#RIANSH – LOVE, BETRAYAL & TRUST – Chapter 5 – Dejected!!

The Episode Starts with….

Vansh stared at those eyes of his family which had many questions & confusions. Vansh turned towards Riddhima who was beside him and staring him in disbelief, hate, hurt, broken, dejected expressions. Tears rolled down her eyes. She never expected Vansh to hurt her love, her emotions and accuse her. Seeing him do this and then telling it to be his plan broke her apart.

Vansh: Riddhima Ahana was double crossing me and was with Kabir and I had to save you so I had to do all this am sorry! Actually, Ahana is doctor of Ragini and she helped me in getting Ragini treated secretly away from world and for that she asked me for a promise and at that moment Ragini’s life was important so I couldn’t deny her and without thinking anything I assured her that whatever she asks for I’ll give and later what she demand was to be Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania. And I had to do all this as I realised she’s with Kabir and is pretending to be with me and is double crossing me. Kabir wanted revenge from you for arrest of Anupriya so to save you I had no option than doing this to save you.

Riddhima: Seriously Vansh! Do you think you’ll ask forgiveness and I’ll forgive you as if nothing ever happened? Your family, including you whom I felt loved me has snatched everything from me. You snatched my identity, my love. Your family whom I considered as mine ill – treated me for what I didn’t do and today I learn that it was all your plan and you expect me to forgive you! Today I lost everything, your love, my identity, family, relations, trust, everything, what I have or received is betrayal, hatred, dejected, broken heart. This family doesn’t value emotions. Your this family doesn’t me Vansh! You deserve someone who’s like you people who aren’t worried or care for anyone; who’s cold hearted; who’s cunning; who’s selfish. But am sorry Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania, this Riddhima isn’t fit here. Your family doesn’t deserve me. Till today what all happened and which I ignored prove me that neither the family nor you deserve me and am glad at least now I could see the reality. I could see how a person can be put into dark and how the persons feelings are used against them to fool them around. All these days I was fooled and I believed everything everyone said. Isn’t this because I think with my heart Vansh! My heart is my weakness and from today this heart would stop responding to anything. From today this Riddhima will start thinking with brain. You snatched my identity, so from today I’ll be living with new identity, I don’t need your name to have an identity. I had an identity before coming here too so now that’s going to be my identity. The Riddhima who loved you is dead!! The Riddhima who considered this family as hers is dead! The Riddhima who was asked to prove her love and loyalty is dead! The Riddhima who used her heart to think is dead! The Riddhima who had dreams is dead! The Riddhima who was a pawn for one person and a game for one is dead!! Mrs. Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania is DEAD!!!! (broken with tears rolling)

Saying so she left towards her room and was packing her stuff leaving family and Vansh broken. Neither of them reacted as they all her culprits. They who were now aware of all that happened, now realised how they hurt her and are sorry. They realised they are far more late and this led them to Riddhima breaking her ties with Vansh and his family. Vansh collapsed thinking of her words. Every word she spoke had the pain she went through every second in this house. She was broke and the reason was Vansh! That Vansh who once vowed to protect her is the reason for her tears. He could sense the pain behind those tears, those words and her reaction. He though felt that she’d be hurt after revelation, he never ever imagines something sought this would happen. He never imagined her to leave him. The thought that she’s leaving him was petrifying. He was lost in his thoughts while dadi felt sorry for not understanding her grand daughter and accusing her of something she never did. Dadi realized she hurt her and is one of the culprit to break her heart. Ishani was confused as she never thought Riddhima to do all this for her and her baby. She dragged Angre into the room

Angre: Ishani what’s this! Boss needs me there! He’s broke

Ishani: Angre please (request tone)

Angre: Ishani you ok? Shall I call doctor? Is our baby ok!! You are scaring me

Ishani: Angre was what all bhai said true (worried)

Angre: Yes Ishani whatever bhai said about bhabhi is cent percent true. And am witness for this. And I know you wont believe until you see the proof as you are Vansh Rai Singhania’s sister so here you go

He hands over his phone with all the recordings to prove Riddhima innocent

Angre: The first video shows how chachi and Aryan tried to hurt bhabhi and have hid her in car trunk (dickey) because of which you assumed her to follow bhai but truth was she was not doing it intentionally. There are many cameras which captured Aryan and chachi hurting bhabhi many times even during Ravan Dahan

Angre: The second video shows you bhabhi expressing her love for bhai in front of Kabir in the park

Angre: The third video shows Siya being attacked by Anupriya near the entrance of the mansion

Angre: Next video shows Bhabhi’s broken state in her room after bhai fell down the cliff

Angre: The next video shows bhabhi accepting why she allowed Kabir into the house as it was one of the boss’s wish to find and accept his half brother

Angre: The next video shows bhabhi finding Anupriya and Kabir’s truth and where they were trying to kill her and even blackmailed her in your name because of which she rushed to save you and you misunderstood her

Angre: The next videos show Kabir emotionally hurting her and blackmailing her

Angre: The next video shows Kabir giving her deadline to accept his marriage proposal varna he’ll hurt you, our baby, dadi or Siya

Angre: The next video shows bhabhi begging for forgiveness in front of Kabir to save you all. To save our family

Angre: The next video shows dadi asking bhabhi if she’s ready to marry Kabir and she staring at Kabir who has a knife in his hand behind your back

Angre: The next video shows the clip from our backyard where bhabhi compelled Kabir to destroy all the proof’s and false allegations levied on bhai.

