#RIANSH – LOVE, BETRAYAL & TRUST – Chapter 14 – Quest for Surprise!!!

Am sorry for the delay in updating the FF. This is the last part of this FF. And coming to my Love, Emotions & Relations update, I’ll be posting it tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience. I wanted to complete this so that I could concentrate on the other FF’s. I know you all are impatient to read the update on that FF, but please do excuse me. I’ll be posting soon. Till then Sorry Once Again!


The Episode Starts with….

The next mooring Riddhima wakes up feeling nausea and rushes into the washroom and she vomits once again. After a while,

Riddhima (thinking): Why am I feeling dizzy since yesterday. But these symptoms seem to be something which I know. If I analyze them then I missed my periods this month, nausea, dizziness, feel like am about to faint, fatigue….. oh God!!!! Am I …… (happy) I need to confirm! I need to test. Riddhima get going, you need to once check it yourself and even give your sample in the lab. I need confirmation.

She was excited yet nervous, she didn’t want to tell it to Vansh or any family member before she confirms herself. She got ready and was near the dressing table when Vansh woke up to find Riddhima getting ready. With sleepy eyes, he was staring at his lady love who was having a special glow on her face.

Vansh: Seems like my wife is thinking of someone else (faking anger)

His voice broke her thoughts and she jerked to see Vansh in sleeping posture giving her fake anger glares, she smiled at his cuteness and approaching him, she sat near him giving him wicked looks while he was wondering what she’s up to

Riddhima (smirk): Was actually wondering about one of my colleagues in the hospital. He’s such a hot guy, every nurse, doctor, patients are gaga over him. His patients attend him with some or the other illness just to make sure they get a chance to meet him and when he touches their wrist to check their pulse, they literally skip a beat. From past week we got to get together and I got a message from him in the morning asking me to meet him today for lunch. So, was just excited. By the way, how am I looking? Will he like my attire?

Vansh was burning with jealousy and the way his wife was excited to go for lunch with another man was pissing him to the core. She was observing his expressions change and was smirking

Riddhima (thinking) (smirk): Aww!!! My poor husband is jealous of an unknown person. I like this burning husband of mine. But am not sure though but I think we may get another person between us and am happy to the core and am sure if my intuition is right then after you get to know about that then you’ll be the happiest and would shout on top of your lungs expressing your happiness. I need to rush and get my check-up done. I can’t delay to share this happiness with you.

She was lost in thoughts and was smiling when Vansh observed her expressions and felt jealousy overpowering him, he pulled her onto his chest shocking her, and was playing with her hair strands which were falling on her face disrupting his view of his sweetheart. She was yet to recover from her shock the way he pulled her but the next thing he did was she least expected at least not at that moment. He pulled her more closer and started sliding his hand onto her waist and then gradually she could feel his hand leading onto her butt. Her eyes widened in shock and he smirked. She tried to get rid of his hands but his grip was tight that she failed and seeing her struggle he had a smirk on his face.

Riddhima: Vansh!!! I am getting late; I need to go to the hospital.

Vansh: Sweetheart you might have not noticed the time or maybe dreaming because it’s just 7 am and your timings are from 10 so technically we have around 2 and half hours

Riddhima: So?

Vansh: So!! Was wondering why not we do something to kill time (wink)

Riddhima (eyes widened): No need!!! Am going

She tried to get up but in vain. He held her by the waist tingling her. He in a glance pulled her beneath him and was on her top glaring her intense eyes which were on him trying to steal glares but it wasn’t that easy. He snuggled onto her neck and started giving her wet kisses and the moment his rough lips and beard pierced her skin she started moaning his name and this turned him and he was snuggling on her nape and neck, marking her his. He reached her lips and at first gave a peck and then slowly he started kissing her passionately and when he realized she was speaking about another man, he got wild and was kissing her wildly and their tongues were trying to show their dominance but none gave up. Their tongues were exploring their mouths when they felt sort of breathe, they parted and he saw her closing her eyes in anticipation. He licked her earlobe and kissed it creating sensations in her. He kissed her eyes and she opened her eyes to see his love and care for her in his eyes and she kissed him. She kissed passionately as if there isn’t any next moment. Slowly he started undressing her and started marking his marks on her body making her moan in pleasure. He took it slow and was making sure he doesn’t hurt her.

