried to concentrate on the flying! She was moving towards the edge of the terrace trying to release the manja for kite as she was doing both together! She was trying to get some manja when she felt someone taking it in their hands. Riddhima felt it to be Vansh and turned around with hope and happiness in her eyes to see Angre!! Riddhima did feel broken for Vansh not accompanying her but yet was thankful to Angre for trying to help her. She smiled at his gesture but he didn’t respond!

Ahana: Angre! How could you help that betrayer!

Angre: Ahana! Competition should happen among 2 equals and Riddhima bha… I mean Riddhima doesn’t have anyone to help her in this so I joined!!!

Ishani: Bhabhi! Angre is right! And don’t worry! Even Angre hates her so you concentrate on your kite.

Riddhima (thinking): I know I hurt you too Angre but I know you still consider me to be your bhabhi! I assure you I’ll win your trust too!!!

Riddhima unknowingly reached towards the edge of terrace and Ishani observed this and taking it as an added advantage, she placed her foot in between Riddhima’s feet making her slip and fall down the terrace. Riddhima shouted at top of her voice as she almost fell when some thing held her and it was Vansh!

Riddhima’s eyes fell on his eyes which had pain, fear of losing her, concern for her safety!! He struggled hard to pull her and Angre helped him in pulling her up. As soon as she was up he hugged her tight shocking everyone there including Riddhima. Hi tears flowed and Riddhima could feel those tears on her naked back! She couldn’t control herself and hugged him back. They both were engrossed in each other’s embrace leaving Ahana, Ishani and Kabir fuming in anger!

Vansh (worried): You safe? How could you be so careless!! If something happened to you! Didn’t you think of me!! It was such a terrifying slip!! I cant even expect what would have happened!! Thank god you are safe!!

He kissed her forehead as she was still staring him in shock with tears flowing down her cheeks! He wiped her tears and

Vansh: Why are you crying? Are you hurt? Speak up Goddamit!!!

Before Riddhima could react,

Ahana: What the hell Vansh!! Why are you so concerned for such a low-class girl! If you forgot let me remind you she’s nothing to you

Ishani: Yes bhai you shouldn’t have saved her! He doesn’t deserve any second chance!! She betrayed us and for her death too is such a small punishment for playing with our feelings and emotions!!

Vansh: ENOUGH!!!!!!! None will speak against her now!! I have heard a lot but not today! You want to know her truth right! I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you that truth which none here present is aware of except me & Angre including Siya!!

He helped Riddhima stand on her feet while Angre bought a chair for her to sit. Vansh helped her in sitting. Angre stood behind Riddhima while Vansh stood beside her shocking her and confusing her. She stared at him in confusion!!! She didn’t understand what’s happening!!!

Vansh: Today I’ll reveal a series of truths which none are aware of! I waited long for Siya to speak and reveal but now I cant bear a word against my Riddhima!! What if Siya isn’t able to reveal, I’ll do it myself!

Precap: Am sorry Vansh I cant forgive anyone of you!!!!

I hope you like it!!! Am working on further story and will post soon! As said earlier, some parts are same as that in IMMJ2 but still I tried to give some different touch to the story! I Hope I didn’t disappoint anyone! Am open to suggestions on any part.

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