Angre: The next video shows bhabhi in the mandap with Kabir for marriage and if you clearly observe behind the smoke you’ll find bhabhi trying to take poison as she can’t even imagine anyone to take bhai’s place in her life

Angre: The next video shows bhabhi trying to revive Siya and Anupriya trying to hurt her

Angre: Are they enough to prove bhabhi innocent or need any more?

Ishani by now collapsed on floor and was weeping inconsolably. Angre couldn’t see the strong, rebel Ishani in this state, he hugged to calm her and she found solace in his arms.

Ishani: I always blamed and hated her as I felt she didn’t suit to be here. She didn’t fit to be the daughter – in – law of Rai Singhania’s. she didn’t deserve to be bhai’s wife Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania. But today I learn that she sacrificed herself just because she felt us to be her family. She took bullet for bhai, she bent in front of Anupriya and Kabir to save me and my child. She agreed to Kabir’s sayings and accepted his marriage proposal to save us. She loved bhai. She loved us. She was doing all that she could to protect this family including me, who always ill – treated her and disrespected her. I don’t deserve her love and care. I don’t deserve such pure heart. Today I’ll declare that she’s the only girl who’s fit to be bhai’s wife Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania and the daughter – in – law of Rai Singhania’s. (crying)

Angre: Ishani control yourself. You weren’t aware of truth so stop blaming yourself. You learned your mistake and there’s nothing much important or valid than this. We all need to apologise to bhabhi.

Ishani: You are right Angre. I am the one who’s supposed to do that before anyone. I hurt her since beginning and my apologise have no end.

They both went into the living room where they found everyone upset and sad whereas there were 2 who were angry and frustrated to see their plan failing and they were Kabir and Ahana. They were irked and stood as mannequin and observing the ongoing drama. Vansh was seen on floor not being able to handle Riddhima’s wrath.

Vansh: I can’t sit idle; I need to check my Riddhima

He stood and was about to go when he stopped in his way and took a step back in disbelief and broken state. His this action made everyone worried and they looked in the direction his eyes were and to their utter shock even they stepped back in shock. Riddhima was descending the stairs with her luggage with blank expression with tears flowing down her cheeks. Vansh couldn’t hold himself, Angre rushed to handle him while Ishani went to dadi to give her support. Kabir and Ahana had an evil smirk on their faces while Aryan and Chancal stood with no expression as they were least bothered. Vansh rushed towards Riddhima

Vansh (worried): Ri… Rid…. Riddhima where are you going?

Riddhima didn’t utter a word and was stepping down. Vansh tried to speak to her and was even blocking her way but she made her way to descend the stairs. Vansh held her wrist stopping her

Vansh: Riddhima please, please don’t leave me. I can’t live without you. Your Vansh will die without you. Please don’t leave me. I accept all my mistakes. I accept what I did was wrong. I was not what I am now. Your arrival in my life changed me into a better person. If you leave I’ll be shattered into pieces. Please don’t do this to me. I was a rock person and an emotionless person but your entry made me a person everyone wanted me to be. I can’t even think of a moment without you by my side. I know I shouldn’t have hurt you such extent but trust me I was helpless. I wanted to protect you. I had only this way to save you from them. I thought of informing you but then have observed that they have eyes on us and if I reveal then your life would have been in risk which I can never ever do. I know am the reason or your tears, for your pain, for your heartbreak but trust me one last time, I’ll treat all your wounds and fill your life with all the happiness you deserve and much more than that. I’ll never let any sadness or sorrow to touch your shadow too. but if you leave then this Vansh of yours will die. I can’t even breathe without you. Please Riddhima please don’t go leaving me! I need you to survive. I’ll accept any punishment of yours but not this separation. (crying)

Riddhima seemed unaffected by all his apologies and requests. She stared towards the exit blankly and was trying to get rid of her hand which was held by Vansh. She didn’t even turn around to see his state. She glued her eyes on the exit and getting rid of her hand she was walking towards the door when was stopped by Ishani

Ishani: Riddhima please don’t leave and go. This house will be shattered without you. I accept all my mistakes. I always misunderstood you. Am sorry for whatever I did but please don’t go this way. Bhai will be broken. We all accept whatever we did with you was all our fault and we all deserve your wrath; we are even ready to face it. Please Riddhima don’t leave us we may never be able to face ourselves once again for whatever we did.