Finally, once their love-making session was done. They lay sweating. She was on his chest tingling her fingers on his bare chest whereas his hand was tickling her bare waist behind her. She was laughing due to the tickling sensational and he was adoring her. Suddenly she realized she’s getting late to reach the hospital and getting rid of his hands, she ran into the washroom while he got onto his clothes and once she was out, he too went to freshen up. She was running late so she decided to skip her breakfast and as soon as she saw him coming out of the washroom

Riddhima: Vansh am late please let’s move

Vansh: Sweetheart first eat something

Riddhima: I’ll check on the canteen but am late and I can’t delay more.

Vansh: Acha Chalo I’ll ask the servants to pack some breakfast so that you can eat on the way.

He was about to go when he stopped in his track and turning around to find her near the dressing drying her hair when he cupped his face on her shoulders and hugged her from behind

Vansh: Is it necessary to go?

Riddhima (confused): What do you mean?

Vansh: Riddhima you fell unwell yesterday and you are running to the hospital now. Is it necessary? Cant, you take a break for a day?

Riddhima (thinking): I know Vansh you are concerned about my health but trust me I need to go to check on myself if my intuition is right or not! What if indeed I am …… I need to give you this good news asap. I cant wait to get it!!

Riddhima: Vansh am fine. And I need to go, I have many appointments lined so …

Vansh: Ok but you need to assure me that you’ll take care of your health.

Riddhima (smiling): Promise.

Vansh: Better I’ll ask the servants to pack breakfast for you. You get ready, I’ll catch you downstairs

Riddhima nodded and got to packing her stuff while he was waiting for her with her breakfast. As soon as she came, they were driving for her hospital while she was having her sandwich licking her fingers now and then trying to lick the mayonnaise. Vansh was adoring the way she was being a kid. Once reached, she was about to get down the car, when he pulled her through her wrist and looking into her eyes and cupping her face,

Vansh: Sweetheart take care of yourself, have lunch, and yea …. (jealousy) be away from that doctor

Riddhima (smirk): Which doctor Vansh?

Vansh: You pretty well know about whom am speaking

Riddhima: Ohh!! That colleague of mine of whom I was discussing in the morning

Vansh: Yes the same doctor because of who’s discussion you were going to be late today (wink). If you still wish to talk about them then am fine, even am eager so that we can have another round of whatever happened in the morning. (smirk)

Riddhima (eyes widened): You …. You are such a shameless person Vansh!

Saying she hit him playfully and was going ahead when she turned to see Vansh about to go and so ran towards his window and gesturing him to let down the window, he was giving a puzzled look when she leaned towards his cheek and placing a kiss she runs towards hospital giving him a wink. Vansh was stunned and then smiled at her gesture and drove back to VR Mansion. Riddhima got back to her work and was going through her patients when she started feeling nausea once again and this reminded her of the test she was to take. She called nurse

Riddhima: Sister, is Dr. Asha available?

Sister: Yes Ma’am, she’s in her cabin

Riddhima: Okay fine I’ll meet her and meanwhile can you please get me one Pregnancy Test Kit!!

Sister nodded and left while Riddhima went to meet Dr. Asha and spoke to her and got her tests done

Dr. Asha: Riddhima most probably you’ll get your reports by tonight or tomorrow morning

Riddhima: Thank you, Dr. Asha, I’ll be waiting for the confirmation call

Bidding her she left for her cabin and there she found the pregnancy kit and she decides to test it and was waiting patiently for the result and she was shocked to see the result and collapsed on her seat with tears

Riddhima: It means am ….. a ….. m …. Am … am no…..now pregnant!! Am pregnant!!! Am pregnant!! (excited) Woahhhhhh!!!! Am pregnant am pregnant am pregnant with Vansh’s child. Am going to be a mother. We are going to be parents!! OMG!!!! This means am carrying the symbol of our love!!!

She was jumping of excitement and was shouting and was having tears of joy. She held her tummy and was caressing it lovingly and was adoring the moments she spent with Vansh and then the future where they’d be a family. She’s going to have a family of hers. Her happiness had no bounds.

Riddhima: My God!!! Thank you, Bappa! Thank you so much. You fulfilled my dreams of the family by sending Vansh and now this baby. You gave all the happiness to me and now I don’t have any more wishes. I need to get the confirmation from the doctor and once that’s done I’ll give this news to Vansh and am sure he’ll jump in excitement. Now am just waiting for the reports!!!

She was waiting impatiently. She was done with her work and was waiting for Vansh and seeing him her eyes glow and there was a broad smile and seeing her thus, he was confused and touched her forehead confusing her

Riddhima (brushing his hands off): Vansh what happened?

Vansh: I need to ask that!! What happened? Why are you behaving weirdly?

Riddhima (thinking): Because am happy that we are going to get the symbol of our love.

Riddhima: Hahaha Funny (sarcasm)

Vansh smiled and drove the car towards the house when Riddhima notices a food truck

Riddhima: Vansh! Stop!!

Vansh (halting the vehicle): What happened Riddhima? You ok?

Riddhima: Vansh I want to eat Noodles

Vansh: Okay I’ll ask the servants to prepare. But why did you ask me to stop the vehicle now? (confused)

Riddhima: Vansh if I wanted homemade then I’d have myself asked the servants. But I don’t want that, I need the roadside. Look, there’s a truck, we’ll eat there, please!!! (making a face)

Vansh: Acha ok Chalo!

They both got there and Riddhima was pouncing on her food and childishly licking her plate and when she saw Vansh wasn’t eating his plate, she grabbed his plate and completed it in seconds while Vansh was trying to understand what just happened and then smiling at childish act he let it go. Once back home they changed and after dinner she was seriously engrossed in her phone waiting for the call but she didn’t receive any and that made her upset. Vansh who saw her upset approached her and taking her into his arms started caressing giving her a head massage

Vansh: Relaxed?

Riddhima with a satisfactory smile nodded

Vansh: Now tell me why were you upset?

Riddhima (thinking): How do I tell you Vansh! Am waiting for the good news of our life but I didn’t yet receive the confirmation yet. Don’t know maybe am supposed to wait till tomorrow. But am unable to!!!

Riddhima: Actually, am supposed to get a call on my patient’s reports so was just waiting for that

Vansh: Riddhima, why do you stress on every matter! It’ll come soon so why worry!! Relax yourself and rest.

Vansh jumped on the bed pulling Riddhima into his arms and he dozed off caressing her. While she was lost in thoughts waiting and thinking of the reports.

Riddhima (thinking): I don’t think sleep is going to come tonight. I just need confirmation. Am desperate to hear the good news. I cant wait any more! I want to share that news with you soon. Cant hide this anymore!!! (making faces)

Vansh turned to the other side in sleep and she was tossing and tossing but sleep seemed to be far away from her and she was checking her phone with hope to receive the news but to her dismay, she didn’t receive any!! She was glaring at Vansh who turned back and was facing her. Making faces she was cursing the time as it was running slow. She was desperately waiting for the sun to bring in new hopes and good news and all this while her glance was on Vansh when a sound broke her thoughts

Vansh: Stop staring at me sweetheart (eyes closed)

Riddhima’s eyes widened in shock and gave him a confused look and then he opened his eyes and her eyes popped in surprise, he smirked

Riddhima: Were you not sleeping? (confused)

Vansh: Sweetheart how can I when you are tossing around?

Riddhima (making a sad face): Am sorry!

Vansh: Riddhima I was kidding. Now tell me what happened? Why aren’t you sleeping?

Riddhima: Not feeling sleepy (making face)

Vansh smiled and without prior intimation, he pulled her into his arms, and cuddling her he whispered

Vansh: Now sleep! I’ll pat and caress you ok!!

Riddhima nodded and laid her head on his chest and his heartbeats she unknowingly dozed off in his arms listening to his heartbeats and he cuddling her. He kissed her cheek when he saw her asleep.

7:30 am

Riddhima woke in a startle and turned around to find Vansh missing and then saw him coming from the washroom.