Riddhima seemed unaffected and started going towards the door when finally, dadi stopped her

Dadi: Riddhima beta even am your culprit, I shouldn’t have hurt you. I just believed whatever Vansh and Ishani told me and didn’t even think before taking any decision though I felt none can take your place in my Vansh’s life I never expressed it in these past days. Am sorry for that. You are great you have pure heart; we all would like to seek your forgiveness. Please forgive us for one last time. This house and the family is incomplete without you. Can’t you once forgive this family of yours!

Riddhima (finally spoke): Dadi I respect you and so I’d like to inform you that this isn’t my family, I don’t belong here. Am an unknown person and this family doesn’t deserve me or my presence. I was here against my self-respect for 2 reasons – one is that Siya was getting well and she wanted me by her side and the other is I wanted to prove myself which now I learn that isn’t needed. So, on what basis should I stay back?

Vansh: Riddhima you are my life, my everything. You are my wife. You don’t need any right to stay back. You have all rights

Riddhima didn’t utter a word and stepped out of the house followed by Vansh and family trying to stop her. She was leaving when Vansh blocked her way making it difficult for her to proceed further.

Vansh: Riddhima I wont let you leave me and go. Please don’t leave me. I wont be able to cope with your absence. You are my wife and with that right I wont let you leave this house and me. You are my Riddhima. You are Mrs. Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania, so you cant leave this house. Please!!! You accept it as request, order or demand but truth is you are my strength, weakness, my everything, which I cant let to lose (tears)

Riddhima (smirk): Mrs. Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania! Who’s that? I never heard her name! Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania if you forgot let me remind you that its you and your family who snatched this identity from me and so now am just Riddhima. Am neither your wife, nor someone’s bhabhi nor am someone’s granddaughter or daughter – in – law. All my identities have been snatched from me and been handed to someone whom you felt is deserved (eying Ahana). So, on what basis shall I stay back? You only know how to command and supress a person, you can never understand a person’s feelings. As my rights have been snatched, I cant live in an unknown place among unknown people.

She was about to leave when

Angre: Bhabhi please don’t leave; this house is made by your presence. If you leave everything will be shattered and boss cant live. I have seen his love, care, concern and affection for you all these days. He was always desperate to protect you and family and for that he was prepared to sacrifice himself in the process of saving you. Please bhabhi don’t hurt bhai for the mistakes the family has done. he was just trying to protect you. His intention wasn’t to hurt you, he was trying to save you and family from Kabir and Anupriya. There were days when he used to accuse himself for whatever you were going through and even he went through the same pain as you. I have seen him breaking whenever he was hurting you, the words which he was using for you was piercing his heart. He was dying every moment away from you and in the process of saving you he was forced to hurt you and leave you and that wasn’t anything less than a hell for him. Bhabhi trust me bhai love you more than anyone can ever expect. What all he did was just to protect you and he had no other intention. He can not even expect to hurt you in his worst dreams. But if you leave him today, he’ll be broken, he’ll be shattered. I have seen boss before your arrival and after your arrival but if you leave he’ll be into depression and none among us can take care of him. Its only you who can handle him and love him none can ever do that. Please consider our apologies and stay back.

Riddhima: Angre may be your boss have gone through pain but that doesn’t mean I can compromise on my self – respect. I cant live in a house where I have no respect. I cant live in an unknown place among unknown people. I have no identity in this house. Am not your bhabhi anymore so it’d be better if you stop calling me so. Am just Riddhima and your bhabhi is someone else. I better leave now.

She crossed him and left towards the gate but was once again stopped by Vansh who held her wrist and when she turned around, she saw him gesturing her not to go with his moist eyes. Seeing his state Riddhima felt a piercing in her state, but she got rid of her hand while Vansh was clinging on her as a kid. She got rid of his hand and left towards the gate even when everyone tried to stop. Suddenly she stopped in her path when she heard a cry

“Bhai!!!”. She turned around to find Vansh on ground collapsed and everyone rushed towards him. She couldn’t see his condition and ran towards him when he stared at her with hope in his eyes. His eyes reminded her of all that happened and she once again stopped in her path and giving him a blank look took a step behind and turning around she rushed out of the house without even giving a glance towards the family members or her Vansh. She took a cab and departed from their sight. But what she wasn’t aware was Vansh was running behind her as a dejected lover and was constantly shouting her name which she couldn’t hear. After a while he lost her track and collapsed on the middle of the road dejected, broke and shouting

Vansh (shouting on top of his voice): RIDDHIMAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Every passer-by could feel his pain, they felt he is some dejected lover who lost his girlfriend or an obsessed lover who was ditched by his girlfriend. He was constantly taking his name and crying badly. But the stares disturbed him and he stood with difficulty and was walking around absentmindedly reminiscing their moments, her outburst, his doings, the pain he gave her, the way she left. He didn’t realize a vehicle proceeding in his direction, he wasn’t aware of that. Suddenly he felt someone dragging him and saw the vehicle moving swiftly. He turned around to thank the person but seeing that person he was shocked

Vansh: You!! How are you here!!