Vansh: Good Morning Sweetheart (kisses her forehead)

Riddhima: Good Morning (smile)

Vansh brings a bouquet of red roses and forwarding them to her

Vansh:Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves- alone we find it with another. I’ve never been so scared of losing something in my entire life, then again nothing in my life has ever meant as much to me as you do. When I’m with you hours feel like seconds. When we’re apart, days feel like years. Love is like the wind. You can’t see it, but you can feel it. I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had, every day we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours. Happy Valentine’s Day Sweetheart!!!”

Riddhima (blushing): Happy Valentine’s Day Vansh!!

He takes the bouquet and hugs him.

Riddhima (thinking): Vansh if at all I get the confirmation then trust me that’s going to be the best valentine’s day gift I’d be giving. I just hope Dr. Asha calls me asap!!!

They went for breakfast and saw Angre and Ishani proposing to each other and a heartful of a smile crept on everyone’s lips. After breakfast, Angre was checking on the evening party decors and security. Riddhima went to Siya to have a talk about something which was bothering her for 2 days. She saw Sejal and Siya bonding, she had a smile

Sejal: Riddhima!

Siya: Bhabhi come in

Riddhima gets in and they all sit chatting when Riddhima speaks

Riddhima: Siya, I haven’t seen Chachi, Aryan, and chachu! Where are they?

Siya’s expressions changed

Siya: Bhabhi they aren’t our family anymore! Bhai has banished them from business and family for whatever they did (upset)

Sejal: What did they do?

Siya: Chachu was tarnishing bhai’s reputation in the business and has been illegally transferring the office amounts into his account. And bhai got to know that and he was hurt and then anger took over him when he realized Chachi & Aryan tried to kill bhabhi a number of times. He couldn’t take their atrocities anymore so after the press conference he threw them out of business and family too

Riddhima was speechless. She was shocked to learn that he threw his family for her. She ran out all the way in search of him and found him with Angre discussing something and she pounced on him and hugged him tight surprising Vansh and Angre. Angre left when Vansh reciprocated the hug but then he felt his chest wet and realized that she was crying and so tried to break the hug but she resisted and clung to him. He understood that she’s not good so he let her stay and he started caressing her.

Vansh: Sweetheart what happened?

Riddhima: Do you love me so much?

Vansh: Is that a question to ask?

Riddhima: For me, you threw your family?

Vansh understood that she got to know about Aryan and family. He stayed silent and she broke the hug and looking into his eyes, she cupped his face

Riddhima: Why did you do this Vansh? You love your family Vansh then why did you do this!! I know my Vansh can never do this

Vansh: Riddhima they betrayed me and I hate betrayals

Riddhima: Chachu has been doing this for years then when you never gave a thought to that why did you do this now? You always gave a chance to them right because they are family then why not now?

Vansh: Riddhima when chachu was doing all that I didn’t bother because he was backstabbing me, I always wanted to punish them but couldn’t, and then whatever Chachi and Aryan did to you I cant take it. You are precious to me and they are aware yet they tried to hurt you and indirectly betrayed me and I hate betrayals.

Riddhima: But Vansh whatever they did was out of love for family. Can’t you forgive them?

Vansh: Riddhima you are innocent and you want everyone but I cant accept whatever they did. And sweetheart please am not going to change my decision so just forget the topic. I don’t want to discuss about them and I didn’t even want to spoil my mood. Today is Valentine’s day so tell me!!! Tell me what do you want as a gift?

Riddhima: Vansh I love you and you gave me everything. Now I don’t have any wishes so I don’t need anything. Just promise me to stay by me always

Vansh (smiling): I promise Vansh isn’t there without Riddhima.

They hugged each other and engrossed themselves in their love and breaking their moment was a call on Riddhima’s phone. Her eyes popped out in happiness seeing the caller, she excused and went to answer the call

Riddhima (excited): Yes Dr. Asha

Dr. Asha: Dr. Riddhima your reports are here and the result is ….

Riddhima (fingers crossed): …..

Dr. Asha: …. It’s positive …. Riddhima ITS POSITIVE!!! YOU ARE PREGNANT (happily exploding)

Riddhima (happiness tears): … Th…ank y…ou …. Dr. Ash!!! Thank you so much!!!

Dr. Asha: Riddhima I can understand what you are going through. I let you have time with family. We’ll meet later

Riddhima cut the call and was jumping in happiness and she was crying with happiness. She was adoring her tummy and caressed it.

Riddhima (thinking): Vansh you are going to be a father soon. Am going to be a mother. We are going to be parents!! OMG!!! Am the happiest now!!! I need to tell this to Vansh!!

She ran towards the room and found him on call. She was practicing how to reveal and then something strikes her

Riddhima (thinking): This is such a good news and how do I tell him without any hype and surprise. Yes!!! Now I’ll reveal him the news in the evening party and that too I’d surprise him after all its Vansh Rai Singhania’s child there must be some surprise. (excite)

She backed out of room and decided how she should do and went out to get the necessary things and started making arrangements and once done she went to get ready for the party. she adored herself making sure she’s fit for Vansh.

“Drop Dead Gorgeous” she turned around to see Vansh glaring her and she was blushing while he was glancing her as if he got an angel in his life. She was clad in Red bead-embellished strapless gown with a pearl chocker, she was looking ravishing and he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

He approached her and gave her black sack and kissed her forehead.

Vansh: You are breath-taking sweetheart but what is this different glow on your face as if you are on cloud nine? (raising eyebrows)

Riddhima (thinking): This glow is because of the good news am going to share it with you. Even you’ll have this glow on your face soon but till then let it be surprise. And now it’s time for the surprise!!!

Riddhima: Vansh I have a surprise for you on Valentine’s

Vansh: Interesting …… Very Interesting. So, Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania is planning a surprise for me!! So, tell me madam what’s that!

Riddhima: For that you need to do some quest or should I say its like a bit of treasure hunt.

Vansh: Uff!!! So, now I need to do this

Riddhima: Yes Mr. Rai Singhania!! Chalo I’ll give you the first clue and further you’ll reach if you try to. Complete the quest find your surprise and meet me down in the party (wink)

She hugs him and giving a peck on his cheek, she leaves the room and before leaving she leaves a hint for him

Riddhima: Your first clue is in the right-side draw….. All the Best Mr. Husband!!! (flying kiss)

Vansh smiles, and thinks

Vansh: Now the great Vansh Rai Singhania is going for a treasure hunt for his sweetheart (smiles)

He goes towards the draw and finds a note – “What’s the place in our room where you can reach but I cant. Now don’t smirk about my height but find the place”

Vansh (smiles): What else the shower gel rack in washroom for which she always takes my help

He goes into washroom and on the top rack there was another note with a roses and jasmines

Vansh: Who places flowers in washroom!!! And how did she reach to that shelf! Of course, might have used either stool or an ottoman. (smiles) My Tiny Sweetheart

Note – I know you might have thought that who places flowers in washroom then the answer is I’ll place. And coming to your next clue, then, where do you get the fragrance of the flowers in our room? And yes stop referring me tiny”

Vansh (chuckles): My Tiny sweetheart! Ok, coming to the clue. Where do I find this smell in room!! Ummm….. this smell (smells the flowers)!! Gotcha!!! This is the fragrance of my perfume. In that case the next clue is in my closet!!!

He proceeds towards the closet and starts searching the perfume and there he finds a packet with another note

Not bad Mr. Husband, you realised the fragrance of your perfume. Now get to work. That’s a puzzle and solve it you’ll get another clue behind it. Don’t make faces. SOLVE IT!!!”

Vansh was indeed making faces and then smiled at her instinct

Vansh: Sweetheart see what your husband is doing for getting the surprise. Don’t know what you are up to!!!

He sat arranging the puzzle tiles. He was a bit irritated but he was damn sure that if at all he didn’t do this then his sweetheart would kill him so sat doing the puzzle. After the puzzle was done, he saw that it has a message Congratulations”.