Angre: Boss I was following you as you left in such condition. I was forced to follow you as I cant leave you in that way.

Vansh hugged him and was weeping inconsolably.

Vansh: She left me Angre! She left me!!! I hurt her. I gave her pain. I broke her. I snatched her identity. And now she left me because of me!

Angre: Boss relax. We shall find her and convince her to return and am sure she’ll return soon. She’s hurt so she needs some time to compose herself. We did all that we could to save her now we shall do all that we could do seek her forgiveness and bring her back home. Now you need to come with me home everyone is worried for you. First of all, bhabhi left in a hustle and you followed her leaving everyone worried. Lets go. We’ll set everything right. We’ll search bhabhi

He convinces Vansh and takes him towards car and making him take his seat in the passenger car, he adjusts his seat belt and moving towards driving seat he drives back to VR Mansion. All this while Vansh was staring at road blankly as if he lost his everything in a go. He was reminiscing his memories with Riddhima. As soon as they reached VR Mansion, Vansh barged into the house when Ahana hugged him forcibly

Ahana: Vansh where were you! I was worried for your safety! Thank god you are safe. God has answered my prayers (shedding crocodile tears)

Vansh gave her an angry look and before he could say or get rid of her hug, someone else did that for him. The person dragged Ahana from Vansh and gave a tight slap on her face shocking Vansh and Ahana.

Ahana (fuming): How dare you!!! You touched Mrs. Vansh Rai Si….

“Shut up!!!!” You aren’t Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania, only one person is eligible for that identity and that is Riddhima. She is Mrs. Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania.

Ahana (angry): Have you gone mad Ishani!!!

Yes the person was none other than Ishani

Ishani: I was mad in my arrogance that I forgot what’s right and what’s not. But today after seeing the truth I cant deny the fact that I always misunderstood her and ill – treated her. But not now! Now am with her and I wont let anyone take her place in this house, in our lives and most importantly in Bhai’s life. (sobbing)

She stared at Vansh with apologies in her eyes. But he didn’t react and left into his room without turning around. He barged into his room and finding Riddhima’s saree on the couch he collapsed on the ground and was hugging and crying inconsolably, frequently apologising. He didn’t realise when he dozed off in her memories. When he woke up after a while, he realised that its late night and he held Riddhima’s saree tight in his fist and kissing it

Vansh: Riddhima every inch of this room is reminding me of you. I accept I hurt you but don’t I deserve a chance? This saree still has your fragrance and its reminding me of the time we spent together. I miss you sweetheart! I miss you!!! Please return back. I need you! (crying)

After many attempts of calling on her number, he received no answer, he felt dejected. He was trying to track her phone but he sensed that she deleted the app. He was gradually being filled with rage. He threw the saree in his hand on floor and rushed into the living room and shouted to grab everyone’s attention and asked them to assemble in the living room asap. When everyone assembled, all were worried to see Vansh’s state. He was lost in himself. He was not the Vansh they knew. This Vansh was of Riddhima’s. This Vansh was crying for his Riddhima. This Vansh was heartbroken in the memories of his Riddhima.

Ishani (worried): Bhai are you ok!

Dadi: Vansh beta just look at yourself! Your state is worse

Vansh (smirk): Dadi, this state is because of my actions. I deserve this but am Vansh Rai Singhania and I can rewrite my fate. Now I have decided that if she left then that’s her grave mistake for which she’ll repent soon. And I want to show her what I can do! I have decided to organize a press meet to announce an important update of Mr & Mrs Vansh Rai Singhania

Ishani (happy): Bhai that’s great idea, I’ll myself go and invite Riddhima

Dadi (happy): Even I’ll join you Ishani

Angre: Bhai I’ll make all the arrangements (happy)

Ahana and Kabir were fuming in anger observing their plan being foiled.

Vansh: You guys didn’t listen what I said.

Angre: What do you mean boss!

Vansh: Am speaking of announcement of Mr & Mrs Ahana Vansh Rai Singhania!!!

Ahana and Kabir were shocked and were smirking while all others were literally shocked of hell!!!!

I hope you like it!!! Am working on further story and will post soon! As said earlier, some parts are same as that in IMMJ2 but still I tried to give some different touch to the story! I Hope I didn’t disappoint anyone! Am open to suggestions on any part.

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