Vansh: Congratulations for what? (confused)

He realised he’s suppose to read the message behind the puzzle and so turned it around to find a message –

“Woahh don’t make those confusing faces of why congratulations. Have patience, you’ll get to know soon. And now I’d like to congratulate you. Congratulations Vansh!!! And reason will be known soon. Your next clue is in the draw where you keep your favourite childhood memory. Meet you there!!”

Vansh: She’s confusing me! Why is she congratulating me!!! Uff!! Forget that and about which memory is she speaking off!! My favourite childhood memory is the sweater dadi knit for me when I was a kid. So, is she speaking of that! Let me check the draw

He goes to check the draw and there he finds his favourite sweater and inside the sweater were a pair of kid socks. He checks them confused and then there falls another note from the socks, he picks it –

“So, Mr. Rai Singhania, how are the socks? Do they match with the sweater? I hope you like them! And yea I loved those socks and even you need to you don’t have an option. Now, reach where you’d spend your most of the time in the childhood in the house. You’ll get your next clue there.”

Vansh: This girl has totally turned mad!!! I hope she didn’t listen varna am dead! What am I going to do with these socks! And now I spent my childhood learning piano so maybe my next stop is there!! Chalo lets see!!!

He reaches piano area and on the piano there’s a note –

“What did you just refer me as Mr. Rai Singhania? Am totally mad!!! I see now you’ll get to know what I can do when am mad! But I’ll do that later now concentrate on the quest. And what are you doing here? You are not here to see the piano. It doesn’t play itself you need to play it. Now play the music you first learned on the piano. And yea after its done, you’ll get a slight clue on the key’s you need to identify it and search the other clue.”

Vansh: OMG was she listening when I referred her as mad! Am done!! and now she wants me to play that old tune… am not even sure if I remember. Chalo I’ll try.

He starts playing the tune with closed eyes and gets engrossed in that and it soothes his soul and when done he feels relaxed and then he realizes he’s supposed to identify some clue and starts searching when he finds a kid finger sticker on one of the key

Vansh: What’s this sticker! It wasn’t here few minutes back then how come it’s here suddenly…… Got it!! She might have took advantage of me closing eyes and stick this sticker here but what does she want to convey?

He observes it keenly and find that it’s a sticker of a baby finger pointing towards the shelf behind piano. He reaches there to find a note on his childhood pic, he smiles as that pic reminded his childhood

Note – “Emotional? Aww!!! It might have definitely reminded of your childhood. Am sorry you had to roam all around the house this way. Aren’t you hungry? I know you are. So, go to the kitchen and there you’ll get your favourite chocolate cake in the oven. Have it!!! Then I’ll give another clue!!!…….. What are you waiting for? RUN!!!”

Vansh: Indeed, this tune and pic reminded me of my childhood sweetheart!! How did you know am hungry! Am going to gulp that chocolate go in a bite now. Am coming cake!!!

He went towards the kitchen to find the yummy cake in oven. He took it out and started having it with the spoon which he found near the oven. As soon as he took a bite he could feel the cake melting on his tongue and he felt heavenly. After that he found another piece of cake in the oven and was about to eat when he saw a note on it – Don’t eat me!!! Cut me”

Vansh: Isn’t cake to eat! Don’t know what she is up to! Let me cut and see..

He cut the cake to find the fillings as blue and pink (strawberry and blueberry) and then there was a note wrapped in a plastic cover. He took the note

Vansh: What the hell!! Thank god I didn’t eat. Who fills cake with pink and blue with chocolate covering!! Indeed, she turned insane! And what’s this note and who keeps it in a cake! What if someone ate it!!! Now let me read this

“Hold on Mr. Rai Singhania! You once again called me either insane or mad right!!! You are such a spoilsport! Am giving you, a great surprise and you aren’t even praising my work! Anyways I know you wont like this combination of cake isliye asked you not to eat it. And yea you ate the cake but did you see beneath the spoon? I know you haven’t!!! Now stop bad mouthing me and do that”

Vansh: Did she insert any microphone in me? Varna how is she aware what am thinking!! I need to ask forgiveness when I meet her varna I can forget my life!!! And now where is the spoon and what does it have!

He gets the spoon beside the oven on the plate and then he turns it around to find something written on it and when he observes clearly – “Back”.

Vansh: Now what’s this back! Obviously, she’s asking me to turn back!

He turns back and starts searching and then in a shelf he finds a shirt wrapped in a cover

Vansh: Who keeps shirt in a kitchen shelf and that too a kid shirt! Riddhima why are you buying kid’s short for your dashing husband!!! Anyways let me check it!!

He unwraps the cover and was about to open the shirt when he finds a note fallen down. He keeps the shirt aside and taking the note he reads –

“So, you have reached the final stage of surprise and yet you couldn’t even get any idea what I was up to. Didn’t expect this from you Vansh! You upset me! Anyways I better clearly tell you what’s the surprise! Go to the same place where this quest started i.e., where you first found the roses & jasmines. Isse zyada I cant give any clue. GO FAST!!!”

Vansh: Thank god finally!!! Finally, she gave me the last clue! By the way how can she expect me to understand her surprise. She didn’t give me any such clue to understand it. Anyways let me see

He once again rushes to the washroom and he slides his hand further in the shelf to find a gift wrapped. He started unwrapping it and then he found a note and a paper wrapped on something, he decided to read the note first

“As guessed, you want to read the note!! Tch….. Tch …. Now first see the thing that’s wrapped in the paper and then read the paper before further reading the note… Go!! Read and come!! …..

He was about to continue reading when the next line came shocker

….. Didn’t I ask you to see the wrapped thing and then the paper before reading the note further?? Wont you ever listen??? You call me stubborn but you are more stubborn!! Now do the said thing before reading this further! GO!!!

Vansh: What the heck!!! How did she know I was about to read further! Anyways now I better check the paper before she kill me

He unwraps the paper and there he finds it…… a pregnancy kit which he in the beginning didn’t understand and then when he understood what it is his eyes widened in shock and then he saw the result in it! It had 2 stripes and that meant its positive he was unable to believe and then he grabs the paper and reads it – its her pregnancy report – Its POSITIVE!!! He couldn’t believe his eyes – It reads Congratulations Mrs. Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania. Its to inform you that your samples have been tested POSITIVE.”

He was unable to believe his eyes. He was stunned. He was happy!! He wanted to shout on top of the world but then he realised he’s supposed to read the note further –

“….. Hahahah Happy? Excited??? Anxious??? You know what when I got to know this even I had the same feeling! In fact, I had an instinct about this when yesterday I was feeling nausea in the morning, so gave sample for testing and then when I test myself I realised am Pregnant and my happiness had no bounds. I wanted to share this with you last night but then was waiting for confirmation so couldn’t do this. And in the morning when I got the reports I couldn’t handle myself and ran to tell you but then I felt it’s the baby of Mr & Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania so how come I give you this news in such a simple way. So, here we gooo the best news of our lives. The symbol of our love is growing Vansh!!

Acha now stop crying and wipe your tears. And … and did you see the shirt which I presented in kitchen? You might have thrown that and right in enthusiasm! Now go and see what it has! And later do meet me…. Am waiting. I Love You. Happy Valentine’s day!!!”

Vansh was dumb struck!!! He couldn’t hold himself. He ran back to the kitchen and found the shirt and when opened it’s a onesie and it had a message “Papa am coming”. Vansh had tears by now and he was crying happy tears and kissing the onesie and now he got a clear picture of all the quest – “Congratulations on puzzle was for the good news; socks for the upcoming person and his sweater is going to be worn by his kid; and the little finger on the piano to indicate him about how his kid is going to poke him all the while whenever he’d be working on anything; and his childhood image was indicating that he is going to live his childhood once gain in the form of his kid; and the blue & pink in the cake was about the arrival of either a girl or a boy!!!”

Vansh (excited) (happy): OMG!! OMG!!! Am going to be a father! We are going to be parents! Riddhima was trying to tell me this wonderful news in the form of clues and me being a dumbass couldn’t even figure out!! How do I react!! …. Riddhima!! I need to meet her!

He ran towards the celebrations in the pool area where his eyes fell on Riddhima who stood in the corner speaking with Siya. He ran towards her and in a go and lift her up shocking her as she didn’t notice his arrival and he lifting her in air was something she didn’t expect. He lift her in his arms and was twirling her in happiness and their eyes spoke much more than they wanted. Both were having tears of happiness and bringing her and he helped her land safely and then hugged her tight and kissing her crown. They were engrossed in celebrating this moment that they forgot that whole family and friends presence. She kissed his forehead and then taking his hand she kept it on her tummy and he was crying out of happiness. And their this moment was disturbed and bought them back to reality of the presence of family and friends.

Siya (teasing) (they didn’t know the news yet): Ahem, ahem Ishani seems like bhai in his love forgot that even we are here

Ishani (giggles): Exactly Siya! After Riddhima’s arrival in his life, he forgot that we even exist

Dadi: Stop taunting my kids. They love each other and are expressing it what’s a big thing!!

Vansh and Riddhima were happy and blushing for engrossing themselves in such a way that they totally forgot the presence of others too. He side hugged her and gave her a look which she understood and nodded. They hand in hand walked towards dadi to take her blessings which she gave and then Vansh spoke

Vansh: Dadi, actually you are going to receive promotion…

Ishani: Promotion? (confused)

Vansh: You’ll understand if you’ll listen to what I want to say

Vansh: Actually, not only dadi, in fact, we all are going to get promotions

Siya: Bhai why are beating around the bush?

Vansh (laugh): Because am not able to form sentences of how do I tell!!!

Angre: Boss is that you!! I mean the great Vansh Rai Singhania who was always ready to face any situation of life and handle it is unable to say something!!! What’s the matter bhai? (teasing)

Vansh: Angre!!!!

Riddhima: Vansh!!!

Vansh: Acha ok!!! I’ll tell. (taking a long breath) Dadi you are going to be par dadi!!!

Ishani: Ha that was long back bhai (casual)

Dadi (happy) (understanding): OMG!!! Seriously!!! I just cant believe!!!

Siya: Dadi what happened? We are confused

Dadi: But I understood.

Riddhima & Vansh were happy and they once again took her blessings while everyone was glaring them in confusion. She hugged both and then turning around

Dadi: Children, Vansh was telling that they are going to be parents. Riddhima is pregnant

Ishani (excited): OMG!! Bhai & Riddhima am so happy!! Finally, my kid is going to get his/her sibling!!! Congrats bhai & Riddhima (hugs them)

Siya (hugs): OMG Bhai, bhabhi am going to be a bua!! I cant believe this! Am so happy for you both. Congratulations (hugs them)

Angre: Boss, Bhabhi am so happy for your new beginning. Congratulations (hugs them)

Sejal: OMG Riddhima am going to be an aunt!! This is the best news I ever got. Am so happpyyyy (she pounced on them to hug)

After everyone congratulated, they spent the evening celebrating Valentine’s and the Good News! Once back to their respective rooms, Riddhima changed and when she came out she was caged in strong arms and the person was snuggling on her neck. She smiled and laying her head behind on his chest, she felt relaxed.

Vansh: Thank you so much Riddhima for coming into my life and changing it for good. I never thought I could be someone I am now! You changed the rock arrogant rude Vansh Rai Singhania to a family man Vansh who loves you to the core and now you gave me the most happiest news of my life! Cant define how happy I am!!! This life isn’t without you and for you I can sacrifice anything! I Love You Sweetheart

Riddhima: You changed an orphan weak Riddhima to a strong Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania. You gave me a family Vansh! You gave me that family which loves me. If at all I didn’t meet you then maybe I could have been an orphan maybe whole life. I couldn’t have got a life partner like you who would love me and now!! Now I got the happiest news of life that am carrying the symbol of our love and now am going to have a family of mine. Thank you so much Vansh! Thank you. I Love you Vansh!!!

They hugged each other engrossing & capturing the moment in their hearts celebrating the arrival of the new member between them who’s going to bind them together and increase the love between them. He took her to the bed and cuddling each other, they both drifted into slumber reminiscing their moments of past, present and thinking of the future where someday in near future there’ll be another person who’d cuddle them, who’d double their happiness, who’d be the result of their love, who’d be either be like the over protective & possessive Vansh or caring, loving Riddhima.


!!! THE END!!!

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